
didn't pretend, Buffett fooled a wave of rich people into donating naked, and as a result, all his wealth was left to his children

author:An old man who tells historical stories

Foreword: Warren Buffett's Will Revealed, How Will $130 Billion Be Distributed?

didn't pretend, Buffett fooled a wave of rich people into donating naked, and as a result, all his wealth was left to his children

Recently, Warren Buffett, known as the "God of Stocks", published the contents of his latest will in the Wall Street Journal, which attracted widespread attention around the world. It is reported that after the death of the 93-year-old investment giant, his nearly $130 billion in assets will no longer flow directly to Bill Gates's foundation, but will be managed by a charitable trust fund established by his children.

Warren Buffett reportedly still holds nearly $130 billion worth of company stock after completing his latest round of charitable donations on the morning of June 28. He said that after his death, almost all of the wealth would be invested in a charitable trust jointly managed by his daughter and two sons.

Warren Buffett's decision is undoubtedly an affirmation and encouragement for his children to devote themselves to philanthropy for a long time. It is understood that Warren Buffett's daughter Susan, eldest son Howard and youngest son Peter respectively lead their respective foundations, committed to children's education, social justice, food security and other areas of public welfare.

Explaining the change in will, Buffett said he believes his children will have more advantages than he himself in deciding how best to use the property. "I am very happy with the values of my three children and I am 100 per cent confident that they will achieve their goals," he said proudly. ”

It is worth mentioning that Buffett has previously promised to donate to the Bill Gates Foundation every year, even after his death. However, in this amended will, this decision was removed. Buffett did not explain much about this, only saying that it was a decision he made after careful consideration.

Analysts believe that the revision of Buffett's will not only reflects his full support for his children's charity, but also may trigger subtle changes in the global charity landscape. In the future, as Warren Buffett's legacy is gradually invested in the field of philanthropy, we are expected to witness the emergence of a series of new philanthropic projects that will bring more hope and warmth to people in need around the world.

After the revision of Buffett's will was released, netizens commented in the message area:

didn't pretend, Buffett fooled a wave of rich people into donating naked, and as a result, all his wealth was left to his children
didn't pretend, Buffett fooled a wave of rich people into donating naked, and as a result, all his wealth was left to his children
didn't pretend, Buffett fooled a wave of rich people into donating naked, and as a result, all his wealth was left to his children
didn't pretend, Buffett fooled a wave of rich people into donating naked, and as a result, all his wealth was left to his children

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