
A 77-year-old man and a 33-year-old nanny gave birth to a son, and the old man's daughter had mixed feelings in her heart

author:Yellow chicks

One day in 2000, a woman suddenly received a notice from the villagers that the nanny who took care of your father was pregnant, and I heard that it was still your father's blood!

The woman was very surprised: What? How can it be! My father is 77 years old this year, and the nanny is only 33 years old, which is absolutely impossible!

But if you think about it, the live-in nanny takes care of the father all day, and the father is the only one who spends the most time with the nanny. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that it was not so simple, so the woman quickly contacted the other sisters to inform and discuss the matter!

A 77-year-old man and a 33-year-old nanny gave birth to a son, and the old man's daughter had mixed feelings in her heart

Later, the woman returned to her old father's house with many sisters, and asked her father and the nanny about the matter.

The father and the nanny said together that the child in the nanny's womb was the 77-year-old father's, which surprised many sisters for a while, and then did a lot of unexpected measures?

So how did the 77-year-old man meet love when he was already in the age of happy life? Why would a 33-year-old live-in nanny be willing to get pregnant and have a child for an old man? The nanny is pregnant, what measures and things have the old man's children done?

A 77-year-old man and a 33-year-old nanny gave birth to a son, and the old man's daughter had mixed feelings in her heart

Ye Laohan, he did not give birth to a son, and he has always been a little worse in his retirement life

Ye Laohan, when he was young, worked in a company, and in his old age he could get a pension. It was quite enviable to have a pension life, but Ye Laohan's wife died early, which made him very regretful.

In terms of having children, Ye Laohan gave birth to five daughters, and because of the many daughters in his life at that time, it was not easy to raise children, let alone five. So Ye Laohan raised his daughter until his daughter got married, although he had a job, he didn't live a very good life when he retired, just barely enough to live!

When it came time to retire, what made Ye Laohan even more regretful was that all his daughters got married, and he was the only one left alone in the family, which was also a really sad thing.

By the time Ye Laohan was 77 years old, he was already a little sluggish in walking. The five daughters sometimes take turns to come back to see the old man, and then the daughter feels that this is not the way to go, after all, it is only and not long-term care and companionship. So the five sisters discussed hiring a nanny to take care of their elderly father.

Summary: In terms of having children, it is a happy thing to have a daughter and a child. However, although Ye Laohan has five daughters, he just has no sons, so in general, it is a bit regrettable in his old age, after all, all his daughters are married, and there is only one lonely self left in the family, which is a portrayal of life.

A 77-year-old man and a 33-year-old nanny gave birth to a son, and the old man's daughter had mixed feelings in her heart

Ye Laohan

Five daughters together hire a nanny for their father

The five sisters also discussed the matter of hiring a nanny for a long time, and came to the conclusion that the nanny must be good, down-to-earth and hardworking, because the father has savings and pensions, which should be taken care of.

Because the father has been single for a long time, he thinks about it all day long, and he is afraid that some feelings will happen between him and the nanny, and the daughters are "the nanny must be young", so it is like a hard hemp rope to do things, with age as a barrier, there is no need to worry about what happens.

In this way, after looking for a period of time, the five sisters finally hired a 33-year-old young woman named "Ren Ying'e" as a nanny, and she took care of her father's daily life, daily life, daily life, food, walking, etc., and lived at home.

Summary: When the daughter grows up, she should always get married, which is also a natural law, although each daughter has a family after marriage, but it varies from person to person, Ye Laohan's best choice is to choose to live in one of the daughters' house, accompanied and cared for by the daughter, which can better reflect the family affection. Nowadays, the practice is to hire a nanny for the father, and there is no good concept to summarize whether this practice is appropriate or not.

A 77-year-old man and a 33-year-old nanny gave birth to a son, and the old man's daughter had mixed feelings in her heart

I thought that everything would be fine like this, but I didn't expect the hemp rope to be broken in every detail, and this break directly caught people off guard

Since Ren Ying'e came to the house to take care of Ye Laohan, she is also very diligent and down-to-earth at work, and often accompanies Ye Laohan to go out for a walk whenever she has time.

The five daughters saw it in their eyes at the time, and they also felt that they had found the right person, and hoped that Ren Ying'e could continue to do this job.

But two people who get along day and night, especially a man and a woman, sometimes inevitably have feelings.

After a long time, Ye Laohan affectionately regarded Ren Ying'e as his soul mate and cherished him like a wife.

There is nothing wrong with this emotion, since all the daughters got married, the family is lonely and lonely and doesn't even have someone to talk to, and suddenly there is a person in the family, who accompanies him all day long and is very good to himself, so he cherishes Ren Ying'e, which is also a normal person's psychology.

So after a long time, Ren Ying'e also had an inexplicable feeling about Ye Laohan, although he was a little older, he was very good to himself, and he was also a kind and talkative person (Ye Laohan used to work in the unit, and he was a person of insight who naturally had a set of words), and there was a feeling of admiration in his heart, and there was an unexpected trace of love, and finally the two walked together, and finally Ren Ying'e was pregnant.

Summary: Ren Ying'e's companionship and care made Ye Laohan's later life full of warmth and comfort, and he developed a strong sense of love. Ren Ying'e didn't care about age, and she fell in love with each other for a while, this may be the legendary love regardless of age, nor is it a gap!

A 77-year-old man and a 33-year-old nanny gave birth to a son, and the old man's daughter had mixed feelings in her heart

What happened after Ren Ying'e became pregnant

The five daughters heard it and thought that it was absolutely impossible, how could it be possible, the father was 77 years old, how could there be a child, this was definitely a scam, it must have been a scam set up for the father's money.

So the five sisters got together and went home to find out for themselves!

But the father Ye Laohan and Ren Ying'e said that they were indeed pregnant with a child in their womb, and the child was Ye Laohan's! Listening to these five sisters was like a thunderbolt from the sky, and they didn't know what to do all of a sudden.

Then the five sisters reacted: they accused Ren Ying'e again and again, denounced her as "greedy", and her heart came to her father's family property.

In addition, Ren Ying'e is insisted on terminating the pregnancy and the child cannot be born, which will bring a lot of gossip.

A 77-year-old man and a 33-year-old nanny gave birth to a son, and the old man's daughter had mixed feelings in her heart

In the face of his daughter's statement, Ye Laohan resolutely expressed his opposition to abortion and insisted that Ren Ying'e give birth to the child. and said one by one that the child in the womb is his own to choose and speak, and has nothing to do with the family of five daughters.

Under Ye Laohan's firm attitude and response, the daughters temporarily chose to compromise in order to ease the tension in the family.

A 77-year-old man and a 33-year-old nanny gave birth to a son, and the old man's daughter had mixed feelings in her heart

Summary: Ren Ying'e and Ye Laohan walked together because of love, and Ren Ying'e was pregnant. What the daughters thought in their hearts, although Ye Laohan and Ren Ying'e are now walking together, they will be more considerate in taking care of their father in the future, but this is not a good thing, the father is so old, the division of the father's family property and savings is a problem, and the reputation will naturally be all kinds of gossip from outsiders, as a daughter, she must do something, so she will still drive Ren Ying'e out, and finally Ren Ying'e rents a house outside with a big belly to have a baby, and Ye Laohan often goes out to visit Ren Ying'e.

A 77-year-old man and a 33-year-old nanny gave birth to a son, and the old man's daughter had mixed feelings in her heart


Ye Laohan's death

The child was born, it was a boy, and Ye Laohan and Ren Ying'e were very happy.

Ye Laohan didn't expect that he would be able to get a noble son in the year of his happy birthday, which is really the best gift God has given him. Therefore, the name of the child "Ren Baobao" means that it is a treasure in the family.

People are in good spirits on happy occasions, and since he had a son, Ye Laohan seems to be younger, and it is more normal and energetic to visit Ren Ying'e.

Until the child turned 6 years old, Ye Laohan thought that it was not a way to go on like this, the family had their own home, and the other half of them lived outside, although the children were blocked everywhere, they were all married. If he continued like this, he was wronged by Ren Ying'e and his children, and at this time, Ye Laohan suddenly made two bold decisions:

First, marry Ren Ying'e and take her and the children home to live together.

Second, give Ren Ying'e and the child a name, and go with Ren Ying'e to get a marriage certificate after getting married, which is also Ye Laohan's dream, and he knows very well that he is over 80 years old.

The five daughters thought it couldn't be! The father is so old, first of all, he agrees that the child cannot be the father's and not his younger brother, and there must be something else in it. Unless you go for a paternity test, as long as the child is sure that it is the father's, there will be no future.

So Ye Laohan and Ren Ying'e took their son to the hospital for a personal appraisal.

A 77-year-old man and a 33-year-old nanny gave birth to a son, and the old man's daughter had mixed feelings in her heart


The results of the identification show that the relative chance of the child having a blood relationship with Ye Laohan is greater than 99.99%, and this result can also prove that the child is Ye Laohan's biological child, which is worthy of the name Ye Baobao, the moment he took it home, Ren Baobao was officially named "Ye Baobao" in Ye Laohan, and then Ye Laohan and Ren Ying'e went to the Civil Affairs Bureau together to get a marriage certificate and became an official legal couple.

A 77-year-old man and a 33-year-old nanny gave birth to a son, and the old man's daughter had mixed feelings in her heart

But it was the father who did two amazing things that touched the heartstrings of the daughters, who never believed it, and thought that it was all fake, that it was impossible for our brother to be together, and that there was a quarrel between them.

In this way, the relationship between Ye Laohan and his daughters cracked because of this, which made Ye Laohan very angry.

Once Ye Laohan was sick because of cerebral thrombosis and was admitted to the hospital, and he urgently needed the signature of his family, in addition to the signature of his wife Ren Ying'e, he also needed the signature of his daughter.

A 77-year-old man and a 33-year-old nanny gave birth to a son, and the old man's daughter had mixed feelings in her heart

At this time, Ren Ying'e anxiously dialed the phone number of the old man's daughter, but none of the daughters came to sign, which made the insiders present stunned, and said that it was really wrong for the daughters to do this, in order to deprive Ren's mother and son of the inheritance of the old man's property, they not only refused to sign the surgical consent, but also actively connected relatives and friends to boycott Ren's mother and son, trying to completely deprive them of all their rights and interests.

In the end, Ye Laohan also died in the hospital because his condition was too serious.

Among them, in Ye Laohan's testamentary inheritance, it has been clearly written that Ren Ying'e inherited all of Ye Laohan's property, including the house, and no one has the right to interfere.

A 77-year-old man and a 33-year-old nanny gave birth to a son, and the old man's daughter had mixed feelings in her heart


After Ye Laohan's death, it was indeed not easy for the young Ren Ying'e to take a child, but fortunately, in addition to leaving property for Ren Ying'e's mother and son, Ye Laohan also had a family pension, which allowed Ren Ying'e to reduce some of the burdens in her future life, otherwise life would be unimaginable.

Ren Ying'e lives a hard-working life and has found a job of her own, taking care of her children while working hard to keep her family.

A 77-year-old man and a 33-year-old nanny gave birth to a son, and the old man's daughter had mixed feelings in her heart

Ren Ying'e and her son

You give birth to me, I raise you old, all daughters or you have to enter the life of the elderly to take care of the elderly, reducing the loneliness of the elderly is a very important thing, giving the elderly enough companionship, listening to their stories and voices, caring for the life needs and emotional state of the elderly, so that the elderly can really feel the warmth and care, so as to reduce loneliness, improve the happiness and satisfaction of life, and care for the elderly Everyone is responsible.

Just like at the beginning of the story, when the nanny was hired, if the daughters really fulfilled their responsibilities, then Ye Laohan's care in his later years may be that each daughter takes turns to accompany him, or directly one of the five daughters at home to enjoy his old age, so that there will be no complicated things in the future.

A 77-year-old man and a 33-year-old nanny gave birth to a son, and the old man's daughter had mixed feelings in her heart

Ye Laohan

Even if something happens, then pay attention to communication and exchange, blindly escaping reality is not the solution to the problem.

Just like Ye Laohan's daughters, I also think that they always choose to avoid problems, and their hearts are not broad-minded and accommodating. This led to Ye Laohan being disheartened with his daughter in the end, and then handed over all the property to Ren Ying'e's mother and son.

Loneliness is terrible, especially for the elderly who live alone, sometimes they don't have the opportunity to talk and release their hearts, and it is really uncomfortable to live a life.

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