
As the saying goes: A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a horse monkey", what is "Red Fusang"?

author:Tomorrow will be even better

As the saying goes: A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a horse monkey", what is "Red Fusang"?

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A poignant love-hate entanglement

As the saying goes: A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a horse monkey", what is "Red Fusang"?

In this feudal era, which was full of class boundaries, marriage was often heavily restricted. "A good man does not marry a red Fusang, and a good woman does not marry a big horse monkey", this saying reflects the pursuit of an ideal spouse at that time.

The so-called "red Fusang" refers to a kind of delicate and peerless woman. Under the parents' values of "marrying a wife and marrying a virtuous woman", such a woman is regarded as "the culprit of the troubled family". Although they are overwhelmed by the country, they often cannot escape the cold eyes of their families and society.

As the saying goes: A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a horse monkey", what is "Red Fusang"?

Not only that, but by the emperor's side, these beautiful women often become pawns for disasters to the country and the people. In history, there are many kings who were buried because they were immersed in beauty, such as King Shang, Gao Wei, the queen of the Northern Qi Dynasty, and Tang Xuanzong. They pampered beauty and wasted political affairs, and finally came to a tragic end.

In contrast, those women with high moral character and talented women are more respected. For example, the eldest grandson of Tang Taizong Li Shimin, the empress, was praised as "the law of etiquette, the mother of He Wei".

As the saying goes: A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a horse monkey", what is "Red Fusang"?

As for the "big horse monkey", it mostly refers to some men with bad conduct, treacherous and cunning. In feudal society, women regard their husbands as their heavens, and if their husbands have bad conduct, I am afraid it is difficult to have a happy family. Therefore, parents also try their best to avoid their daughters marrying such "big horse monkeys".

However, we must also see that these so-called "red fusang" and "big horse monkeys" still carry some narrow-minded and ignorant concepts of the ancients. Modern people understand better the truth that "people cannot be disguised, and the sea cannot be measured".

As the saying goes: A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a horse monkey", what is "Red Fusang"?

We should look at women with attractive faces and men with bad character with a more tolerant and understanding attitude. After all, in the social environment of the time, all people could do was judge right and wrong based on the experience passed down from generation to generation, in the hope of reducing harm for future generations.

At this point, let us work together to look at history with a more open and inclusive mind, draw wisdom from it, and contribute to creating a better tomorrow.

As the saying goes: A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a horse monkey", what is "Red Fusang"?

You have a point. Perhaps we can further think about whether this preconceived notion can continue in today's society. With the development of the times, people's thinking is bound to continue to evolve.

For example, we no longer regard beautiful women as "troubles", but appreciate their unique charm with a more open and inclusive eye. Many talented and beautiful women are also striding into all walks of life, winning the respect of society with their professional talents and moral integrity.

As the saying goes: A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a horse monkey", what is "Red Fusang"?

On the other hand, we will no longer simply beat some men with a stick to death, but will focus more on their inner qualities. Because only true virtue and talent can reflect the true value of a person.

Therefore, even the names "Red Fuso" and "Big Horse Monkey" should no longer be simply equated with "chaos" and "treachery". We should look at them in a more inclusive and understanding manner, and learn something from them.

As the saying goes: A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a horse monkey", what is "Red Fusang"?

For example, we can learn from "Red Fusang" how to carefully cultivate ourselves and invest in our own external charm; Learn from the "Big Horse Monkey" how not to be burdened by the appearance and insist on honing the inner character. Only in this way can we truly pursue a more comprehensive and balanced personality development.

As the saying goes: A good man doesn't marry a red Fusang, a good woman doesn't marry a horse monkey", what is "Red Fusang"?

Of course, this does not mean that we have to completely discard the lessons of history. Instead, we should be more open-minded to understand and absorb them. Only in this way can we continue to improve and upgrade ourselves on the basis of inheriting the excellent tradition, and contribute to the construction of a more fair and just society.

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