
How long is the lifespan, just look at the eyebrows? Doctor's reminder: If you have these abnormalities in your eyebrows, be careful

author:Doctor Tan said health

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On Saturday morning, Qiu Wei put down the newspaper in his hand and stared at his unkempt eyebrows in the mirror, suddenly feeling a little anxious.

Since suffering from mild anemia and indigestion last month due to long hours of overtime, his eyebrows have started to be messy and his hair loss is getting worse.

How long is the lifespan, just look at the eyebrows? Doctor's reminder: If you have these abnormalities in your eyebrows, be careful

As a sales manager, a good appearance is important to him. Friends said that the condition of his eyebrows and hair may reflect an imbalance in his body, and asked him to go to the hospital for a check-up.

At 10 a.m., Qiu Wei went to a large local general hospital and waited outside the endocrinology clinic with a number plate. After a while, a doctor in his 40s came out of the room and called his name.

How long is the lifespan, just look at the eyebrows? Doctor's reminder: If you have these abnormalities in your eyebrows, be careful

"Hello, doctor, my eyebrows and hair have started to fall out recently, and my eyebrows have become very messy, I wonder if there is something wrong with my body?" Qiu Wei said anxiously.

The doctor nodded, carefully observed his eyebrows and hairline, and said, "The health of the eyebrows and hair does reflect the health level of the human body to a certain extent.

How long is the lifespan, just look at the eyebrows? Doctor's reminder: If you have these abnormalities in your eyebrows, be careful

We might as well start with the subtle symptoms and combine them with the conditions of other parts of the body to prescribe the right medicine. "

First, the doctor carefully examined Qiu Wei's eyebrows with a magnifying glass. "Dry, rough, unkempt, and partially shedding eyebrows may be related to endocrine disorders caused by long-term lack of nutrients and excessive stress.

However, further testing is needed to rule out other underlying conditions. "

How long is the lifespan, just look at the eyebrows? Doctor's reminder: If you have these abnormalities in your eyebrows, be careful

Then, the doctor carefully observed Qiu Wei's hairline, nails and other parts, and asked him to take off his shirt and check the skin and lymph nodes.

At the same time, she also examined Qiu Wei's oral mucosa, tongue coating, etc., and inquired about his recent daily life and eating habits.

"Have you been working overtime lately? The diet is also more casual, often eating fast food and takeout?"

How long is the lifespan, just look at the eyebrows? Doctor's reminder: If you have these abnormalities in your eyebrows, be careful

Qiu Wei nodded: "Yes, in the recent sales season, I often work overtime until late, and I eat quite casually."

About half an hour later, the doctor ordered a series of tests.

"I suggest that you go for a comprehensive physical examination now, including six endocrine items, blood routine, a complete set of biochemistry, trace elements and other multi-faceted examinations, so that you can more accurately identify the cause and prescribe the right medicine."

How long is the lifespan, just look at the eyebrows? Doctor's reminder: If you have these abnormalities in your eyebrows, be careful

Sure enough, a few days later, the test report came out, showing that Qiu Wei had mild hypothyroidism, anemia, iron deficiency, and severe deficiency of vitamin B complex and protein.

The doctor prescribed him iron supplements, vitamin B supplements and thyroxine replacement therapy, and advised him to improve his work and rest, ensure adequate sleep, eat a balanced diet, and exercise appropriately to reduce stress.

How long is the lifespan, just look at the eyebrows? Doctor's reminder: If you have these abnormalities in your eyebrows, be careful

"Sometimes, some small abnormalities in the eyebrows are a small alarm in the body, and by the time obvious symptoms appear, the condition may have been aggravated and difficult to treat."

The doctor said, "If you have mild endocrine dysfunction and nutritional deficiencies like yours, if detected and treated in time, you can completely reverse the loss of eyebrows and hair." "

How long is the lifespan, just look at the eyebrows? Doctor's reminder: If you have these abnormalities in your eyebrows, be careful

Two months later, with timely nutrition and proper conditioning, Qiu Wei's eyebrows have returned to a thick and energetic state, and hair loss has basically stopped.

His mental state has also improved a lot, and his work efficiency and sales performance have improved significantly.

Although the eyebrows are small, they are often a small "window" to the health of the body. Its health, which often precedes the rest of the body, reflects some minor nutritional or endocrine problems.

How long is the lifespan, just look at the eyebrows? Doctor's reminder: If you have these abnormalities in your eyebrows, be careful

According to experts, the growth and development of eyebrows and hair circulation are regulated by a variety of endocrine hormones such as thyroid-stimulating hormone and corticosteroid.

At the same time, the healthy growth of eyebrows also requires the supply of a variety of nutrients, including protein, minerals such as zinc, selenium, etc., as well as vitamin B group, vitamin E, etc., if long-term deficiency of these nutrients, it may make eyebrows dry and scarce.

How long is the lifespan, just look at the eyebrows? Doctor's reminder: If you have these abnormalities in your eyebrows, be careful

In addition to endocrine and nutritional factors, some diseases are also reflected in the state of the eyebrows.

For example, an enlarged thyroid gland may cause the outer side of the eyebrows to fall out; Liver and kidney diseases may cause the eyebrows to become dry and dull; Anemia is often accompanied by loss of eyelashes.

Therefore, in terms of heat control and daily life, eyebrows can often take the lead in reflecting some minor problems in the body.

How long is the lifespan, just look at the eyebrows? Doctor's reminder: If you have these abnormalities in your eyebrows, be careful

Eyebrows that become dry and rough, frizzy and bifurcated, overly dense or suddenly fall out in large areas may indicate a nutritional or endocrine disorder in the body.

Therefore, there is no reason to ignore the eyebrows, which are the "small window" of the body. Some of the small signals it conveys may be a primer for maintaining health.

How long is the lifespan, just look at the eyebrows? Doctor's reminder: If you have these abnormalities in your eyebrows, be careful

Once you find that your eyebrows are abnormal, it is very necessary to seek medical attention in time, and maintain healthy hair and eyebrows, not only for a good image, but also for the external manifestation of physical and mental health.

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[This content is a fictional short story, and any name, place name, or other aspects involved in the text have nothing to do with reality (without any implications). If there is any similarity, it is purely a coincidence, please read it rationally. 】

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