
Why humidifiers are anti-static

author:Hangzhou Jingquan Environmental Protection Technology

Why are humidifiers anti-static?

Introduction: Static electricity is a common phenomenon in our lives, which often brings us inconvenience and trouble. As a common household appliance, humidifiers can effectively prevent the generation of static electricity. So, why are humidifiers anti-static? This article will elaborate on several aspects.

Why humidifiers are anti-static

1. Humidifiers increase air humidity

The generation of static electricity is closely related to the humidity of the air. In a dry environment, the moisture content in the air is low, which can easily lead to the accumulation of static electricity. The function of the humidifier is to increase the moisture content in the air by increasing the humidity in the air, thereby reducing the generation of static electricity. When the air humidity is right, the build-up of static electricity is greatly reduced.

2. Humidifiers reduce the drying of surfaces

Dry surfaces are prone to static electricity. In a dry environment, the moisture on the surface of the object can easily evaporate, causing the surface of the object to become dry. The function of the humidifier is to replenish the water to the surface of the object by releasing water vapor, so that the surface of the object can maintain a certain humidity, thereby reducing the generation of static electricity. When the humidity on the surface of the object is suitable, the accumulation of static electricity will be effectively suppressed.

3. Humidifiers improve air quality

Dust and pollutants in the air are one of the important causes of static electricity. The function of humidifiers is to purify the air by releasing water vapor to adsorb dust and pollutants in the air onto water molecules. When air quality improves, the generation of static electricity is reduced accordingly.

Why humidifiers are anti-static

4. Humidifiers improve human comfort

A dry environment is not only prone to static electricity, but also causes problems such as dry skin and throat irritation. The role of humidifiers is to improve indoor comfort by increasing the humidity in the air. When the human body is in a humid environment, it can not only reduce the generation of static electricity, but also effectively alleviate problems such as dry skin and throat irritation.

5. Precautions for the use of humidifiers

When using a humidifier, you need to pay attention to the following:

1. Clean the humidifier regularly to avoid bacterial growth;

2. Control the indoor humidity, too high humidity will also bring discomfort;

3. Use the right amount of water and avoid over-humidification.

Conclusion: Humidifiers can effectively prevent the generation of static electricity by increasing air humidity, reducing the dryness of object surfaces, improving air quality and improving human comfort. When using humidifiers, we need to pay attention to rational use to achieve the best results. Let our life be more comfortable and away from static electricity.

Industrial Dehumidifier Selection Table:

HJ-838H Dehumidification capacity: 38Kg/day, applicable area: 30~50 square meters(room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-858H Dehumidification capacity: 58Kg/day, applicable area: 40~70 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-890H Dehumidification capacity: 90Kg/day, applicable area: 80~110 square meters(room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8120H Dehumidification capacity: 120Kg/day, applicable area: 100~120 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8138H Dehumidification capacity: 138Kg/day, applicable area: 120~150 square meters(room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8150H Dehumidification capacity: 150Kg/day, applicable area: 150~180 square meters(room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8168H Dehumidification capacity: 7kg/h Applicable area: 200~250 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8192H Dehumidification capacity: 8.8kg/h, applicable area: 200~300 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8240H Dehumidification capacity: 10kg/hour, applicable area: 300~400 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8360H Dehumidification capacity: 15kg/hour, applicable area: 400~500 square meters(room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8480H Dehumidification capacity: 20kg/h, applicable area: 500~600 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8600H Dehumidification capacity: 25kg/h Applicable area: 600~700 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

HJ-8720H Dehumidification capacity: 30kg/h Applicable area: 700~800 square meters (room height: 2.6-3m)

Why humidifiers are anti-static

The selection of dehumidification capacity and model of dehumidifier is mainly calculated scientifically according to the volume of the use of environmental space, the size of fresh air volume, and the humidity requirements required by the space environment. In addition, it should be noted that the relative humidity of the environment is related to the temperature of the environment, the higher the temperature, the faster the humidity evaporates, and the worse the effect, so when configuring the dehumidifier, you need to select the type under the guidance of professionals, so as to choose the most suitable dehumidifier for you!

除湿量计算公式:W=V*P*(X2-X1)/1000*1.2( kg/h)【W=所需除湿量(kg/h)、 P=空气密度(kg/m3)1.2、V=场所体积、X2=除湿前空气含湿量、X1=除湿后空气含湿量、1.2=安全系数(损耗)】。