
Ni Hongjie, who is proud of her figure, suddenly narrowed her acting path, and now she can only play her mother, which is embarrassing

author:Eat melons for the audience


In this star-studded and ever-changing entertainment industry, there is a life drama with ups and downs hidden behind every name.

Today, our spotlight is going to shine on an actress who was once as gorgeous as a summer flower, but now she is moving forward firmly on the thorny road - Ni Hongjie.

Ni Hongjie, who is proud of her figure, suddenly narrowed her acting path, and now she can only play her mother, which is embarrassing

If the entertainment industry is a vast universe, then Ni Hongjie is the star that sometimes shines and sometimes hides, her story is a chapter about glory, choice and rebirth.

Ni Hongjie, who is proud of her figure, suddenly narrowed her acting path, and now she can only play her mother, which is embarrassing

1. The stars in the early years were brilliant

In 1978, Ni Hongjie came into the world, as if she was born with a magnesium light, her beauty and temperament are like a magnet in the entertainment industry, attracting everyone's attention.

When it comes to Ni Hongjie, I have to mention her classic role "Zhu Wushuang" in "Wulin Gaiden".

Ni Hongjie, who is proud of her figure, suddenly narrowed her acting path, and now she can only play her mother, which is embarrassing

This drama is simply a pot of old fire soup full of jokes and wisdom, Zhu Wushuang played by Ni Hongjie, gentle and virtuous, has become the white moonlight in the hearts of countless people.

At that time, together with Yao Chen's "Guo Furong", Yan Ni's "Tong Xiangyu", and Sha Yi's "Bai Zhantang", she was like a bright rainbow, straddling the hearts of the audience, and gained countless fans and film appointments.

Ni Hongjie, who is proud of her figure, suddenly narrowed her acting path, and now she can only play her mother, which is embarrassing

2. Silence and scenery during the journey

Just as the heat wave of "Wulin Gaiden" has not subsided, Ni Hongjie made a decision that surprised everyone - to leave the entertainment industry for the time being, and plunged headlong into the mountains of Sichuan and the sea of clouds in Yunnan.

She didn't go on vacation, but really experienced life: she set up a tent among the mountains and mountains of Sichuan to count the stars, opened a homestay in a small village in Yunnan, and lived an idyllic life of "picking chrysanthemums under the east fence".

Ni Hongjie, who is proud of her figure, suddenly narrowed her acting path, and now she can only play her mother, which is embarrassing

Such a choice, for many people, is undoubtedly a sudden brake on the highway of the entertainment industry.

When she returned, the traffic in the entertainment industry had changed several rounds, and the former heat and traffic were like meteors crossing the night sky, beautiful but short-lived, leaving her with the barrenness of resources and the embarrassment of the role.

Ni Hongjie, who is proud of her figure, suddenly narrowed her acting path, and now she can only play her mother, which is embarrassing

3. The ups and downs after the return

Ni Hongjie, who returned to the stage, found that her role seemed to be quietly fixed in the "mother's generation".

She began to frequently play the mother of young actors in the play, such as cooperating with new generations such as Huang Yao, Yang Ying, Que Qingzi, etc., although her acting skills are online, the limitations of the role are regrettable.

On the other hand, Liu Tao, who is the same age, can still interpret the sweetness of a girl's love in "The Sea of Stars", but Ni Hongjie has quietly put on the label of "mother".

Ni Hongjie, who is proud of her figure, suddenly narrowed her acting path, and now she can only play her mother, which is embarrassing

On the stage of "Actors Please Be in Place", she partnered with Wang Shasha and was rated as "B-grade" in acting, which is not only an evaluation, but also a reflection of the predicament of her current acting career.

Ni Hongjie, who is proud of her figure, suddenly narrowed her acting path, and now she can only play her mother, which is embarrassing

Fourth, disputes and challenges coexist

Ni Hongjie's good figure is one of her highlights, but it has also become a double-edged sword.

In the eyes of some audiences, her enviable curves seem to have become a shackle that restricts her acting path, making it difficult for her to get rid of the suspicion of "vase".

Ni Hongjie, who is proud of her figure, suddenly narrowed her acting path, and now she can only play her mother, which is embarrassing

Her acting skills actually have a good performance, whether it is the delicate emotions in "The Myth of Love" or the vivid interpretation in "Sunshine Sisters", they all show her versatility.

But the voice of the outside world is always complicated, some people praise her beauty, some people find fault with her acting skills, and the delicate balance between her figure and acting skills has become a difficult problem in her acting career.

Ni Hongjie, who is proud of her figure, suddenly narrowed her acting path, and now she can only play her mother, which is embarrassing

5. The legend of immortality in the entertainment industry?

The entertainment industry is harsh on middle-aged actresses, taking Ni Hongjie as an example, she is by no means the only heroine who has been "added" in the time tunnel.

The years of this guy seem to be very strict with female stars, and his age has become a label when he is not careful, and his image is framed to death, just like wearing tights, and his range of motion is limited.

Ni Hongjie, who is proud of her figure, suddenly narrowed her acting path, and now she can only play her mother, which is embarrassing

No, many sisters of the acting school are obviously not old, but they are blocked by the invisible wall from the door of the "girly" script.

But our Ma Yili and Haiqing, the two of them are not willing to be supporting roles, and they are even more unwilling to be led by the so-called "age rules".

They are like masters in martial arts novels, constantly practicing new martial arts, challenging various roles, and shouting with one work after another: "Look at my strength, to hell with prejudice!" Every breakthrough they make is like saying, "Age? That's just a numbers game, my sister is playing real kung fu! ”

Ni Hongjie, who is proud of her figure, suddenly narrowed her acting path, and now she can only play her mother, which is embarrassing

Behind this, there are countless attempts and self-challenges, and it is also a gentle rebellion against the status quo of the industry.

They use their stories to tell everyone that on this stage, talent and passion should not be limited by any rules.

As the old saying goes, the older the good wine, the more fragrant it is, and these middle-aged actresses have used time to brew more mellow acting skills, allowing the audience to taste a different charm.

Ni Hongjie, who is proud of her figure, suddenly narrowed her acting path, and now she can only play her mother, which is embarrassing

So, don't underestimate these actresses who "grow against age", they are using their own way to stage wonderful "anti-routine" dramas on the big stage of the entertainment industry.

This is not only a demonstration of personal ability, but also a reminder to the entire industry again and again - don't let those old concepts bury the real good show.

Ni Hongjie, who is proud of her figure, suddenly narrowed her acting path, and now she can only play her mother, which is embarrassing

Sixth, the direction of the headwind is more suitable for flying

In the face of the twists and turns of life, Ni Hongjie did not hide in the shell and be a "shrinking turtle", but seemed to change into running shoes, smiled at the wind and rain, and strode forward.

She jumped into the Grand View Garden of the variety show, showing herself in an authentic way, allowing the audience to see a more vivid and down-to-earth Ni Hongjie behind the screen.

Ni Hongjie, who is proud of her figure, suddenly narrowed her acting path, and now she can only play her mother, which is embarrassing

Every time she challenges the game, she treats her acting skills as a small stove, learning while playing, and treating every appearance in front of the camera as an upgrade of her acting skills to fight monsters.

Her persistence is like the first ray of sunshine on a winter morning, although the cold wind is swishing outside, but as soon as you look up, oops, the warmth in your heart! Ni Hongjie is like the optimistic sister next door next door, no matter when she sees her, she is always smiling, and that positive energy can be felt through the screen.

Ni Hongjie, who is proud of her figure, suddenly narrowed her acting path, and now she can only play her mother, which is embarrassing

Speaking of the future, hey, let's boldly guess, Ni Hongjie's strength not to abandon or give up, coupled with the obsessive love for acting, I can't guarantee that one day on the corner of an alley, or in the trailer of a new drama, suddenly give you a big transformation, a new role and a new atmosphere, which makes your eyes light up, and you shout in your heart: "Ouch, hey, is this still the Ni Hongjie I know?" That's cool! ”

Ni Hongjie, who is proud of her figure, suddenly narrowed her acting path, and now she can only play her mother, which is embarrassing


In Ni Hongjie's story, we see the growth and transformation of an actor, and we also see a soul who bravely faces challenges and never gives up.

Although the entertainment industry is cruel, there is always such a group of people who prove with their actions that as long as they have a dream in their hearts, everywhere is a stage.

Ni Hongjie is such an indomitable star, no matter how the night sky changes, she is using her own light to illuminate the way forward.

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