
Is sleep the best tonic? People who can't sleep usually eat three more bargains and get a good night's sleep

author:Traditional Chinese Medicine Dr. Tan Tan

In the fast-paced modern urban life, insomnia has become a common sleep disorder that many people have to face. Long-term insomnia will profoundly disrupt people's daily routines, cause a sharp decline in work efficiency, and potentially increase health risks, posing a serious challenge to the body and mind. The conventional wisdom is that "sleep is the best tonic", but when insomnia becomes the norm, is it possible to improve sleep quality by adjusting our eating habits?

Is sleep the best tonic? People who can't sleep usually eat three more bargains and get a good night's sleep

Analysis of the causes of insomnia

The causes of insomnia are complex, involving the accumulation of psychological stress and bad lifestyle habits, as well as the influence of environmental factors, and even closely related to certain physical diseases. Among the many factors that lead to insomnia, long-term accumulated psychological stress and bad lifestyle habits often dominate, which have a profound and significant adverse impact on people's sleep quality. Long-term psychological stress can strain nerves and erode sleep quality; Irregular lifestyle habits, such as staying up late at night and relying too much on electronic screens, can also disrupt the body's biological clock and induce insomnia.

Is sleep the best tonic? People who can't sleep usually eat three more bargains and get a good night's sleep

Innovative insights into diet to improve insomnia

(1) Increase the intake of tryptophan-rich ingredients to nourish physical and mental health.

Tryptophan, an indispensable amino acid for the human body, plays a vital role in the synthesis of melatonin, which plays a key role in regulating sleep and circadian rhythms. Melatonin, as a regulator of the body's biological clock, plays an important role in improving sleep quality. Therefore, increasing the intake of tryptophan-rich foods, such as milk, eggs, tofu, etc., can help increase the synthesis of melatonin in the body, thereby improving insomnia.

(2) Moderate intake of foods rich in vitamin B complexes

Vitamin B has a significant regulating effect on the nervous system, which can effectively relieve nervous tension and significantly improve sleep quality. Vitamins B6 and B12, in particular, have shown remarkable positive effects on the alleviation of insomnia symptoms by balancing the nervous system and promoting the natural production of melatonin. To alleviate insomnia, we strongly recommend that patients consume a moderate amount of vitamin B-rich foods such as selected lean meats, delicious fish, and nutritious leafy greens.

(3) Reasonable intake of magnesium-rich foods

Magnesium is a vital mineral that plays an integral role in regulating nervous system function and muscle contraction and relaxation. Magnesium deficiency can significantly exacerbate nervous tension and may cause problems such as muscle cramps, which can adversely affect sleep quality. Therefore, insomnia patients are advised to consume magnesium-rich foods such as nuts, whole grains, dark vegetables, etc.

Is sleep the best tonic? People who can't sleep usually eat three more bargains and get a good night's sleep

Three "bargains"

(1) Milk and eggs: excellent sources of tryptophan

Milk, with its pure texture and rich nutrients, is an excellent source of tryptophan along with eggs, providing a steady stream of healthy nourishment for the human body. Milk is a treasure trove of tryptophan, rich in natural purity, and easy to be absorbed by the body due to its unique molecular structure, providing the body with the nutritional support it needs. The high-quality calcium in milk not only helps to stabilize and balance the nervous system, but also significantly enhances sleep quality and provides solid nutritional support for a healthy sleep. As a complete nutritious food, eggs are not only rich in tryptophan, but also contain a variety of vitamins and minerals, which have a comprehensive effect on improving insomnia.

(2) Lean meat and fish: a treasure trove of B vitamins

Lean meats and fish are a treasure trove of B vitamins. Lean meat is rich in vitamins B6 and B12, key nutrients that regulate the nervous system, relieve nervous tension and improve sleep quality. Fish is rich in vitamins B1 (thiamine) and B2 (riboflavin), which play an important role in maintaining the normal function of the nervous system.

(3) Nuts and whole grains: a natural storehouse of magnesium

Nuts and whole grains are natural storehouses of magnesium. Nuts are rich in magnesium and unsaturated fatty acids, which have a protective effect on the cardiovascular system and also contribute to the stability of the nervous system. Whole grains are also high in magnesium and rich in dietary fiber, which helps maintain gut health and further improve sleep quality.

Compared with medication, dietary modification is more natural, safer, and less prone to side effects. Diet to improve insomnia also has potential economic and social value. On the one hand, patients with insomnia can reduce their financial burden by self-adjusting their eating habits; On the other hand, the promotion of healthy food culture will also help improve the health level of the whole people and reduce the cost of social medical care.

Is sleep the best tonic? People who can't sleep usually eat three more bargains and get a good night's sleep

Insomnia is a complex issue, but it is a feasible and effective way to improve it by adjusting your eating habits. The innovative insight proposed in this paper to improve insomnia by increasing the intake of foods rich in tryptophan, vitamin B and magnesium has a wide range of application prospects and potential value. Hopefully, this article can provide some useful enlightenment and help for insomnia patients.

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