
Jiaqing: Start with a curse and end with a rumor, if it weren't for the wrong era, he would definitely be a generation of Ming Jun

[Opening statement]: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.
Jiaqing: Start with a curse and end with a rumor, if it weren't for the wrong era, he would definitely be a generation of Ming Jun

In the forty-third year of Qianlong, in the golden autumn of October, the temple in the Forbidden City was solemn. The elderly Qianlong Emperor knelt in front of the ancestral tablet and whispered an astonishing prayer.

He had just secretly appointed his fifteenth son Yongyan as the crown prince, but at this moment he was praying: "If he is not virtuous, he is willing to be robbed by heaven and make his life short." This seemingly cruel prayer turned out to be a father's "blessing" to his son.

In this way, Yongyan's path to the emperor began with his father's curse. Sixteen years later, he ascended the throne as emperor for Jiaqing. However, what awaits this new monarch is a seemingly prosperous but in fact dangerous empire. The White Lotus Sect rose up, pirates were rampant, and corruption became common inside and outside the court. This cursed life is destined to be spent in hardship.

Jiaqing: Start with a curse and end with a rumor, if it weren't for the wrong era, he would definitely be a generation of Ming Jun

How exactly did Emperor Jiaqing respond to these challenges? Why did he choose the seemingly mediocre Daoguang to succeed him? What did he leave to the empire after he had exhausted his life's work? Let's walk into this little-known history and uncover the mystery of Emperor Jiaqing.

The beginning of the succession: a difficult start amid internal and external troubles

At the beginning of Yongyan's ascension to the throne, the situation on the mainland was already internal and external. On the surface, the afterglow of Qianlong's prosperity is still there, but in fact it is full of dangers. The followers of the White Lotus Sect rose up and swept the Central Plains; On the southeast coast, pirates are rampant and domineering; Inside and outside the court, the wind of corruption is intensifying. Before the new monarch could adapt to the identity of the emperor, he was pushed to the forefront.

Jiaqing: Start with a curse and end with a rumor, if it weren't for the wrong era, he would definitely be a generation of Ming Jun

The White Lotus uprising was the first problem Jiaqing faced. The scale and depth of the impact of this uprising are unprecedented in the history of the mainland. The rebel army spread rapidly to Hubei, Sichuan, Shaanxi and other places. The imperial army was defeated repeatedly, and the situation was critical for a time.

Jiaqing knew that if he could not put down this uprising, not only would it be difficult to protect the country, but his throne would also be lost. He worked day and night, personally inquired about the military situation, and dispatched troops. In order to motivate his soldiers, he even ordered the names of those who had distinguished themselves to be engraved on the gold bricks of the Forbidden City as a sign of glory.

Jiaqing: Start with a curse and end with a rumor, if it weren't for the wrong era, he would definitely be a generation of Ming Jun

However, the war did not happen overnight. Jiaqing found that the problem was not only the tenacity of the rebels, but also the incompetence of the court generals. He resolutely decided to severely punish those generals who were greedy for life and afraid of death and fled from the battle. The governor of Sichuan, Kui Lun, was given to death for conniving at his subordinates to escape. This act intimidated the cowards in the army and inspired the true warriors.

At the same time, Jiaqing also created the "Walled Fort Policy". This policy made full use of the power of the Han gentry, allowing them to form regimental training and assist the officers and soldiers in suppressing bandits. This not only relieved the military pressure of the imperial court, but also resolved the national contradictions to a certain extent.

After nine years of hard fighting, the White Lotus uprising was finally put down. This victory was not easy to come by, but it also cost Jiaqing a lot. The treasury was empty, the people's livelihood withered, and the foundation of the imperial court was seriously shaken.

Jiaqing: Start with a curse and end with a rumor, if it weren't for the wrong era, he would definitely be a generation of Ming Jun

Suppressing bandits: pacifying pirates and stabilizing Taiwan

Just when Jiaqing was relieved to quell the White Lotus uprising, another thorny question surfaced. The problem of piracy along the southeast coast is becoming more and more serious, and in particular, the power of the pirate leader Tsai Lian is growing rapidly, which has threatened Taiwan's security.

Cai Lian led tens of thousands of bandits to storm Taiwan in an attempt to divide one side. This was undoubtedly worse for the Qing court, which had just quelled the civil strife. When Jiaqing learned the news, he immediately realized the seriousness of the situation. He knew very well that if pirates were allowed to occupy Taiwan, it would not only shake the Qing Dynasty's rule over Taiwan, but also threaten the security of the entire southeast coast.

As a result, Jiaqing immediately recruited soldiers from all over the country. Thousands of officers and men, including the strong brigades of Beijing, Guangdong, and the three eastern provinces, were called up. These officers and men worked closely with the Fujian and Zhejiang Naval Divisions to form a powerful force for suppressing bandits.

Jiaqing: Start with a curse and end with a rumor, if it weren't for the wrong era, he would definitely be a generation of Ming Jun

Admiral Li Changgeng played a key role in this campaign. He was proficient in water warfare and good at scheming, luring the enemy deep many times, inflicting heavy losses on pirates.

In a crucial battle, Li Changgeng led the sailors into a fierce battle with Cai Lian's pirate fleet. The two sides have come and gone, and the battle is fierce. Li Changgeng calmly observed the battle situation, found that Cai Lian's flagship was exposed, and immediately ordered a concentrated fire attack.

After a round of heavy shelling, Cai Lian's flagship was sunk, and Cai Lian himself was buried in the sea.

The fall of Cai Lian dealt a huge blow to the other pirates. They lost their backbone and soon fell apart. In the fourteenth year of Jiaqing, the plague of piracy, which had lasted for many years, was finally put down, and Taiwan returned to peace.

Jiaqing: Start with a curse and end with a rumor, if it weren't for the wrong era, he would definitely be a generation of Ming Jun

This victory not only stabilized the situation in Taiwan, but also restored tranquility to the southeast coast. Merchant ships were allowed to sail freely, fishermen could go to sea with peace of mind, and people's lives gradually returned to normal. Jiaqing was relieved by this, and he knew that this was an important sign of the re-establishment of the prestige of the imperial court.

Rectify the rule of officials: punish corruption and reshape the government

After quelling the civil strife and exterminating the pirates, Jiaqing turned his attention to the interior of the imperial court. After the middle of Qianlong, corruption in officialdom became a common practice, which has become a major stubborn disease in the imperial court. Jiaqing knows very well that if this problem cannot be cured once and for all, it will be difficult for the country to maintain long-term peace and stability.

In order to better control the officials, Jiaqing followed the example of his grandfather Yongzheng and reactivated the tantric system. This system allowed officials to bypass normal procedures and report important matters directly to the emperor. This not only strengthened the emperor's control over the government, but also allowed some unscrupulous officials to hide.

Jiaqing: Start with a curse and end with a rumor, if it weren't for the wrong era, he would definitely be a generation of Ming Jun

At the same time, Jiaqing also implemented the system of suing the emperor for skipping the level. This system allowed lower-ranking officials to report wrongdoing by their superiors directly to the emperor. This broke down the hierarchical barriers of officialdom and brought some long-hidden corrupt practices to the surface.

Jiaqing's punishment of corrupt officials can be described as vigorous and resolute. From the Li Yuchang case to the Guangxing case, and then to the embezzlement case of government officials, Jiaqing personally intervened and severely punished him. The handling of these cases has not only recovered a lot of losses, but more importantly, it has deterred those officials with bad intentions.

However, the process of rectifying the rule of officials was not all smooth sailing. Some of the officials were corrupt but had considerable local prestige. When dealing with these people, Jiaqing is often in a dilemma. He once sighed: "Officials who harm the people must go, and officials who love the people must be used." This sentence fully embodies his principles and predicament in dealing with the problem of the rule of officials.

Jiaqing: Start with a curse and end with a rumor, if it weren't for the wrong era, he would definitely be a generation of Ming Jun

Despite this, Jiaqing's efforts have achieved certain results. The atmosphere of officialdom has improved somewhat, and corruption has been markedly reduced. This not only reduced the burden on the people, but also strengthened the ruling foundation of the imperial court.

Contest with Heshen: Establish imperial power and revitalize the dynasty

One of the most striking events in Jiaqing's imperial career was his struggle with He Shen. As a powerful minister of the Qianlong Dynasty, He Shen's power and wealth are rare in the history of the Qing Dynasty.

After Qianlong's death, Jiaqing finally had a chance to clean up Heshen. He secretly investigated the evidence of He Shen's crimes, and finally listed twenty counts. These include embezzlement and bribery, forming parties for personal gain, and interfering in the judiciary. Each of these charges is enough to make Heshen unrecoverable.

Jiaqing: Start with a curse and end with a rumor, if it weren't for the wrong era, he would definitely be a generation of Ming Jun

Jiaqing knows that in order to eradicate Heshen, it must be taken by surprise. He chose to do it on the first day of the Lunar New Year. When He Shen and his family entered the palace to pay New Year's greetings, Jiaqing suddenly announced He Shen's guilt and ordered his arrest. This move shocked the government and the opposition, and everyone did not expect that the new emperor would be so resolute.

He Shen was executed by raiding his home, and his huge wealth was confiscated. It is said that He Shen's wealth was enough to support the expenses of the entire Qing court for eight years. This huge amount of money solved Jiaqing's urgent needs and provided financial support for quelling the White Lotus uprising.

However, for Jiaqing, the significance of eradicating Heshen is much more than that. It marked the re-establishment of imperial power and broke the situation of the dictatorship of the ministers. At the same time, it also sent a clear signal to the whole country: Emperor Jiaqing was not a puppet, he had the ability and determination to rectify the dynasty.

Jiaqing: Start with a curse and end with a rumor, if it weren't for the wrong era, he would definitely be a generation of Ming Jun

The victory in this contest greatly increased Jiaqing's confidence. He began to carry out drastic reforms, rectify the rule of officials, and revitalize the dynasty. However, the fall of Heshen also brought some unintended consequences. Some officials have become timid and afraid to take responsibility for fear of being implicated. To a certain extent, this affected the decision-making efficiency of the imperial court.

Daoguang succeeded to the throne: a helpless choice, difficult to complain

Among Jiaqing's many decisions, the most puzzling is that he chose Daoguang to succeed him. Daoguang is not Jiaqing's eldest son, and his talent is not outstanding. So, why did Jiaqing make such a choice?

In fact, behind this decision is Jiaqing's thoughtfulness and helplessness. Although Jiaqing's eldest son Miankai is smart and clever, he has a domineering personality and is unpopular. Jiaqing once criticized him: "Poetry and writing are not done." This is not only a dissatisfaction with his learning, but also a disappointment with his person.

Jiaqing: Start with a curse and end with a rumor, if it weren't for the wrong era, he would definitely be a generation of Ming Jun

In contrast, the second son, Mianning (later Emperor Daoguang), was not outstanding enough, but he had a gentle personality and was steady. In the eighteenth year of the palace coup in Jiaqing, it was Mianning who stepped forward, repelled the rebels, and protected Jiaqing. This incident made Jiaqing see Mianning's loyalty and courage.

In addition, Jiaqing also took into account the stability of the imperial court. He was well aware that a strong emperor could cause dissatisfaction and resistance among his courtiers. In contrast, Mianning, who had a mild-mannered personality, may have been more likely to gain the support of the courtiers in order to maintain the stability of the court.

Jiaqing's decision also reflects his reflection on his own rule. He may be aware that his aggressive style, while working for a short period of time, has also brought some problems. He hoped to make up for the shortcomings of his reign by choosing a relatively modest heir.

Jiaqing: Start with a curse and end with a rumor, if it weren't for the wrong era, he would definitely be a generation of Ming Jun

However, history has proved that this choice of Jiaqing was not successful. After Daoguang succeeded to the throne, in the face of the increasingly severe internal and external situation, he was unable to do so. Far from being curbed, the decline of the Qing Dynasty accelerated.


Jiaqing's life began in the curse of his father and spent it in various difficulties. He made great efforts for the continuation of the Qing Dynasty, quelling the White Lotus Rebellion, exterminating the pirates, and rectifying the rule of officials. His diligence and frugality are exemplary in the history of the Qing Dynasty.

However, the wheels of history do not change direction due to individual efforts. Although Jiaqing left a relatively peaceful situation for Daoguang, the fundamental problems of the Qing Dynasty were not resolved. The situation of internal and external troubles is still worsening, and the decline of the empire is a foregone conclusion.

The story of Jiaqing allows us to see the efforts and helplessness of an emperor. He may not have been a great emperor, but he was a dutiful ruler. In the turbulent times, he guarded the empire in his own way. Although he failed to turn things around in the end, his dedication and persistence can still be called a "wise man". What do you think differently about this?


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Jiaqing: Start with a curse and end with a rumor, if it weren't for the wrong era, he would definitely be a generation of Ming Jun
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