
The 40-year-old assistant is gone, just because he played a game, and it's miserable

author:Casual grapefruit

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My name is Li Ming, I am 40 years old and I am a manager in an advertising agency. Our company is small, but everyone is very hard. In terms of family, I have a virtuous wife named Wang Li and a son who is in junior high school named Li Dong.

Early that morning, I had just arrived at the office, and the assistant Xiao Liu was already there. Xiao Liu is a hard-working young man with strong work ability, and he is deeply liked by everyone. The day before, we were working late to plan a big project, and everyone was a little tired.

"Xiao Liu, how did you go back and rest last night?" I asked him.

"It's okay, Brother Li, I'm just a little tired. But that's okay, we're going to keep working on it today. He replied with a smile, but there was some tiredness in his eyes.

The 40-year-old assistant is gone, just because he played a game, and it's miserable

After the morning meeting, I saw that Xiao Liu had been rubbing his shoulders. I asked with concern: "Xiao Liu, are you uncomfortable in your shoulder?" ”

"It's okay, Brother Li, I played basketball yesterday and got a little twisted." He grinned reluctantly.

The 40-year-old assistant is gone, just because he played a game, and it's miserable

"You are young, don't take it seriously, no matter how busy you are at work, you have to pay attention to your body." I admonished.

As I was talking, the company's phone rang, and it was the director Sister Zhang looking for me. I went to her office, and Sister Zhang looked at me with a serious expression.

"Li Ming, how is the recent project progressing?" Sister Zhang asked.

The 40-year-old assistant is gone, just because he played a game, and it's miserable

"It's okay, everyone is working hard." I replied.

Sister Zhang nodded, and suddenly sighed: "Li Ming, I recently heard that Xiao Liu seems to have found a part-time job outside, isn't that so?" ”

I was stunned for a moment: "I don't know about this, but he is very busy." ”

The 40-year-old assistant is gone, just because he played a game, and it's miserable

"You go find out, it's not a small matter. Our company does not allow employees to work part-time outside the company, which affects their work. ”

When I returned to the office, I saw that Xiao Liu was buried in his work, and his face was a little pale. I was a little apprehensive, but decided to ask.

"Xiao Liu, have you been working part-time outside recently?" I asked directly.

Xiao Liu was stunned for a moment, and a trace of panic flashed on his face: "Brother Li, who did you listen to?" I don't have time to work part-time. ”

I stared into his eyes, trying to read something from his expression, but he quickly lowered his head and went back to work.

At noon, I specially asked Xiao Liu to go to dinner together. I ordered a few dishes he liked, and seeing that he was a little relaxed, I spoke: "Xiao Liu, we have been brothers for so many years, you can tell me anything." Is there a problem at home? ”

Xiao Liu lowered his head and took a bite of food, was silent for a few seconds, and then spoke: "Brother Li, in fact, my mother is sick, and the medical expenses are quite high. I really have no choice but to pick up some work outside to subsidize the family. ”

The 40-year-old assistant is gone, just because he played a game, and it's miserable

When I heard this, my heart sank. Xiao Liu is an only child, and his mother's illness must be very stressful for him.

"Brother, if you need any help, tell me. We're brothers, you're welcome. I patted him on the shoulder.

The 40-year-old assistant is gone, just because he played a game, and it's miserable

Xiao Liu's eyes were red, and he nodded: "Thank you, Brother Li, I will pay attention to my body." ”

When I returned to the company, I was always worried about Xiao Liu. In the afternoon, I went to find Sister Zhang and briefly reported Xiao Liu's situation.

Sister Zhang listened and sighed: "It's really not easy." Let's see if you can arrange for him to work more easily so that he can have time to take care of the family. ”

I nodded, went back to the office, and began to adjust Xiao Liu's work schedule.

A few days later, the company held a basketball tournament and the employees were excited. Xiao Liu also signed up, he was originally a basketball master of the company, but he was not in good shape that day.

The 40-year-old assistant is gone, just because he played a game, and it's miserable

Not long after the start of the game, Xiao Liu was knocked down by his opponent. He got up and continued to play, but it was clear that he was struggling.

After the game, Xiao Liu walked up to me with his waist and smiled reluctantly: "Brother Li, I am not in good shape today, and I have dragged you back." ”

I saw that he was sweating profusely, and I couldn't help frowning: "Are you not feeling well?" Why don't you go to the hospital? ”

He shook his head: "It's okay, just go back and rest." ”

But the next day, Xiao Liu didn't come to work. I called him and no one answered. With a sense of foreboding, I decided to visit his house.

The 40-year-old assistant is gone, just because he played a game, and it's miserable

When I arrived at Xiao Liu's house, the door was open. I knocked on the door a few times, but no one responded, so I was even more anxious, pushed the door in, and saw Xiao Liu lying on the sofa, his face pale, and his forehead full of sweat.

"Xiao Liu, what's wrong with you?" I hurried over to help him.

The 40-year-old assistant is gone, just because he played a game, and it's miserable

He barely opened his eyes: "Brother Li, maybe I was tired from the game yesterday, and I felt no strength." ”

I quickly dialed 120 and took him to the hospital. After examination, the doctor said that Xiao Liu was overworked, and he did not have a good rest due to his previous shoulder injury, which now caused his body to be weak and must be hospitalized.

Looking at Xiao Liu on the hospital bed, I felt unspeakably uncomfortable. Such a young man, working hard for his family, ended up exhausted.

"Brother Li, I'm really sorry for causing trouble to the company." Xiao Liu said weakly.

"Don't talk about this, your body matters." I comforted him.

After a few days, the company decided to arrange for Xiao Liu to rest for a period of time and recuperate. I also obtained some subsidies from the company for him, hoping to help him reduce his burden.

However, after Xiao Liu was discharged from the hospital, he still decided to resign. He said: "Brother Li, I really appreciate you, but I can't drag everyone down anymore. I wanted to change to a more relaxed job and have more time to take care of my mom. ”

Looking at his determined eyes, I knew that he had made up his mind, and although he was reluctant in his heart, he could only respect his choice.

On the day Xiao Liu left, colleagues in the company came to see him off. Everyone was very reluctant, and some female colleagues even shed tears. Xiao Liu smiled and said goodbye to everyone, but I could see that there were tears in his eyes.

The 40-year-old assistant is gone, just because he played a game, and it's miserable

After sending Xiao Liu away, I stood in front of the office window, looking at his distant back, with mixed feelings. This young man has given so much for his family and life, and what we can do is so limited.

Life is sometimes like this, many things are involuntary, but I hope that Xiao Liu's future road will be smoother and less bumpy.

After Xiao Liu left, the atmosphere in the company was a little dull. Everyone was busy with the work at hand, but it was obvious that something was missing. Especially me, every time I see Xiao Liu's previous seat, I feel a little uncomfortable.

One day at noon, I was eating at a fast food restaurant near my company when I suddenly heard several people at the next table talking about a person named "Xiao Liu". They chatted, and I couldn't help but lean over and listen to a few words.

"You're talking about Xiao Liu from that advertising company, right? I heard that he is now working as a manager in a small company, and he is quite capable. One of them said.

"Yes, it's him, I really didn't expect him to be so capable." The other chimed in.

Hearing this, I was a little surprised and happy, and decided to give Xiao Liu a call.

After the phone was connected, Xiao Liu's voice sounded very energetic: "Brother Li, why did you suddenly think of me?" ”

"Xiao Liu, I heard that you are now a manager, you are doing a good job!" I said with a smile.

Xiao Liu also smiled on the other end of the phone: "It's okay, it's all small projects." However, it is more convenient to have a stable income and take care of my mother. ”

"I'm so happy for you. If you need any help, don't hesitate to let me know. "I'm really happy for him.

After hanging up the phone, I felt a little emotional. This young man really relied on his own efforts to find a new path.

A few months later, the company took on a large project that required close cooperation between various departments. The project went quite smoothly, but there was a problem in the middle of the process, and everyone had no idea for a while. At this moment, I suddenly thought of Xiao Liu. He has experience in this area and may be able to help.

I immediately called Xiao Liu and briefly explained our situation. After hearing this, Xiao Liu readily agreed to help.

A few days later, Xiao Liu came to the company, and everyone was very happy to see him. He was still so warm and greeted everyone as if he had never left.

"Xiao Liu, it's great that you're here!" Sister Zhang greeted him with a smile.

"Sister Zhang, it's been a long time. I've heard you're in some trouble, so I'll see if I can help. Xiao Liu said modestly.

Xiao Liu quickly got into the working state, quickly found the key to the problem, and proposed a solution. Everyone admired his performance.

After the successful completion of the project, the company decided to give Xiao Liu a thank you award. Xiao Liu politely declined: "Brother Li, Sister Zhang, I'm very happy to be able to help, you don't need to give me any reward." ”

I patted him on the shoulder: "Xiao Liu, you are really getting more and more powerful." If there is a chance in the future, we will cooperate more. ”

Xiao Liu smiled: "Definitely, Brother Li." ”

That night, I came home and told my wife about it. Wang Li listened and nodded: "This child is really not easy, he has the ability to take responsibility, and he deserves respect." ”

I nodded with emotion, full of admiration for Xiao Liu in my heart.

Time flies, and it's the end of the year again. The company held a large-scale celebration banquet and invited many partners and old friends. Xiao Liu was also invited.

At the banquet, Xiao Liu was wearing a decent suit and looked very energetic. He greeted everyone with a confident smile on his face.

Sister Zhang came over and said to me with a smile: "Li Ming, Xiao Liu is really the pride of our company. Looking at his current development, I am really emotional. ”

"Yes, when he left, everyone was reluctant. I didn't expect him to get to where he is today, I'm really happy for him. I said with emotion.

Halfway through the banquet, everyone had a bit of a good time. Xiao Liu raised his glass and walked in front of me.

"Brother Li, I really want to thank your company for your support today. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be where I am today. Xiao Liu said sincerely.

I also raised my glass: "Xiao Liu, it's all the result of your own efforts." We just did our part. There is still a long way to go, let's work together. ”

Everyone clinked glasses together, and the atmosphere was warm and warm.

Just when everyone was having fun, I suddenly received a phone call, it was an urgent notice from the company, and an important customer had an urgent matter that needed to be dealt with immediately. I was about to leave, but Xiao Liu took the initiative to stand up: "Brother Li, I'll go with you." ”

With Xiao Liu's help, things went very smoothly. The customer was very satisfied with our efficiency and attitude, and decided to cooperate with us on the spot.

After returning to the company, I was grateful to Xiao Liu: "Xiao Liu, thanks to you today. Otherwise, it's really not easy to do. ”

"Brother Li, don't say that, we are brothers, and we will solve difficulties together." Xiao Liu said with a smile.

Since then, we have worked even more closely with Liu's company. Xiao Liu's reputation in the industry is also getting higher and higher, and many people praise his ability and character.

One day, Xiao Liu suddenly called me, and his voice was a little excited: "Brother Li, there is good news for you, my mother's illness is cured!" ”

I listened, and I was happy for him: "It's really good, Xiao Liu, you can finally rest assured." ”

That night, I specially invited Xiao Liu to dinner to celebrate his mother's recovery. During the banquet, Xiao Liu was full of emotion: "Brother Li, thank you very much for your continued support and help. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today. ”

I smiled and said, "Xiao Liu, we are brothers, don't say anything." There is still a long way to go, so let's walk together. ”

After the news of Xiao Liu's mother's recovery spread, everyone was happy for him. In the company, Sister Zhang also specially arranged an internal party to celebrate the good news.

At the party, everyone drank wine and chatted, and the atmosphere was very warm. Xiao Liu's face was filled with a happy smile, and it could be seen that he was very satisfied.

Sister Zhang raised her glass and said to everyone: "Today we not only want to celebrate the recovery of Xiao Liu's mother, but also thank Xiao Liu for his continuous support to the company. Without him, many of our projects would not have been able to be completed successfully. ”

Everyone raised their glasses and saluted Xiao Liu. Xiao Liu smiled a little shyly: "Thank you, in fact, I just did what I should do." It's been a pleasure to work with you. ”

I watched this scene with emotion in my heart. This young man, who has gone through so many difficulties, still maintains a positive attitude, which is really remarkable.

After the party, Xiao Liu and I walked out of the company together. The night breeze blows, with a hint of coolness.

"Xiao Liu, there is still a long way to go, what are your plans?" I asked.

Xiao Liu looked at the night sky in the distance and pondered for a while: "Brother Li, I want to continue to work hard to make the company bigger and stronger, and I also hope to help more people who are in difficulty like me." ”

I nodded, "That's a good goal." I'm sure you can do it. ”

Xiao Liu smiled: "Thank you Brother Li for your trust and support." I will always work hard to live up to everyone's expectations. ”

On the way home, I kept thinking in my heart that I was deeply touched by Xiao Liu's tenacity and hard work. In this world, there are many young people like him, who are silently struggling and moving forward.

There will be difficulties and setbacks in everyone's life, but as long as you persevere, you will surely usher in a bright future. Xiao Liu's story made me even more convinced of this.

There are too many uncertainties in life, but as long as you have hope and work hard, everything will be fine.

Xiao Liu's back gradually disappeared into the night, but his tenacity and courage will always remain in my heart.