
The 42-year-old leftover girl told the truth: "I would rather die alone than marry these three kinds of men"

author:Jin Su Deliberations

In this rapidly changing society, the image of independent women is becoming more and more distinct. Ms. Gu is such a woman, and her story may give us some inspiration.

Ms. Gu, an ordinary working woman, has an unusual attitude towards life. She does not depend on anyone, does not succumb to any pressure, stands by her choices, and sticks to her own standards. Beneath this seemingly gentle exterior lies a strong heart.

In the workplace, Ms. Gu has earned the respect of her colleagues with her professionalism and professionalism. She is not afraid of challenges and always rises to the occasion when faced with difficulties. She knows that only through continuous hard work and learning can she gain a foothold in this competitive environment. She proved with her actions that women can also shine in the workplace.

However, the pressure on society has not diminished as a result. Many believe that women should put the family first and should return to the family at the right time to take care of the children and husband. But Ms. Gu chose a different path. She believes that family and career are not an either/or choice, and she has the ability to juggle both.

The 42-year-old leftover girl told the truth: "I would rather die alone than marry these three kinds of men"

Of course, such a choice also brought her a lot of pressure. Sometimes, she feels lonely and helpless. But every time this happens, she reminds herself that this is her choice and the life she wants to live. She believes that as long as she persists, she will one day be understood and supported.

Ms. Gu's attitude towards life has also influenced the people around her. Her friends, her co-workers, and even her family began to slowly understand and respect her choice. They saw her efforts, her persistence, and her achievements. They are beginning to realize that everyone has the right to pursue the life they want, regardless of gender, regardless of age.

Ms. Gu's story shows us the power of independent women. They don't depend, they don't compromise, they live their lives in their own way, they make their dreams come true. They make us believe that no matter how much pressure we face, as long as we stick to our choices and stick to our standards, one day, we can live the way we want to be.

The 42-year-old leftover girl told the truth: "I would rather die alone than marry these three kinds of men"

Such women are role models worth emulating. They show us through their actions that life should not be defined, but created by ourselves. They show us that even under pressure, we can be able to persevere and live our lives to the fullest.

Ms. Gu's story continues, and her life goes on. She used her own experience to tell us that independent women have infinite possibilities. They can be leaders in the workplace, pillars in the family, and role models in society. They use their power to influence and change the world.

Ms. Gu, 42 years old, is a single woman, and her story is a legend about self-love and financial independence. At this age, many people may no longer have too many illusions about love and marriage, but Ms. Gu is different, she uses her own way to show an uncompromising attitude to life.

First of all, Ms. Gu knows how to love herself very well. She knows that only by loving herself first can she love others better. She pays attention to her physical health, has regular physical examinations, and maintains good living habits. She pays attention to her spiritual world, reading, traveling, learning new skills, and constantly enriching herself. She believes that an independent woman must first have an independent mind and soul.

The 42-year-old leftover girl told the truth: "I would rather die alone than marry these three kinds of men"

Secondly, Ms. Gu is also very financially independent. She has a stable job and earns a lot of money that is enough for her to live the life she wants. She doesn't need to rely on anyone, and she doesn't need to compromise her choices for the sake of money. She used her economic strength to win respect and freedom for herself.

In terms of feelings, Ms. Gu has her own principles and standards. She is not in a hurry to get married, nor will she compromise. She believes that true love is hard to come by. She will not find someone to marry just because of the pressure of age. She knows that marriage is not the whole of life, nor is it a measure of a person's worth. She would rather be single than marry for the sake of getting married.

Ms. Gu's attitude towards life has also affected the people around her. Her friends, especially those who are also single, are starting to re-examine their lives. They saw Ms. Gu's self-confidence and independence, and saw her persistence and uncompromise. They began to think that maybe there really could be another alternative to life.

The 42-year-old leftover girl told the truth: "I would rather die alone than marry these three kinds of men"

Ms. Gu's story shows us the power of an independent woman. She uses her actions to tell us that age is not a limit, and being single is not a failure. She made us believe that as long as we stick to our choices and stick to our standards, we can live the way we want to be.

Ms. Gu's life is full of color and vitality. She is not afraid of loneliness, nor is she afraid of challenges. In her own way, she explores the world and realizes her dreams. She showed us how powerful and wonderful an independent woman can be.

Such women are role models worth emulating. They show us through their actions that life should not be defined, but created by ourselves. They show us that even under pressure, we can be able to persevere and live our lives to the fullest. Ms. Gu's story continues, and her life goes on. She uses her own experience to tell us that an independent woman has infinite possibilities.

The 42-year-old leftover girl told the truth: "I would rather die alone than marry these three kinds of men"

In this seemingly materially rich society, there is a kind of poverty, which is not a lack of money, but an emptiness of the heart. This kind of poor-hearted man, who is unable to provide true love and material conditions, and whose selfishness and lack of empathy often make those around him feel suffocated.

Men with poor hearts often revolve around themselves in their lives. They may have a good income, but they are not willing to share it, and they are not willing to invest in their family or loved ones. They always put their own needs first and ignore the feelings and needs of those around them. In their world, love is a transaction, something that can be measured and calculated.

This kind of man, they lack the ability to empathize and really understand the feelings of others. When their partner needs support and comfort, they may respond coldly and even blame the other person for being too emotional. They are unable to empathize with the pain of others, nor can they give warmth and strength to others. In their view, their own feelings are the most important, and the pain and needs of others are secondary.

The 42-year-old leftover girl told the truth: "I would rather die alone than marry these three kinds of men"

Men with poor hearts, their selfishness is also manifested in their attitude towards feelings. They may be scheming in their feelings, unwilling to give, and unwilling to take responsibility. When there is a problem in the relationship, they often choose to run away from it instead of facing it bravely and solving the problem. They are afraid of commitment, of being tied down, of losing their freedom.

However, a poor-hearted man is not useless. Some of them may have excellent abilities in certain areas, such as work ability, social skills, etc. But these abilities cannot hide their spiritual poverty. A person's value lies not only in his external achievements, but also in his inner world and attitude towards others.

Men with poor hearts, they need to learn to grow and change. They need to learn how to love, how to care and understand others. They need to learn to let go of their selfishness and learn to take responsibility. Only in this way can they truly give love and material conditions to others, and can they truly become a caring and responsible person.

Society should also give more attention and help to these people. We need to provide more educational resources to help them recognize their problems and guide them to growth and change. We need to create a more inclusive and understanding environment where everyone can feel loved and cared for.

Men with poor hearts, their story continues. They need time to know themselves and change themselves. We cannot simply measure a person's worth by money, nor can we define a person's success by material conditions. True success is inner fulfillment and fulfillment, and the ability to give love and care to others. Men with poor hearts, they need our understanding and support, and they need our guidance and help. Only in this way can they get out of the poverty of their hearts and move towards true wealth and success.

Men with poor hearts may be well-dressed and glamorous on the outside, but deep down they are full of wants. This deprivation is not material, but emotionally empty and powerless in love. They may seem successful and have a decent career and social status, but when it comes to real emotional communication and life security, they seem powerless.

Such men, who may behave comfortably in social situations, but when they return home and face their partner, they become cold and detached. They may be reluctant to listen to their partner's thoughts and feelings, and to share life's joys and sorrows. They lack that deep emotional connection to give their partner the emotional support they really need.

When it comes to material security, poor-hearted men may also behave less than they could be. They may be very conservative about their financial situation and are reluctant to devote more resources to their family or partner. They may be scheming about money and reluctant to invest in a common life goal or their partner's dreams. In their view, money and material things are their own, not to be shared and supported by others.

This kind of man, their heart may be full of insecurity and self-doubt. They are afraid of losing control and being dependent on others. They may have experienced failures and setbacks that have made them more defensive and self-protective. They are afraid of being hurt again, so they choose to protect themselves with indifference and alienation.

However, it is not impossible for a poor-hearted man to change. They need to recognize their own problems and need to learn how to love and be loved. They need to learn how to make a real emotional connection and how to give and receive emotional support. They need to learn to trust and rely on others and learn to take an active role in relationships.

Change is not easy, but as long as they are willing to take the first step, they have a chance to get out of the predicament of poverty. They can improve their emotional intelligence and communication skills through reading, counseling, and participating in emotional workshops. They can seek professional help, such as counselling or marriage counseling, to solve their problems.

Society should also give more understanding and support to these men. We need to create a more open and inclusive environment where they feel safe and accepted. We need to provide more resources and opportunities to help them recognize their problems and guide them to growth and change.

Men with poor hearts, their story continues. They need time to know themselves and change themselves. We need to give them patience and encouragement to know that change is possible and worthwhile. We cannot judge a person simply by their appearance, nor can we define a person's success by material conditions. True success is inner fulfillment and fulfillment, and the ability to give love and care to others. Men with poor hearts, they need our understanding and support, and they need our guidance and help. Only in this way can they get out of the poverty of their hearts and move towards true wealth and success.

In the world of relationships, loyalty and single-mindedness are the cornerstones of a relationship. However, some men seem to be born with a lack of this quality. They are not dedicated to their feelings, they are always between various temptations, and they are unable to give their partners the security and trust they deserve. Such a man is often unable to bear the responsibilities and constraints of marriage.

First of all, men who are not single-minded often lack a sense of responsibility. They may behave passionately in their pursuit of a partner, but once the relationship stabilizes, they begin to seek new thrills and freshness. They may not refuse outside temptations and may even cheat in their marriage. This behavior not only hurts the feelings of the partner, but also undermines the stability of the marriage.

Second, men who are not single-minded often lack self-control. They may not be able to control themselves in the face of temptation and are always swayed by the impulses of the moment. They may not realize that marriage is something that both parties need to work together to maintain. They may not be ready to give up some of their personal freedoms and desires for the sake of their families and partners.

Furthermore, men who are not dedicated often lack respect and understanding for their partners. They may not realize that loyalty is not just an act, but an attitude and commitment. They may not really understand their partner's feelings and are not aware of the harm their actions are doing to them. They may not be ready to respect and cherish their partner and maintain a healthy and stable relationship.

However, this does not mean that a man who is not dedicated cannot change. Everyone has the possibility of growth and change, the key is whether they are willing to face their own problems and whether they are willing to work hard. They need to learn how to control their desires and how to respect and understand their partner. They need to learn how to take on the responsibilities and constraints of marriage, and how to maintain a stable and long-lasting relationship.

Society should also give more attention and support to these men. We need to provide more educational resources to help them recognize their problems and guide them to growth and change. We need to create a healthier and more positive concept of marriage where everyone is aware of the importance of fidelity and single-mindedness.

Men who are not single-minded, their story continues. They need time to know themselves and change themselves. We cannot judge a person simply by their behavior, nor can we define the whole of a person by a momentary mistake. Everyone has a chance to make mistakes and a chance to make corrections. We need to give them understanding and support, so that they know that change is possible and worthwhile.

A true marriage requires the joint efforts and maintenance of both parties. It's not just a certificate, it's a responsibility and commitment. It requires us to respect and understand each other, to control our desires, and to take our due responsibilities. Only in this way can we have a healthy and long-lasting marriage. Men who are not single-minded, they need our help and guidance, and they need our understanding and support. Only in this way can they get out of the dilemma of not being single-minded and move towards true loyalty and single-mindedness.

Men who are not single-minded, their behavior is often like a time bomb that can detonate in a marriage at any time, causing deep pain and insecurity to their partners. This pain is not only because of the betrayal itself, but also because of the distrust and disrespect behind this behavior.

Imagine when you devote yourself wholeheartedly to a marriage, thinking that you have found a partner you can trust for life, but you find that the other party has other emotional ties outside, the feeling of being betrayed is like a sharp knife that pierces the heart. The partner's trust is ruthlessly trampled on, and their sense of security is completely destroyed. They began to wonder if this man who had sworn by the sea was really trustworthy.

Men who are not single-minded, they may behave as if nothing is going on in their marriage, but behind the scenes they maintain illicit relationships with others. They may think they are in control and can balance the relationship, but in reality, the balance is extremely fragile and could collapse at any moment. Once the matter is revealed, their marriage will be in crisis and their partner's trust will be lost.

This kind of man, they may not realize how deeply their actions have hurt their partner. They may think that as long as they are not discovered, there will be no problem. But marriage is not a game, it needs sincerity and faithfulness as a foundation. Once this foundation is destroyed, the edifice of marriage will crumble.

Moreover, men who are not single-minded, their behavior can also bring deep insecurity to their partners. The partner begins to wonder if the man will cheat again and if he will continue to hurt himself. They began to worry about whether their future was still secure and whether there was any hope for their happiness. This kind of insecurity will make them walk on thin ice in their marriage and be worried all the time.

However, this does not mean that all men who are not dedicated cannot change. Everyone has the possibility of growth and change, the key is whether they are willing to face their own problems and whether they are willing to work hard. They need to learn how to control their desires and how to respect and understand their partner. They need to learn how to take on the responsibilities of marriage and how to maintain a stable and long-lasting relationship.

Men with poor character and selfishness, their behavior and attitude often make their wives feel deeply upset and disrespected. Such men, who may look glamorous on the outside, but deep down, lack basic respect and compassion for others.

First of all, men of poor character often lack respect for their wives. They may think that their own opinions and needs are always the most important and ignore their wife's feelings and needs. They seldom consider their wives' opinions when making decisions, and even on some major family decisions, they seldom consult with their wives. This behavior makes the wife feel that she has no place in the family and no voice.

Second, selfish men tend to only care about their own interests. They may behave stingily and calculatingly in the family, unwilling to devote resources and energy to the family's common goals. They may be reluctant to support their wife's personal development or make sacrifices for the long-term planning of the family. This selfish attitude makes the wife feel marginalized and neglected in the relationship.

Moreover, men with poor character often lack a sense of responsibility. They may be reluctant to take on the responsibilities of the family and to work for the stability and well-being of the family. They may choose to avoid family problems and are reluctant to actively solve them. This lack of responsibility makes the wife feel isolated and insecure in this marriage.

However, this does not mean that all men with poor character and selfishness cannot be changed. Everyone has the possibility of growth and change, the key is whether they are willing to face their own problems and whether they are willing to work hard. They need to learn how to respect and understand their wives and how to care for and support their families. They need to learn how to take on family responsibilities and how to maintain a healthy and stable relationship.

Society should also give more attention and support to these men. We need to provide more educational resources to help them recognize their problems and guide them to growth and change. We need to create a healthier and more positive family mindset where everyone is aware of the importance of respect and responsibility.

Men of poor character and selfishness, their story continues. They need time to know themselves and change themselves. We cannot judge a person simply by their behavior, nor can we define the whole of a person by a momentary mistake. Everyone has a chance to make mistakes and a chance to make corrections. We need to give them understanding and support, so that they know that change is possible and worthwhile.

A true marriage requires the joint efforts and maintenance of both parties. It's not just a certificate, it's a responsibility and commitment. It requires us to respect and understand each other, to care for and support the family, and to take due responsibility. Only in this way can we have a healthy and long-lasting marriage. Men with poor character and selfishness, they need our help and guidance, and they need our understanding and support. Only in this way can they move out of the predicament of selfishness and towards true respect and responsibility.

Such men, whose behavior often makes family members and partners feel neglected and disrespected, directly leads to tension and unhappiness in the marital relationship. They may behave politely in front of outsiders, but once back home, they become a different person.

They may often ignore their partner's opinions and feelings and turn a deaf ear to the needs and expectations of family members. In their worldview, their own needs always come first, and the feelings of the rest of the family do not seem to matter. This self-centered attitude not only hurts the partner, but also confuses and upsets the children.

In everyday life, such men may be reluctant to participate in family activities and spend time with their families. They may prefer to spend time at work or personal hobbies rather than spending time with their families. This kind of alienating behavior makes family members feel isolated and lack the warmth and support of the family.

In addition, such men may adopt a high-pressure or indifferent attitude when dealing with family issues. They may be reluctant to listen to family members' perspectives and resolve issues through communication and consultation. This way of dealing with it often exacerbates family conflicts and makes family members feel ununderstood and respected.

Tension and unhappiness in marital relationships often stem from the disrespect and selfishness of such men. They may not realize that marriage and family are something that needs to be maintained by both partners. A healthy family environment requires the participation and contribution of each member, as well as mutual respect and understanding.

However, change is not impossible. Such men need to be aware of their own problems and need to learn how to respect and understand family members. They need to learn how to listen and communicate, and how to care for and support their families. They need to realize that the happiness and harmony of the family is based on mutual respect and support for each member.

Society should also provide more support and resources to help such men recognize their problems and guide them towards growth and change. We need to provide more education and training opportunities to help them learn how to build and maintain healthy family relationships.

The story of this type of man continues, and they need time to know themselves and change themselves. We cannot judge a person simply by their behavior, nor can we define the whole of a person by a momentary mistake. Everyone has a chance to make mistakes and a chance to make corrections. We need to give them understanding and support, so that they know that change is possible and worthwhile.

A true family is a place of love, respect and support. It requires us to listen to and understand the voice of each member, to care for and support the needs of each member. Only in this way can we have a harmonious and happy family environment. This kind of man, they need our help and guidance, they need our understanding and support. Only in this way can they move out of the dilemma of disrespect and selfishness and towards true respect and support.

The power of women is not only reflected in their economic independence, but also in their spiritual independence. This independence is the key to women's self-realization and self-growth without relying on marriage and men.

First, financial independence is the cornerstone of women's independence. When women have their own source of income, they are able to make their own choices, both in life and in their careers. They don't need to rely on men for financial support, and they don't need to compromise their values and lifestyle for money. Financial independence gives women more choice and voice, and it also makes them more confident and calm when facing life's challenges.

However, financial independence is only the first step, and spiritual independence is the core of women's independence. Spiritual independence means that women have their own thoughts and beliefs, and they are able to make judgments and decisions independently and are not easily influenced by others. They have their own values and goals in life, and they do not follow the crowd and do not blindly pursue social recognition. This spirit of independence allows women to maintain themselves and stick to their choices when facing the challenges and pressures of life.

Women who are independent in spirit are also more calm and confident in their marriages and relationships. They don't see marriage as the whole of life, nor do they see men as their saviors. They know that true happiness and fulfillment come from within themselves, not from dependence on others. They seek equality and respect in marriage, not dependence and demand.

In addition, women who are independent in spirit, they are also more intelligent and far-sighted when it comes to educating and raising their children. They teach their children to think independently and encourage them to pursue their dreams rather than blindly following society's expectations. They will use their independent spirit to influence and motivate children, so that children can learn to grow and self-actualize.

However, spiritual independence does not come overnight, it requires constant self-reflection and self-improvement for women. They need to constantly learn new knowledge, broaden their horizons, and enrich their inner world. They need to be brave enough to face life's challenges and learn to solve problems independently rather than relying on others.

Society should also provide more support and opportunities for women to help them achieve spiritual independence. We need to create a more equal and respectful social environment where women can showcase their talents and abilities in all fields. We need to provide more educational resources and platforms to help women improve their abilities and qualities.

The story of women continues, and they need time to know themselves and realize themselves. We cannot simply judge a person by gender, nor can we limit a person by traditional ideas. Everyone has the right to pursue independence and self-fulfillment, regardless of gender. We need to give women understanding and support so that they know that independence is possible and worth it.

True independence is not only financial, but also spiritual. It requires us to adhere to our own values, to pursue our dreams, and to realize our own values. Only in this way can we have a fulfilling and fulfilling life. Women should not only be financially independent, but also spiritually independent, so that they can live their true selves without relying on marriage and men.

Ms. Gu's story is a vivid portrayal of perseverance and independence. Even after the age of 40, she still maintains an uncompromising attitude towards life, which not only allows her to avoid an unhappy marriage, but also allows her to live her life to the fullest.

Ms. Gu is the kind of woman who can tell at a glance that she is different. Her eyes shone with independence and confidence, and her speech and demeanor revealed a calm and unhurried temperament. In her dictionary, there is no word for "will". She believes that marriage is not the whole of life, nor is it a product of social or age pressures. She knows that true happiness comes from inner fulfillment and self-realization.

In Ms. Gu's life, she has always insisted on her choices. Whether in her professional development or in her personal life, she is not willing to give up her principles in order to cater to others. She chose a job that she loved, and even though it didn't seem precarious to many, she enjoyed it because she knew it was the life she wanted.

Emotionally, Ms. Gu also adheres to her own standards. She will not choose a partner hastily because of the pressure of age, and she will not give in because of the expectations of society. She believes that a marriage can only be happy and long-lasting when two people are truly compatible in spirit and values. She is reluctant to marry for the sake of getting married, she wants a partner who can respect and support each other, not a husband in name.

Ms. Gu's independence and uncompromising attitude also brought some challenges to her. In the eyes of some, her actions may be seen as stubborn or unrealistic. She may face some doubts and incomprehension, but she has never been shaken by it. She knows that her choices are for her own happiness, not to meet the expectations of others.

Ms. Gu's story is a profound inspiration to us. She tells us that no matter how old we are, we all have the right to pursue our own happiness and to stand up for our choices. She tells us that marriage is not the end of life, but a new beginning, and it requires us to operate with an independent and uncompromising attitude.

Society should also give more understanding and support to women like Ms. Gu. We need to create a more inclusive and respectful environment where everyone can live their lives and make choices on their own terms. We need to provide more resources and opportunities to help everyone realize their values and dreams.

Ms. Gu's story continues, and her life goes on. She used her own experience to tell us that even when you are over 40, maintaining an independent and uncompromising attitude is the key to avoiding an unhappy marriage. She showed us how powerful and wonderful an independent woman can be. Her story is an inspiration and motivation for all women to believe that if we stand up for ourselves, we can live the life we want.

When choosing a marriage partner, women should take love as the most important foundation. This is a simple but profound truth, but in real life, many women have to make compromising choices because of social pressure and expectations. This kind of compromise often leads to marital unhappiness and personal suffering.

First of all, love is the strongest cornerstone of marriage. When two people come together because of love, they are more likely to support each other and grow together in the face of life's challenges. Love can make people see the shining point in each other, and even in the face of difficulties and contradictions, they can find the motivation and courage to solve problems.

However, societal pressures often force women to consider other factors when choosing a partner. For example, the pressure of age makes some women rush into marriage before they have found a truly suitable partner. For example, economic pressure makes some women have to consider each other's economic conditions when choosing a partner, and ignore the emotional foundation between each other.

This kind of compromise often brings a lot of problems. When marriage is based on non-love, two people may lack sufficient understanding and tolerance when facing life's challenges and contradictions. They may quarrel over small things, and even choose to run away and give up when they encounter major problems.

In addition, marriages that are about to settle often leave women feeling unhappy and unsatisfied. They may feel that their choice is a sacrifice, a compromise with reality. They may feel regret and loss deep down because they know they are missing out on what they really want in life.

However, women are fully capable and empowered to pursue their own happiness. They can choose to wait until they find the person who really makes them feel good. They can choose to persevere, even in the face of social pressure and doubts, they will not give up their belief and pursuit of love.

Society should also give more understanding and support to women. We need to create a more tolerant and respectful environment where women can choose a partner based on love rather than other external factors. We need to provide more resources and opportunities to help women build self-confidence, empower themselves, and empower them to pursue the lives they want.

The story of women continues, and they need time to know themselves and realize themselves. We cannot simply judge a person by social standards, nor can we limit a person by traditional ideas. Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, regardless of gender. We need to give women understanding and support to know that their choices are worthy of respect and that their happiness is worth pursuing.

True marriage is based on love. It requires mutual understanding and support from two people, and it requires two people to grow and progress together. Only then can we have a happy and satisfying marriage. When choosing a marriage partner, women should base their marriage partners on love and avoid compromising due to social pressure. In this way, they will be able to find true happiness and live their true selves.

In today's society, the pressure to get married seems to be everywhere, especially for women. The urging of relatives, the concern of friends, and even the expectations of public opinion can become the pressure of women when facing the choice of marriage. However, even so, women should not compromise, they should stick to their bottom lines and standards and avoid marrying people who are not suitable.

First, compromised marriages are often built on unstable foundations. When a woman chooses to compromise due to external pressure, she may overlook important factors such as the other person's personality, values, and lifestyle. Such a marriage lacks a deep level of mutual understanding and support, and can become fragile once it encounters problems.

Secondly, sticking to their own bottom line and standards means that women pay more attention to inner matching and harmony when looking for a partner. They take the time to get to know each other and feel if they can relate to each other on a spiritual level. Although this process may be long, it can help women find a partner who is truly suitable for them and build a stronger and happier marriage.

Moreover, an uncompromising attitude is also an affirmation of self-worth. Women have the right to pursue their own happiness and the right to choose the lifestyle they want. When they stand by their choices and do not change due to external pressures, they are declaring to the world that their lives are up to them, and their happiness is defined by themselves.

In addition, sticking to your own bottom line and standards is also a form of respect for your future partner. When a woman clearly expresses her needs and expectations, she is telling the other person that she wants the relationship to be based on sincerity and respect. This kind of openness helps both parties to establish a healthier and more honest communication model.

However, persistence does not mean stubbornness. While women insist on themselves, they should also keep an open mind and be willing to listen and understand each other. Marriage is a matter for two people and requires the joint efforts and compromise of both parties. However, this compromise is based on mutual respect and understanding, not on unilateral tolerance and sacrifice.

Society should also provide more support and understanding for women. We need to break down stereotypes and encourage women to pursue their own happiness instead of blindly catering to society's expectations. We need to provide a more tolerant and equal environment where women can truly be autonomous and free in their choice of marriage.

Women's stories continue, and their choices continue. We cannot simply use traditional standards to measure a person's worth, nor can we use social pressure to limit a person's pursuits. Everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness, regardless of gender, age, or background. We need to give women understanding and support to know that their choices are worthy of respect and that their happiness is worth pursuing.

True marriage is based on mutual understanding, respect and love. It requires the joint efforts and maintenance of two people, and the mutual growth and progress of two people. Only then can we have a truly happy and fulfilling marriage. When faced with the pressure of marriage, women should not compromise, but should stick to their bottom line and standards and avoid marrying people who are not suitable. In this way, they will be able to find true happiness and live their true selves.