
It's normal to lose Guoan, and you can see that a lot of players can't run, and then the result is normal

author:Lucky r

The Taishan team's loss to Guoan in this game is really "normal"

It's normal to lose Guoan, and you can see that a lot of players can't run, and then the result is normal

No, let's talk about this game, why do you say that? You see, these children are running as if they are carrying lead blocks, which is really distressing!

At the beginning of the game, the Tarzan team seemed a little powerless.

The friends of the national security team were in good spirits and running around, as if they had just been beaten with chicken blood.

The defense of the Taishan team is also a little confused, not paying attention, a beautiful cooperation on the Guoan side, easily passed three people, the fans shook their heads when they saw it, it felt like a primary school student meeting a middle school student.

It's normal to lose Guoan, and you can see that a lot of players can't run, and then the result is normal

In the first 20 minutes, the Tarzan team has conceded two goals.

The situation on the field, do you say embarrassing or not? Guoan's offensive is like a tide, and the defense of the Taishan team is simply a tofu scum project, how can it hold on? No, seeing that the numbers on the score board have been rising, can the Taishan team not have a color on their faces?

At halftime, the coach of the Taishan team was also worried, this is good, at halftime, our team not only has a huge physical exertion, but even the morale has fallen to the bottom.

It's normal to lose Guoan, and you can see that a lot of players can't run, and then the result is normal

At the beginning of the second half, although the Taishan team had some adjustments, after all, the phrase "there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge" is not applicable to them for the time being.

The Guoan team still controls the rhythm on the field, and the Taishan team wants to counterattack, but it is also powerless.

As soon as the whistle blew at the end of the game, everyone's mood was mixed.

It's normal to lose Guoan, and you can see that a lot of players can't run, and then the result is normal

The Tarzan team lost, but to be honest, the result was expected.

After all, the national security team on the opposite side is well prepared, and our Taishan team is obviously weak.

Although the fans are disappointed, they can only accept this reality.

It's normal to lose Guoan, and you can see that a lot of players can't run, and then the result is normal

As can be seen from this game, the Tarzan team really needs to work a little more on physical fitness and tactics.

It's not something that can be solved overnight, it takes time, patience, and the right approach.

Coaches and players, in the coming days, there are drudgeries to do.

It's normal to lose Guoan, and you can see that a lot of players can't run, and then the result is normal

Losing to Guoan, although sad, is also a wake-up call.

This defeat of the Taishan team should not simply pass, but should become a profound reflection and summary.

What we need is not only physical recovery, but also strategic adjustment and psychological construction.

It's normal to lose Guoan, and you can see that a lot of players can't run, and then the result is normal

Although the fans are distressed, they want to see the team bounce back from the setback, learn from it, and meet the next challenges.

In short, although this game was not won, it also gave the Taishan team valuable experience and lessons.

Hopefully they will be able to adjust their form as soon as possible for the next games and bring us more surprises.

It's normal to lose Guoan, and you can see that a lot of players can't run, and then the result is normal

After all, things on the court are always full of possibilities, and just because you lose today doesn't mean you can't win tomorrow, right?

In this competition, although the Taishan team lost, it was not without gain.

Although the fans of the Taishan team are inevitably a little disappointed, they are more full of expectations for the future.

It's normal to lose Guoan, and you can see that a lot of players can't run, and then the result is normal

What loses is the game, what wins is experience, and everyone is looking forward to what kind of surprises the next Taishan team can bring.

After the game, the coach and the players will definitely have a meeting to take out the mistakes one by one and analyze them to see what went wrong and how to improve.

A netizen said: "This is football, there are losses and wins!" Although the Taishan team failed to leave the victory at home this time, they also saw a lot of problems.

It's normal to lose Guoan, and you can see that a lot of players can't run, and then the result is normal

I hope the coach can adjust the tactics and the players can learn from it and bring us some surprises in the next game! ”

And you see, although the Taishan team lost, it was not without bright spots.

For example, those counterattacks, although they were not converted into goals, also made the opponent's defense break out in a cold sweat.

It's normal to lose Guoan, and you can see that a lot of players can't run, and then the result is normal

It is at this time that we can see that in fact, the Taishan team still has potential.

As long as you run in and run in again, strengthen your physical fitness and speed, maybe you can beat the opponent to the north next time.

Some netizens commented: "Although the Taishan team lost this time, I was still very moved to see their hard work on the field."

It's normal to lose Guoan, and you can see that a lot of players can't run, and then the result is normal

The players were tired, but everyone was trying to get the ball and run.

This spirit is worth learning from, and I hope they can maintain this spirit and keep improving.

It's a common thing to win or lose a game, but it's the process and the spirit that counts.

Every attempt and effort of the Taishan team is worthy of our praise.

Winning or losing on the court is actually a microcosm of life.

It's normal to lose Guoan, and you can see that a lot of players can't run, and then the result is normal

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, the results are not as good as you could be.

However, this does not mean that we should give up, but we should learn from it and fight again in the future.

Besides, how can there be a smooth sailing life? The win or loss of the Taishan team also made fans see the charm of football - uncertainty.

It's normal to lose Guoan, and you can see that a lot of players can't run, and then the result is normal

Just like life, there are always unknowns and challenges.

Every game is a new beginning and a new hope.

Some netizens expressed their opinions: "I think although the Taishan team lost this time, this is their opportunity to grow."

Every defeat is a process of gaining experience and laying the foundation for the next victory.

As long as we can learn from our failures, then victory will be ours in the end.

From this game, we can see that although the Taishan team still has many shortcomings, they have the courage and determination to change.

As fans, we should also give more understanding and support.

Every game is not only a contest of players, but also a test of team spirit and will.

Overall, although the Tarzan team failed to win the game this time, they won the experience and lessons.

I hope that they can continue to make progress and breakthroughs in the coming days, and finally show their own brilliance on the green field.