
Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children

author:It's a big mouth

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Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children

Text: Heaven is a big mouth

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Big S, a woman who has stepped into the entertainment industry since she was a teenager, can be described as battle-hardened and well-informed.

But after the divorce, she stayed at home and focused on her ex-husband's family all day long. When the child went back to Beijing for the summer vacation, her attitude was called a wavering, just like the grass on the wall, where the wind blew, it would fall.

Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children
Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children

This made Wang Xiaofei angry enough, and she was anxious and annoyed in her heart, like ants on a hot pot, turning around but helpless. Take a look at Wang Xiaofei again, after the divorce, she quickly walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand with Ma Xiaomei, and planned to give birth to a noble son early.

The news was like a bombshell, setting off stormy waves on the already unquiet lake. And Ma Xiaomei's preparation for pregnancy has undoubtedly become the new focus of this dispute.

As for Big S, it is estimated that there are mixed tastes in my heart. On the one hand, there may still be some nostalgia and reluctance for the past marriage; On the other hand, there is a lot of confusion and uncertainty about the future.

Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children
Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children

She worries that her children will not receive enough love and attention in their new family environment, which makes her feel like she is stuck in a deep quagmire when making decisions.

Zhang Lan, as Wang Xiaofei's mother, is full of praise for her new daughter-in-law Ma Xiaomei, and praises her for her high emotional intelligence and ability to handle family relationships. In this comparison, the pressure in Da S's heart can be imagined, like carrying a heavy mountain on his back, out of breath.

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei are also more in love than Jinjian, the two climbed the Great Wall together, and the scene seemed to tell the world that they were not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, and they were determined to work hard for this newly formed family.

Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children
Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children

But this family dispute, how can it be so simple! Everyone is playing their own small calculations and wants to maximize their own interests. But in the end, the most pitiful thing is the two children.

Let's just say that since Big S has given birth to a child, he has to think about the child's future! Don't always take care of your own thoughts, your child's growth can't be delayed.

As for Wang Xiaofei, she should also have more snacks, don't just think about her new family, and be more understanding and tolerant of her ex-wife and children.

Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children
Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children

If you want to say that this big S, he used to be the master of the entertainment industry, why is he so entangled in this family issue? Is it really that he was carried away by emotions and lost his former shrewdness and decisiveness?

Although Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei have shown firm determination, there is still a long way to go, and there is still a big question mark over whether they can really give their children a happy home.

That day, Zhang Lan had just finished a warm dinner with her new daughter-in-law and was hurrying to the airport. Maybe she was still immersed in the joy of reunion, or maybe the loneliness of the road made her want to share it with others, so she started a live broadcast on the way.

Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children

In the live broadcast room, some fans praised her for finding a good daughter-in-law this time. This was an ordinary compliment, but I never wanted to uncover a dusty past.

Zhang Lan seemed to open the conversation box and talked endlessly about the bits and pieces she once got along with Big S. Her slightly helpless and sad voice seems to travel through time and space, taking us to the streets of Wanwan.

She said that every time she went to see a child, even if she had arrived at the door, she still had to wait in line for a call as if waiting to be registered to see a doctor. This may be an hour, or it may be tomorrow.

Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children
Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children

The other party's sentence "I am resting, I have no time to receive" is like a ruthless fence, blocking her grandmother, who is full of care about her grandchildren.

Imagine that scene, Zhang Lan was full of expectations, traveled a long distance, but ate such a closed door. What is this attitude towards loved ones? I don't even have the most basic respect! Her words are full of grievances and helplessness.

Wang Xiaofei also revealed that in the more than three years of the epidemic, her mother Zhang Lan wanted to see her eyes, but she never saw her grandchildren. And the large flat of more than 700 square meters bought in Taipei was supposed to be a harbor for home, but there was no place for Zhang Lan.

Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children

Every time she goes, she can only stay in a hotel, coming and going in a hurry, like a passerby. Hearing this, some netizens were angry and shouted: "The S family is too unusual!" This is the child's own grandmother, how can she be treated like this? ”

"No wonder Wang Xiaofei was emotionally unstable before, who can be stable when she is exposed to this anger every day?" Everyone complained about Wang Xiaofei's mother and son, feeling that they had really suffered too many grievances.

But some people think: "Let the past pass, what's the point of mentioning it?" After all, Big S is still the child's mother, don't embarrass the child. ”

Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children

Life is always full of twists and surprises, though. Now, Wang Xiaofei has remarried and married Xiaomei, this Xiaomei is really a caring person.

Xiaomei's EQ and IQ are really high. She knows how to think about her mother-in-law, eases the relationship between Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei, and allows this family to regain some of the lost warmth.

She took Wang Xiaofei back to Taipei for her birthday, and the scene must have been full of laughter. Moreover, she also plans to take her children on vacation abroad, which is really not picky for her stepmother.

Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children
Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children

Let's just say that this big S and Xiaomei are simply two extremes. Da S refused to stay in Beijing, refused to live with Zhang Lan, and did not let the children see his grandmother. As for Xiaomei, she puts her family first everywhere and runs this family harmoniously and beautifully.

This is strange, what is Big S thinking? She can't bear to watch her children grow up in such an environment? I really hope that this family can wake up soon and stop tossing.

The most important thing is for children to laugh freely in the sun and enjoy the warmth of family. Otherwise, the family strife will only snowball, getting bigger and bigger, and in the end, no one can clean it up.

Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children
Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children
Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children

Let's wait and see if this family can finally find that balance and make the family full of love and understanding again. If it can, it can be regarded as a positive example for these disturbances in the entertainment industry.

If not, it will really become a topic of conversation after dinner, and it will only increase the laughing stock. Having said that, if this big S can let go of the past, re-examine his behavior, and make some changes for his child's future, maybe he can save some reputation.

Wang Xiaofei gave birth to Ma Xiaomei, threatened the inheritance of the child, and Da S was furious, reiterating that he was not allowed to see his children

But this is easier said than done. We, the people who eat melons, can only watch from the sidelines, hoping that they can have a good ending.

After all, no one wants to see a child suffer, do they?

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