
Lai Qingde ordered a real combat exercise, and the United States wants to turn Taiwan into the main battlefield? The PLA will never allow it

author:Yaoyin is thousands of miles

Recently, two military exercises have been in the spotlight. One is the 2024 U.S.-led RIMPAC military exercise, which will take place in the waters around Hawaii for more than a month; The other is the "Han Kuang-40" live military exercise to be carried out in the Taiwan region.

The two military exercises have the same purpose: to slow down the progress of cross-strait reunification.

First of all, the US-led "RIMPAC 2024" multinational maritime joint military exercise has officially begun, and the United States is trying to use the world's largest maritime military exercise to demonstrate its military strength, promote "NATO's Indo-Pacificization", and at the same time put pressure on China.

However, China has long been aware of this usual trick of the United States, and China has already made clear its position on this: "The so-called military exercises cannot scare the Chinese military, let alone meddle in the Taiwan Strait issue." ”

Some time ago, Taiwan's largest maritime patrol ship, the "Hsinchu Ship," unexpectedly appeared in the port of Honolulu in Hawaii, which caused quite a stir, and the outside world speculated one after another whether the Taiwan military was going to participate in the "RIMPAC military exercise."

However, the Taiwan authorities soon denied the incident, saying that the "Hsinchu warship" was only carrying out routine patrol missions on the high seas. As a matter of fact, this is also to be expected, once the Taiwan authorities participate in the military exercises, the nature will be different, and no matter how bold the Taiwan military is, it will not dare to die at this sensitive moment.

On the other hand, the upcoming "Han Kuang-40" exercise in the Taiwan region will begin on 22 July, and this exercise has made major adjustments compared with the past.

Lai Qingde ordered a real combat exercise, and the United States wants to turn Taiwan into the main battlefield? The PLA will never allow it

According to reports, most of the display subjects will be cancelled in this year's exercise, and the defense and combat tasks will be highlighted, with the preservation of combat strength as the primary goal, and the focus will be on the practice of peacetime and wartime conversion, familiarization with the operational environment, and joint combat plans.

Taiwan's top leaders believe that the PLA's military exercises around Taiwan are very likely to "turn from exercise to war," so the Taiwan military needs to quickly change to a state of readiness for war, and take "decentralization" as the training goal. Adopt a decentralized approach to combat to block the next move of the PLA. The generals of the Taiwan army claimed that this mode of operation can give the commander-in-chief the right to issue orders and engage in the battle independently in the event of a chain of command and communication interruption. During the "Han Kuang exercise," the Taiwan military will conduct air defense and anti-aircraft landing drills throughout Taiwan.

Needless to say, there must be US "staff officers" behind the Taiwan military's action plan this time, and in addition, the United States has also come up with a bad idea to conduct "street battles" in the Taiwan region, that is, the United States plans to turn Taiwan into the main battlefield.

The United States has realized that a large-scale frontal conflict will not work, and in order to resist the PLA, the United States has come up with this method that does not care about the lives of the Taiwan people.

Li Zhengjie, a retired general from Taiwan, is very disdainful of the US approach and has even openly criticized the US and Taiwan authorities. He questioned the Taiwan authorities: Is the so-called urban war a war for Taiwan or a war for the United States? In this case, what price will Taiwan pay? If urban warfare really breaks out, does it mean that the Taiwanese people will be put on the front line as human shields?

Lai Qingde ordered a real combat exercise, and the United States wants to turn Taiwan into the main battlefield? The PLA will never allow it

Diehard "Taiwan independence" elements must understand that the United States only cares about Taiwan's strategic position and is an important chess piece to contain Chinese mainland, not about Taiwan's future.

In order to block China's takeover of Taiwan, the United States has come up with more than this one.

Recently, dozens of US military enterprises have frequently visited Taiwan, claiming that they will help the Taiwan military develop unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned boats, so that Taiwan's military drones can consume the combat power of the PLA.

But whether it is the "town operation" plan or the use of drones to fight, the PLA's military superiority is still unshakable.

Moreover, the mainland has long been at the forefront of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and unmanned boat technology, and not long ago, the People's Liberation Army's (PLA) combat robot dog unveiled in Southeast Asian exercises has aroused heated international discussions and aroused the United States.

In fact, the so-called "decentralization" of the Taiwanese military is nothing more than a final struggle in despair. The PLA's special operations and overall combat effectiveness have long been far superior to those of the Taiwan military.

However, on the island of Taiwan are our compatriots who are closely related by blood, and we are naturally still willing to resolve the Taiwan issue in a peaceful way, and the PLA's action to encircle Taiwan is not only to give Taiwan an opportunity, but also to protect Taiwan from the poison of the United States.

Lai Qingde ordered a real combat exercise, and the United States wants to turn Taiwan into the main battlefield? The PLA will never allow it

"Relying on foreign countries to seek independence" will not work! Neither the RIMPAC military exercise nor the Taiwan military's "Han Kuang-40" exercise can change the fundamental trend of the situation in the Taiwan Strait. As far as Chinese mainland is concerned, national reunification is imperative, and it is absolutely impossible for the United States to use the flesh and blood of Taiwan compatriots as their shield.

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