
Zhang Zhijie's body is in Sardjito Hospital, his mother rushed to it, his father died early, and the Indian side: Don't send the video


Shocked to hear the bad news, deeply regretted! is also a native of Zhejiang, and was originally proud of having such a talented national feather player in his hometown. There are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and people have good and bad luck, but now they have to mourn for Zhang Zhijie's sudden death.

Zhang Zhijie, a native of Jiaxing, Zhejiang, was born on January 30, 2007 and passed away on June 30, 2024. He has been in this world for only 17 years and 6 months. Beautiful, fresh life has fallen sadly.

Zhang Zhijie's body is in Sardjito Hospital, his mother rushed to it, his father died early, and the Indian side: Don't send the video

Zhang Zhijie is a talented athlete who won the men's singles championship at the Dutch Youth Badminton International Championships.

Zhang Zhijie is a sensible child, and on the eve of the competition, he stepped up his training in order to achieve good results, bring honor to the motherland, and win glory for his family.

Not long ago, his college guarantee book was just sent to his home. When he won the prize money in the competition, he would buy gifts for his mother and sister as soon as possible.

At the same time, he was also a child with a hard life, and his father died early when he was a child. His mother brought him and his sister up. Now his mother has become the most miserable mother again.

Zhang Zhijie's body is in Sardjito Hospital, his mother rushed to it, his father died early, and the Indian side: Don't send the video

On June 30, at the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fainted at a match in the evening.

Badminton is a sport that requires explosive power and staying power. It is the most intense of all sports.

Zhang Zhijie may have suffered a cardiac arrest and fainted as a result.

It was heart-wrenching to see this scene, he fell to the ground on all fours, raised his head a few times, and tried to prop himself up with his arms. He couldn't have imagined that he would never get up again. The coach tried to step forward but was stopped by the referee next to him.

Zhang Zhijie's body is in Sardjito Hospital, his mother rushed to it, his father died early, and the Indian side: Don't send the video

Later, the emergency team did not take any measures, not even cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Lift him directly to the stretcher and carry him away.

Although it only took more than two minutes from fainting to being sent to the hospital, how long was the delay on the way to the hospital? A few seconds after fainting, CPR is key, get the AED and defibrillate. The previous golden rescue time was delayed in this way.

Zhang Zhijie's body is in Sardjito Hospital, his mother rushed to it, his father died early, and the Indian side: Don't send the video
Zhang Zhijie's body is in Sardjito Hospital, his mother rushed to it, his father died early, and the Indian side: Don't send the video

At present, Zhang Zhijie's body is still in the local Sardjito Hospital, waiting for his family to rush from China. His mother and sister were heartbroken!

Zhang Zhijie's body is in Sardjito Hospital, his mother rushed to it, his father died early, and the Indian side: Don't send the video

At the press conference, the Indonesian Indian Badminton Association stressed the appeal to all parties to stop disseminating videos or photos of Zhang Zhijie at the competition site, and to respect the privacy of Zhang Zhijie's family and all parties.

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