
Why does as long as someone writes about Aunt Wang, Aunt Wang will comment under the article? Here comes the answer!

author:Casual grapefruit

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My name is Li Xiaomei and I am 28 years old. I have been married to my husband Zhang Hua for three years and have a lovely son named Xiao Ming. He is three years old. We live in a two-bedroom apartment in Shanghai, and life is uneventful and fulfilling.

I work for an advertising agency and I'm busy every day. But every night when I came home and saw my son's innocent smile, all the fatigue disappeared. Her husband Zhang Hua is a programmer and is introverted, but he is very gentle and considerate to his family. Although our life is not rich and rich, it can be regarded as happy.

The beginning of the story has to start with the family diary I wrote every night. I like to sit in front of the computer after dinner and record what I have seen, heard, thought and felt throughout the day. My husband sometimes watches with me, and sometimes jokes that I'm like an old lady and loves to nag. I smiled back to him every time: "When you get old, I'll write you a memoir." ”

One night, I wrote an article about my neighbor, Aunt Wang. Aunt Wang is a well-known warm-hearted person in our community, and she is always the first to rush to help when someone has something. I wrote: "Aunt Wang is really a good person, once my toilet was blocked, my husband was not at home on a business trip, and I couldn't get it, it was Aunt Wang who helped me find a maintenance master, and she stayed with me until the problem was solved." She is always like this, no matter how big or small, she is always happy to help, which makes people feel very warm. ”

Not long after the article was issued, Aunt Wang actually commented below: "Xiaomei, you write so well, Auntie just did a little thing, it's not worth mentioning." When I saw her comment, my heart warmed and I felt very moved. replied: "Aunt Wang, you are the living Lei Feng of our community, everyone is very grateful to you!" ”

Why does as long as someone writes about Aunt Wang, Aunt Wang will comment under the article? Here comes the answer!

But what surprised me was that almost every time I wrote about Aunt Wang, she would leave a message under the article, and the content was very enthusiastic. This made me wonder why Aunt Wang always saw my articles for the first time and commented so positively every time.

One day, I ran into Aunt Wang in the elevator and couldn't help but ask her, "Auntie, how did you see my article so quickly?" ”

Why does as long as someone writes about Aunt Wang, Aunt Wang will comment under the article? Here comes the answer!

Aunt Wang smiled: "Xiaomei, in fact, Auntie also likes to write, I will go online every day to see everyone's sharing, just see your article, I will give you a like, leave a word." ”

It dawned on me that this was the case. But I always feel that this is not the whole truth. After returning home, I talked to my husband Zhang Hua about it, and he was also puzzled: "Could it be that she pays special attention to you?" You're really well written, it's quite touching. ”

Why does as long as someone writes about Aunt Wang, Aunt Wang will comment under the article? Here comes the answer!

I decided to observe for a while. In the next few days, I continued to write my family diary, and every time I mentioned Aunt Wang, she would still leave a message at the first time. I began to pay attention to the time of her messages, and found that it was basically eight or nine o'clock in the evening. During this time, was Aunt Wang always at home?

Once, I deliberately wrote an article about the community garden without mentioning Aunt Wang. As a result, that night, she didn't leave a message. My curiosity was piqued, was it a coincidence, or was there another reason?

In order to find out the truth, I decided to find an opportunity to have a good chat with Aunt Wang. That night, I waited downstairs for her to come back from a walk. Seeing her coming from a distance, I greeted her and said with a smile, "Aunt Wang, where have you been today?" ”

Aunt Wang replied with a smile: "Today I went to the park with a few old friends to go around, chat, and exercise. Why haven't you gone up yet? ”

I took her hand and pretended to ask unintentionally, "Auntie, it's good that you are so regular every day." I've been wondering lately why you always see my articles so quickly and also comment. Do you care about our family? ”

Aunt Wang was stunned for a moment when I asked, and then laughed: "Xiaomei, you girl, you are really smart." Actually, Auntie has a little secret. Since you moved in, we've felt like your family is so nice. Auntie, I usually don't have much to do, so I like to go online to see everyone's sharing, especially your articles. Every time I see something you write, I feel like I'm chatting with you, and I'm so happy. So every time I see you writing about me, I will leave a message as soon as possible to express my support. ”

The doubts in my heart were finally solved. It turned out that Aunt Wang was always so active in leaving messages because she liked my articles. I smiled and said, "Auntie, you are such a good person." I will write more about the community in the future, so that everyone can see your goodness. ”

Aunt Wang patted me on the shoulder and said softly, "Xiaomei, Auntie doesn't have any big skills, I just hope everyone can have a good time." The things you write not only record life, but also convey warmth. Auntie likes to watch it. ”

Since then, my relationship with Aunt Wang has become closer. Every time I finish writing, I look forward to seeing her message. Her words of encouragement and support made me feel extremely warm and happy.

Life is like this, there is always a little warmth in the ordinary, which makes people feel particularly beautiful. Aunt Wang's enthusiasm and sincerity made me understand how important it is to care for people.

One night, Zhang Hua suddenly said to me: "Xiaomei, there is a project in the company that has to work overtime recently, I may have to go home late, you and Xiao Ming take care of yourself." I nodded, a little reluctant, but I also knew that his work was important.

Why does as long as someone writes about Aunt Wang, Aunt Wang will comment under the article? Here comes the answer!

That night, Aunt Wang's comments still appeared on time, and my heart warmed. Suddenly, an idea occurred to me and wanted to surprise her. The next day, I got up early and made some snacks to send to her house.

Knocking on Aunt Wang's door, she was stunned for a moment when she saw me, and hurriedly invited me in. I handed her the snacks and said with a smile, "Auntie, you take care of us so much every day, these little snacks are not a tribute, you can taste them." ”

Aunt Wang's eyes narrowed into a slit with a smile: "Xiaomei, you have a heart, Auntie is really happy." She sat me down and poured me a cup of tea. I looked around and saw that her home was simple but neat, with several old pictures hanging on the walls.

Why does as long as someone writes about Aunt Wang, Aunt Wang will comment under the article? Here comes the answer!

I pointed to one of them and asked, "Auntie, are these photos of you when you were younger?" ”

Aunt Wang nodded, with a little nostalgia in her eyes: "Yes, I was still young at that time." It was a picture of me and my wife, who had passed away for many years, leaving me alone. ”

Why does as long as someone writes about Aunt Wang, Aunt Wang will comment under the article? Here comes the answer!

Hearing this, my heart was a little sour, and I held her hand: "Auntie, you still have all of us now, and we will accompany you." ”

Aunt Wang smiled and patted my hand: "With you young people by my side, Auntie feels very happy." ”

At this time, her mobile phone rang, and she picked it up, her face suddenly becoming a little nervous. I vaguely heard that the other end of the phone seemed to be urging her to do something, she hung up the phone in a hurry, and said to me apologetically: "Xiaomei, Auntie has something to go out for, and the dim sum is eaten slowly." ”

I nodded, a little confused, but not too much to ask. When I got home, I told Zhang Hua about it, and he pondered for a while: "Xiaomei, I think Aunt Wang seems to be a little wrong recently. ”

"How?" I'm a little puzzled.

"She used to have very few things to rush out about, and she was in a hurry every time. Have you ever noticed that every time she comes back, she looks tired. Zhang Hua said.

Hearing him say this, I suddenly felt that something was wrong. I decided to find a chance to ask Aunt Wang again.

Why does as long as someone writes about Aunt Wang, Aunt Wang will comment under the article? Here comes the answer!

A few days later, I finally found a chance to chat with Aunt Wang again. This time I decided to ask directly. I sat across from her and said straight to the point, "Auntie, something seems wrong with you lately, is there something wrong?" ”

Aunt Wang was stunned for a moment, and then sighed: "Xiaomei, in fact, Auntie has been in a bit of trouble lately. My son is working in the field, and he was fired from his job when he had an accident at a subsidiary a while ago, and now he is looking for a job at home. Auntie has to help him pay off some debts. ”

Why does as long as someone writes about Aunt Wang, Aunt Wang will comment under the article? Here comes the answer!

Hearing this, my heart tightened: "Auntie, why didn't you tell us?" If you need help, just ask, we will help you. ”

Aunt Wang shook her head, with some tears in her eyes: "Auntie doesn't want to trouble you young people, and your own life is not easy." ”

I held her hand and said firmly, "Auntie, you are our family, if you are in trouble, we will definitely help you." ”

Why does as long as someone writes about Aunt Wang, Aunt Wang will comment under the article? Here comes the answer!

When I got home, I told Zhang Hua about it, and he also felt that we should do our best to help. So we discussed it and decided to go and see Aunt Wang's son together to see if we could help.

The next day, we went to Aunt Wang's house together. Her son, Xiao Wang, looked a few years older than me, and his face was full of haggardness. When he saw us, he was a little embarrassed: "It's really bothering you, I'll figure it out myself." ”

Zhang Hua patted him on the shoulder: "You're welcome, we are all family." The most important thing for you now is to take care of your body and find a job, and we can help you find a way together. ”

Aunt Wang looked at us gratefully, tears rolling in her eyes: "You are such good children, Auntie really doesn't know how to thank you." ”

Since then, we have started to help Xiao Wang find a job, Zhang Hua used his connections to introduce several companies, and Xiao Wang also worked hard to get interviews. After a few months, he finally found a suitable job, and his life slowly improved.

Aunt Wang's face reappeared with a smile, and she said to me, "Xiaomei, thank you so much. Auntie is really blessed to meet you in this life. ”

I smiled and said, "Auntie, you are our family, don't be so polite." ”

As the days passed, Aunt Wang's life gradually stabilized. Xiao Wang is busy with work, and Aunt Wang is still reading my articles every night, leaving me messages, and sharing her life with me as before.

One night, I wrote an article about the family, mentioning Aunt Wang's help and support for us. I wrote, "Aunt Wang is not only our neighbor, but also our relative. Her care and love filled our lives with warmth and touch. ”

Why does as long as someone writes about Aunt Wang, Aunt Wang will comment under the article? Here comes the answer!

After the article was issued, Aunt Wang's comments still appeared on time: "Xiaomei, Auntie just did what she should do, and you are Auntie's blessing." ”

Looking at her message, a warm current welled up in my heart. I learned that true happiness does not lie in money and material things, but in the care and support between people. Our community has become more warm and beautiful because of Aunt Wang.

That night, I lay in bed, thinking about everything that had happened in these days, and my heart was filled with gratitude. My husband Zhang Hua held my hand and whispered, "Xiaomei, we are happy because there are people like Aunt Wang by our side." ”

I nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, with her, our life is like sunshine, no matter how big the wind and rain are, we are not afraid." ”

Life is like this, there is always a little warmth and touching in the ordinary, which makes us feel particularly beautiful. Aunt Wang's enthusiasm and sincerity made me understand how important it is to care for people. Such happiness is precious.

At this point in the story, I believe that everyone will have a person like Aunt Wang in their hearts, silently caring and supporting us. May we all cherish the warmth and beauty around us and enjoy every moment in life.

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