
The smoother these 4 parts of the body, the healthier the person may be! The 4 movements help to clear the whole body and activate qi and blood

author:Dr. Wang of General Surgery

In the corner of a modern city, there is a middle-aged white-collar worker named Li Ming. Every day, his life seems to be filled with routine work and sedentary times. He used to sit in the office every morning, busy working on documents on the computer, and after lunch, he sat in the office for a while. In the evening, Li Ming still returns home to have dinner with his family, and then sits on the sofa watching TV or communicating with his mobile phone. A day passed, and Li Ming did not feel tired, but he often felt tired, poor sleep, and even occasionally dizzy.

The smoother these 4 parts of the body, the healthier the person may be! The 4 movements help to clear the whole body and activate qi and blood

The current situation of contemporary people who are "unwell".

In modern society, many people's lifestyle habits have led to some prevalent health problems, the most prominent of which include sedentary lifestyles and poor blood circulation. These problems not only affect the body's daily functioning, but can also accumulate over time as risk factors for chronic diseases.

The dangers of sedentary lifestyle

Being sedentary is a common lifestyle for modern people, especially at work, where many people spend a lot of time in front of a computer or sitting at a desk. Sedentary life causes the body to be in a static state for a long time, and the muscles cannot be moved and stretched enough, which not only leads to muscle and bone fatigue and tension, but also may cause problems such as lumbar disc herniation and cervical spondylosis. In addition, long-term sitting is also closely related to metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes, because sitting for a long time reduces the body's glucose utilization efficiency, and the secretion of insulin will also be affected, increasing the risk of abnormal glucose metabolism.

Hazards of poor blood circulation

Poor blood circulation is one of the direct consequences of a sedentary lifestyle. When a person maintains the same posture for a long time, especially when sitting, it will compress the common iliac artery and lower extremity veins, which will block the blood return and slow down the blood flow velocity, resulting in local blood stasis. This blood stasis not only causes edema, pain and discomfort in the lower limbs, but may also induce vascular diseases such as varicose veins. In addition, poor blood circulation can also affect the oxygen and blood supply to all parts of the body, and in the long run, it will increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease and stroke.

The body is smooth and the health is on the next level!

In modern society, many people have different degrees of physical problems due to sitting for a long time or the fast pace of life, such as poor blood circulation and poor flow of qi and blood. To maintain good health, it is very important to have a smooth body. The following four movements can help promote the smoothness of the whole body, activate qi and blood, and help improve overall health.

Deep breathing exercises

Deep breathing is not only a simple action in daily life, but also an effective way to manage health. By breathing deeply, we are able to effectively increase the amount of oxygen inhaled while promoting the excretion of carbon dioxide, which helps to improve the oxygenation of the blood. Deep breathing can dilate the capillaries in the lungs and increase lung capacity, thereby enhancing the body's metabolism, promoting blood circulation and reducing blood circulation

The smoother these 4 parts of the body, the healthier the person may be! The 4 movements help to clear the whole body and activate qi and blood

How do I take a deep breath?

Sit or stand, relax your body and close your eyes.

Inhale deeply through your nostrils to gradually puff up your abdomen, then exhale slowly.

Repeat multiple times for at least 5-10 minutes with each deep breath and keep it even.

Full body stretching

Full-body stretching is an effective way to promote blood circulation, relax muscles, and relieve nervous tension. Modern people sit or stand for a long time, which will cause many muscles in the body to be in a state of contraction for a long time, affecting the circulation of blood. With proper full-body stretching, it can effectively relax tense muscles, improve local blood circulation, and increase the flexibility and comfort of the body.

Simple full-body stretches

Neck Stretch: Slowly tilt your head to the left and right sides, holding on each side for 15 seconds.

Shoulder Relaxation: Cross your hands over your head and stretch upwards to stretch your back and arm muscles.

Lumbar twist: Sitting or standing, slowly turn the waist 5 times on each side.

Massage the acupressure points with your bare hands

Massage acupoints are an important part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to stimulate the meridians, regulate the flow of qi and blood, and promote blood circulation throughout the body. Massaging acupuncture points can not only relieve fatigue, but also improve the function of various organs in the body, enhance the body's immunity and disease resistance. In daily life, proper self-massage can effectively prevent and improve various chronic diseases.

Acupuncture points suitable for self-massage

Head Massage: Massage the temples and Baihui acupoints with both fingers to help relieve head fatigue and improve dizziness.

Wrist acupuncture points: Rubbing the Hegu acupoint on the inside of the wrist can promote blood circulation in the cardiovascular system.

Foot Reflexology: Massage the springs on the soles of your feet with your thumb to help improve sleep quality and boost immunity.

Simple rubbing with bare hands

The smoother these 4 parts of the body, the healthier the person may be! The 4 movements help to clear the whole body and activate qi and blood

Hand rubbing is a simple and easy self-care method that can effectively activate local meridians, promote blood circulation and accelerate metabolism. In daily life, proper hand and foot rubbing can effectively alleviate symptoms such as cold hands and feet, fatigue, etc., and improve the overall health level of the body.

How do I do a simple freehand rub?

Hand rubbing: Rub the palms of both hands together to increase blood circulation in the hands for about 1-2 minutes each time.

Foot Rub: Gently rub the soles of your feet with the palms of your hands, focusing on the heels and between the toes, for about 2-3 minutes each time.

Although the above four movements are simple, they have a significant effect on the health of the body. Through deep breathing, full-body stretching, freehand massage of acupuncture points and simple freehand rubbing, it can effectively promote the body's blood circulation, activate qi and blood, and improve the overall health of the body. It is recommended to do these actions consistently every day, which will help improve the quality of life, prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases, and make the body healthier and more energetic!

The smoother these 4 parts of the body, the healthier the person may be! The 4 movements help to clear the whole body and activate qi and blood