
It's a big deal! China Eastern Airlines appealed Lin Shengbin's privacy case, and the comment area was full of scolding

author:The army that loves to complain


Text / Editor: Berger

"My wife and children are in heaven, I am married to a second house in the world, and there is 100 million deposits in the bank, and I will not give a cent to my mother-in-law"

The Hangzhou nanny arson case has sparked heated discussions again after seven years, and China Eastern Airlines is currently appealing Lin Shengbin's accusation of privacy violations, and will enter the second instance on July 10.

It's a big deal! China Eastern Airlines appealed Lin Shengbin's privacy case, and the comment area was full of scolding

The case shocked the whole country at the time, and many netizens were very sympathetic to Lin Shengbin, but as he suddenly announced the news of marrying a wife and having children after receiving the compensation, public opinion began to reverse rapidly! Suspicions about the arson case have also begun to be investigated.

It's a big deal! China Eastern Airlines appealed Lin Shengbin's privacy case, and the comment area was full of scolding

The representative of the questioning is the well-known writer Liu Xinda, who called various airlines in 2021 and found that none of Lin Shengbin's flight records were found, which is inconsistent with his statement that he was on a business trip in Guangzhou when the case occurred! Subsequently, Liu Xinda posted the call recording of Lin Shengbin's flight record on Weibo! aroused the support of many netizens.

It's a big deal! China Eastern Airlines appealed Lin Shengbin's privacy case, and the comment area was full of scolding

Then Lin Shengbin sued Liu Xinda and China Eastern Airlines in court for invasion of privacy!

It's a big deal! China Eastern Airlines appealed Lin Shengbin's privacy case, and the comment area was full of scolding

However, netizens did not buy Lin Shengbin's statement, thinking that the investigation of the case should be restarted and the truth should be revealed!

It's a big deal! China Eastern Airlines appealed Lin Shengbin's privacy case, and the comment area was full of scolding

Some netizens believe that it is right to have privacy, but this involves a homicide, and the investigation of the case must be compromised, and it should be subject to social supervision.

It's a big deal! China Eastern Airlines appealed Lin Shengbin's privacy case, and the comment area was full of scolding