
Weekly GitHub Explore|From LLMs to Game Engines Ten open source projects to help you navigate the world of development

author:Brother Cheng looks at open source
In this issue, we bring you a selection of 10 open source projects, covering game development, personal data management, LLM integration, business applications, front-end development frameworks, and more. These projects will help you improve your development efficiency and unlock more possibilities.



Stars as of press time: 7372 (added in the past week: 384)

仓库语言: JavaScript

Repository open source protocol: Other


GDevelop is an open-source, cross-platform game engine designed to be easy for everyone to use. It can help develop mobile, desktop, and web games. GDevelop is fast and easy to use: The game logic is built on an intuitive and powerful event-driven system.

Description of the warehouse

GDevelop consists of the following main modules:

  • Core: The GDevelop core library, which contains common tools for implementing IDEs and working with GDevelop games.
  • GDJS: A game engine written in PixiJS (WebGL) to support all GDevelop games.
  • GDevelop.js:将 Core、GDJS 和 Extensions 绑定到 JavaScript(使用 WebAssembly),由 IDE 使用。
  • newIDE:游戏编辑器,使用 JavaScript、React、Electron 和 PixiJS 编写。
  • Extensions: Game engine extensions that provide objects, behaviors, events, and new features.


Examples of games made with GDevelop:

  • [Dead Cells]
  • [Hyper Light Drifter]
  • [Hotline Miami]

Objective evaluation or analysis

Key benefits of GDevelop include:

  • No-code: No programming experience required to create games.
  • Cross-platform: Mobile, desktop, and web platforms are supported.
  • Easy to use: An intuitive event-driven system makes game development simple.
  • Community support: An active community provides support and resources.

Suggestions for use

Beginners and experienced game developers Individuals or teams looking to quickly develop 2D and 3D games Game developers looking for cross-platform compatibility


GDevelop is a full-featured and easy-to-use game engine that is perfect for game developers of all skill levels. It provides powerful tools and resources that make it easy for users to create cross-platform games.

2. Eidos: Personal Data Management Framework

Weekly GitHub Explore|From LLMs to Game Engines Ten open source projects to help you navigate the world of development


Stars as of press time: 1216 (added in the past week:553)

仓库语言: TypeScript

仓库开源协议:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Eidos is an extensible framework for managing your life's worth of personal data in one place, while supporting AI capabilities and developer friendliness.

Project role

Offline support: Access data without an internet connection AI capabilities: Deep integration with LLMs to provide AI-powered functionality Scalability: Customize Eidos to your needs

Description of the warehouse

使用 TypeScript 编写,采用 GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 许可 超过 500 颗星,本周增加了 553 颗星 贡献者:Mayneyao

Objective evaluation or analysis

Eidos offers an innovative and powerful solution for personal data management by providing offline access, AI integration, and customizability. Its open-source nature and active community make it an invaluable resource for anyone seeking control over their personal data.

Suggestions for use

Serve as a central hub for the storage and management of personal data Enhance workflows with AI capabilities Scale and customize to meet specific needs


Eidos is a powerful personal data management tool that combines offline access, AI integration, and customizability. It provides a valuable option for those looking for an innovative and open-source solution in the field of personal data management.

3.LiteLLM:统一访问众多 LLM API 的 Python 包

Weekly GitHub Explore|From LLMs to Game Engines Ten open source projects to help you navigate the world of development


Stars as of press time: 10143 (added in the past week:222)

Repository language: Python

Repository open source protocol: Other


LiteLLM is a Python package that uses the OpenAI format and gives you access to a range of LLM APIs, including Bedrock, Azure, OpenAI, Cohere, and more.

Project role

LiteLLM uses routers to load balance across multiple deployments. It also provides a set of predefined callbacks for sending data to logging, cost tracking, and rate limiting services.

Description of the warehouse

该仓库包含 LiteLLM Python 包、文档和示例代码。


LiteLLM has been used in a variety of applications, including chatbots, digest generation, as well as code generation.

Objective evaluation or analysis

LiteLLM has been praised by users for its ease of use, flexibility, and large-scale API support. It is considered one of the go-to tools for developers and data scientists to use LLMs.

Suggestions for use

  • Use LiteLLM to access APIs from LLM providers such as OpenAI, Azure, Cohere, and more
  • Take advantage of LiteLLM's router and retry capabilities to improve application reliability
  • Integrate logging, cost tracking, and rate limiting services into your application with LiteLLM's callback integration


LiteLLM is a powerful and easy-to-use Python package that simplifies access to numerous LLM APIs. It offers a number of features, such as consistent outputs, routers, and predefined callbacks, making it an invaluable tool for developers and data scientists working with LLMs.

4. Odoo: Open Source Business Application Suite


Stars as of press time: 35973 (added in the past week:206)

Repository language: Python

Repository open source protocol: Other


Odoo is a web-based, open-source suite of business applications that supports business growth.

Project role

Developed in Python, Odoo is modular and highly customizable, allowing businesses to configure and scale to meet their specific needs.

Description of the warehouse

Odoo's GitHub repository contains source code, documentation, and community contributions. The project has over 35,000 stars, indicating how popular it is in the open-source community.


Odoo has been adopted by a wide range of businesses, including Toyota, Danone, and Decathlon. Its success stories demonstrate its ability to meet a variety of industries and business needs.

Objective evaluation or analysis

Odoo's strengths lie in its modularity, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. It provides a one-stop platform that caters to the multiple business needs of businesses, streamlining processes and improving efficiency.

Suggestions for use

Odoo is for businesses that want to integrate their business processes and are looking for an open-source solution. It's easy to set up and use, and comes with extensive documentation and support resources.


Odoo is a powerful suite of open-source business applications that provides a comprehensive solution for businesses. Its modular architecture, scalability, and cost-effectiveness make it a business tool worth considering.

5.shadcn-vue:面向 Vue 的 shadcn UI 移植版

Weekly GitHub Explore|From LLMs to Game Engines Ten open source projects to help you navigate the world of development


Number of stars as of press time: 3503 (added in the past week:76)

Repository language: Vue

仓库开源协议:MIT License


shadcn-vue is a port of Vue that is not officially licensed by shadcn and aims to provide easily accessible and customizable components for the Vue ecosystem.

Description of the warehouse

shadcn-vue is a Vue port that is not officially authorized by shadcn and is dedicated to providing easily accessible and customizable components to the Vue ecosystem.

Objective evaluation or analysis

shadcn-vue 受益于 Shadcn UI、Shadcn Svelte、Radix Vue 和 VueUse 等开源项目。

Suggestions for use

It can be used to build your own component library, providing free and open source components.


shadcn-vue is an invaluable resource for Vue developers, providing components that can be copied and pasted into applications, making it easier to build and design.

6. Powerful security assessment tools


Stars as of press time: 9886 (added in the past week:31)

Repository language: Vue

Repository open source protocol: Other


The purpose of this article is to take a deep dive into xray, a full-featured security assessment tool that identifies common web security issues and supports custom POCs.

Project role

Xray uses techniques such as semantic analysis, error/Boolean injection, and disconnection platforms to detect a variety of vulnerabilities, including XSS, SQL injection, command injection, and more. It also provides a POC management module that allows users to create and run custom POCs to detect emerging vulnerabilities.

Description of the warehouse

The Xray repository contains:

  • Xray, a tool for scanning and POC execution
  • A repository of POCs from which the storage community contributes POCs
  • Fingerprinting scripts, which are used to identify the techniques used by web targets
  • Detailed documentation and tutorials to guide users through Xray's features


Xray has been widely used to detect and fix a variety of web security vulnerabilities. For example, it is used to detect vulnerabilities in frameworks such as Struts2, ThinkPHP, and Weblogic.

Objective evaluation or analysis

Xray is a powerful security assessment tool that offers the following benefits:

  • Easy to use with a clean command-line interface
  • Supports a wide range of plugins, covering a wide range of vulnerabilities
  • Flexible scanning options and report formats are available
  • Active community support and regular updates

Suggestions for use

  • Use xray to scan your web applications to identify security vulnerabilities.
  • Manually specify plugins as needed to focus on specific vulnerabilities.
  • Browse the POC repository for POCs for emerging vulnerabilities.
  • Contribute your POC to help the community find and fix security issues.


xray is a full-featured, easy-to-use security assessment tool that helps you detect and remediate security vulnerabilities in your web applications. Its ever-expanding plugin set, POC management modules, and rich ecosystem make it an essential tool for security researchers and developers.

7. Nuxt UI: A modern web application UI library

Weekly GitHub Explore|From LLMs to Game Engines Ten open source projects to help you navigate the world of development

️ Repository name: nuxt/ui

Stars as of press time: 3548 (added in the past week:30)

Repository language: Vue

仓库开源协议:MIT License


The purpose of this article is to introduce Nuxt UI, a UI library built on Vue and Tailwind CSS that provides a set of out-of-the-box components and composable functions for modern web applications.

Description of the warehouse

The GitHub repository for Nuxt UI contains the project's information, documentation, and code.

Objective evaluation or analysis

Nuxt UI is loved by developers for its ease of use, customizability, and rich features. Its seamless integration with Nuxt.js, as well as support for Tailwind CSS, makes it easy for developers to create beautiful and responsive web interfaces.

Suggestions for use

Developers interested in using the Nuxt UI can visit its documentation for detailed installation, configuration, and usage guidelines.


Nuxt UI is a powerful UI library that provides a rich set of components and functionality for Nuxt.js applications. It enables developers to quickly and easily build modern and responsive web user interfaces.

8.轻松开启 Vue 项目之旅:create-vue

Weekly GitHub Explore|From LLMs to Game Engines Ten open source projects to help you navigate the world of development


Stars as of press time: 3526 (added in the past week:24)

Repository language: Vue

Repository open source protocol: Other


create-vue is a developer-oriented tool that can be used to quickly create Vite-powered Vue projects. In this article, we'll take you through what create-vue does, what it does, and how you can use it to enhance your Vue development experience.

Project role

create-vue integrates out-of-the-box configuration conventions into Vite-based projects, eliminating the need to spend effort on tedious configurations. In addition, it supports the Rollup-compatible Vite plugin ecosystem, further expanding the customizability of the project.

Description of the warehouse

The create-vue repository is a command-line toolkit for creating and initializing new Vue projects. It offers a variety of options that allow developers to tailor the project settings to their needs.


A new project created with create-vue has the following benefits:

  • Fast start-up: Vite's ultra-fast start-up speed boots up your development environment in no time.
  • Hot Module Replacement: Update code in real-time without reloading pages.
  • Pre-configured: Out-of-the-box configuration options, no tedious manual configuration required.
  • Plugin support: Rollup-compatible Vite plugin ecosystem is supported for increased customization flexibility.

Objective evaluation or analysis

create-vue is a very useful tool that can greatly improve the efficiency of developing Vue projects. It's easy to use and helps developers get started quickly without sacrificing customization.

Suggestions for use

To use create-vue, run the following command in the terminal:

npm create vue@latest

If necessary, you can specify additional options to further customize the project.


create-vue is a must-have tool for Vue developers. It makes creating and initializing Vue projects a breeze, while also offering flexible customization options and a rich plugin ecosystem.

9.Naive Ui Admin:基于 Vue3 的中后台解决方案


Stars as of press time: 4711 (added in the past week:15)

Repository language: Vue

仓库开源协议:MIT License


Naive Ui Admin is a free and powerful middle and back office solution designed to help businesses quickly build high-quality, enterprise-level projects.

Project role

Built on Vue3, Vite, and TypeScript, Naive Ui Admin features a responsive design and multi-theme configuration to ensure a high degree of scalability and customizability.

Objective evaluation or analysis

Naive Ui Admin is a mature and powerful middle and back office solution with extensive community support and active development and maintenance.

Suggestions for use

  • For teams that need to quickly build middle and back office projects
  • For developers who are familiar with the front-end technology stack
  • Looking for a solution that is highly scalable and customizable


Naive Ui Admin is an excellent open source middle and back office solution that can help enterprises significantly shorten development cycles and improve project quality due to its powerful features and active community support.

10.Create React App:构建现代化单页面应用的工具

Weekly GitHub Explore|From LLMs to Game Engines Ten open source projects to help you navigate the world of development
Weekly GitHub Explore|From LLMs to Game Engines Ten open source projects to help you navigate the world of development


Stars as of press time: 102174 (added in the past week:78)

仓库语言: JavaScript

仓库开源协议:MIT License


This article explores the benefits and uses of Create React App, an open-source tool for creating modern, single-page React apps.

Project role

Create React App包含各种工具和功能,包括:

  • Support for React, JSX, ES6, and Flow syntax
  • Auto-prefix CSS
  • Unit testing and coverage reports
  • Real-time development server
  • Build scripts for production
  • Offline Priority Service Worker and Web Application Checklist

Description of the warehouse

该仓库包含Create React App的源代码、文档和示例。


Create React App is widely used to create a variety of React apps, including learning purposes, new single-page apps, and sample components.

Objective evaluation or analysis

The Create React App is great for learning React, launching new single-page React apps, and creating sample components. However, it may not be the best choice for projects that require more customization or integration with server-side template frameworks.

Suggestions for use

  • Consider using it for learning React or creating a simple single-page application.
  • For applications that require advanced customization or server-side rendering, explore other options, such as Next.js or Razzle.
  • Leverage the convenience of a single dependency for updates.


Create React App is a powerful tool that simplifies the creation of modern, single-page React applications. It offers a pre-configured build environment, automatic updates, and the ability to opt out of custom settings, making it ideal for beginners and experienced developers alike.

11. Langflow: A visual framework for building multi-agent and RAG applications

Weekly GitHub Explore|From LLMs to Game Engines Ten open source projects to help you navigate the world of development


Stars as of press time: 19869 (added in the past week: 470)

仓库语言: JavaScript

仓库开源协议:MIT License


Langflow is a powerful, open-source framework that enables users to build multi-agent and RAG applications. It is designed for all users, regardless of technical expertise.


Langflow is a powerful tool for building complex conversational AI applications. Its user-friendly design and powerful features meet the needs of developers, researchers, and educators, enabling them to innovate and create cutting-edge solutions.

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