
Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

author:Lychee talks about entertainment

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Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

Editor: Litchi talks about entertainment

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

The name Zhang Yi is a household name in the entertainment industry. From a first-line student to today's powerful actor, he has conquered countless audiences with his acting skills.

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

Recently, his role as a prosecutor in the new drama "In the Name of the Law" has attracted widespread attention and imitation.

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

I believe that every viewer who has watched "In the Name of Law" is deeply attracted by the image of the prosecutor played by Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

With short spiritual hair, a pair of simple and generous gold-wire glasses, a straight uniform, plus tough facial features and a gentleman's smile that is always raised, it is simply the appearance of the perfect "uniform male god"!

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

A wave of imitation of "Prosecutor Zhang Yi" quickly set off on the Internet. Many young people began to imitate his dress, and many vloggers imitated his every move in handling cases. Even middle-aged and elderly people who don't usually pay much attention to film and television dramas are attracted by this unique positive energy image.

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

"When I was a child, my dream was to be a policeman, and now when I see Zhang Yi dressed up, it seems that my dream has come true!" Many netizens sighed like this. It can be seen that Zhang Yi has become a representative of the "political and legal uniform hipster" in everyone's minds.

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

Not only is the imitation trend popular, but even related uniforms, glasses and other accessories have become sought-after. Many merchants took the opportunity to launch the product line of "Zhang Yi with the same style", and they all sold it under the gimmick of "in the name of law".

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

Standing there in this dress, it seems to have a little more righteous and awe-inspiring aura, and it looks very energetic and energetic. Many elderly netizens joked: "It would be nice to be twenty years younger, and I could also show off in this uniform!"

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

It is not uncommon for film and television dramas to drive a fashion trend, but it is indeed commendable that Zhang Yi can directly become a "hipster leader in the political and legal circles" by borrowing a play. I have to admire the kind of trait on his body, which is enough to make the ordinary professional dress become unique and rejuvenated.

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

Zhang Yi's outstanding performance in "In the Name of Law" this time is by no means accidental. In fact, he has always been good at interpreting the characters in the system and accurately grasping the spiritual core of each character.

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

Looking back on Zhang Yi's acting career, it is not difficult to find that he has played many roles in soldiers, policemen and other people in the system. From Lu Xiaodong in the early hit drama "Soldier Assault", to the old criminal policeman Director Jin in the later "In the Name of the People", to the current hit "In the Name of Law" prosecutor Song Yousheng, Zhang Yi can leave a deep impression every time he plays this kind of role.

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

He has his own unique understanding of the portrayal of characters in the system. That cautious but resilient character, dedication to his career, and reverence for power run through every character he portrays. As he himself said: "These roles often play an important role in maintaining social order, not only to protect the weak, but also to uphold the spirit of the rule of law, and the psychological and spiritual pressure is very great."

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

It is precisely because of a deep understanding of these roles that Zhang Yi's acting skills can reach the pinnacle. He uses the most simple way to show these seemingly ordinary but extremely complex characters, giving them unique personalities and inner tension.

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

And Zhang Yi's interpretation of the role was not achieved overnight. Every time he plays a new role, he will repeatedly study the script, delve into the inner characteristics of the characters, and strive to explore the three-dimensional and multi-layered nature of the characters.

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

Taking the prosecutor Song Yousheng he played in "In the Name of the Law" as an example, Zhang Yi has a very deep understanding of this role. "Song Yousheng is a person who has a devout heart for the law, and he has his own principles and bottom line. But at the same time, he is also an ordinary person of flesh and blood, who will face all kinds of practical difficulties and troubles. Zhang Yi said.

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Yi portrayed Song Yousheng into a complex character full of tension. While pursuing justice, we often get caught up in the entanglement of law and human feelings, and wander between work and life. This internal contradiction and struggle makes the whole character more three-dimensional, more real and believable.

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

Winning the resonance of the audience is inseparable from Zhang Yi's careful control in the subtleties. For example, Yousheng's seemingly old-fashioned pair of gold wire glasses are ostensibly to highlight the steady image of the prosecutor, but on a deeper level, it symbolizes the calmness and wisdom of the character's inner world.

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

Another example is that Yousheng always speaks in a serious way, which will give people a stiff feeling, but this just reflects his respect for laws and regulations, as well as his insistence on his professional ethics.

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

From these details, it can be seen that Zhang Yi is very good at creating characters.

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

He has done his homework and worked hard to show the internal contradictions and three-dimensionality of the characters, so that the characters are no longer thin, but vivid and more down-to-earth. This is also the key to winning the love of a wide audience.

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

Looking forward to Zhang Yi's career, I believe that he will continue to show his skills in the interpretation of characters in the system, and let us proudly call him "the king of political and legal dramas".

Zhang Yi's 'Domination' Journey of the Political and Legal System: From JC to Prosecutor, How Far Is His Road to Justice?

After all, the most important thing for a good actor is to have a unique view of the role, and Zhang Yi has done it in this regard.

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