
The center of a new round of heavy rainfall is lifted northward, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, weather forecast for July 2~3,

author:Long Tianyu said the weather

Text: Long Tianyu

Edited by I Long Tianyu


During the summer solstice, the rainy weather in the southern plum rainy season has always been the focus of people's attention, and this year's rainy season seems to be particularly "capricious", frequently "adding blockage" to the southern region, and heavy rainfall weather has occurred in many places, which has brought a certain impact on local production and life.

At the same time, the rainfall in the northern region is obviously low, and some places have entered a state of drought, the farmland has dried up, and the water level of the reservoir has dropped significantly, which has brought certain pressure to agricultural production and the ecological environment.

Just when everyone was "heartbroken" for the south, a "sweet rain" came, and it was "shipped" from the north, which surprised many people and brought a trace of "comfort" to the southern region.

The center of a new round of heavy rainfall is lifted northward, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, weather forecast for July 2~3,

1. The plum rainy season in the south frequently "adds blockages", and many places encounter heavy rainfall

1. Rainfall during the rainy season in southern China

Speaking of summer, the rainy season in the south is almost a household name, at this time of the year, under the influence of warm and humid air flow, frequent rainy weather often occurs in the south, and the time span is relatively long, bringing a certain "humidity" to the local climate environment.

The center of a new round of heavy rainfall is lifted northward, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, weather forecast for July 2~3,

This year's rainy season seems to be a bit "capricious", just at the beginning of the southern region "add blockage", the frequent heavy rainfall weather in various places, the cumulative rainfall is obviously more, some places also have moderate to heavy rain weather, and even accompanied by extreme weather processes such as thunder and hail, which has caused a certain impact on local farmland and houses, and has also triggered some geological disasters.

2. The impact of heavy rainfall on the local area

The rainfall in the southern region has always been "there is a surprise and no joy", a moderate amount of rainfall is conducive to the growth of crops, can also replenish the local water resources, but once there is heavy rainfall, it will often have a certain impact on local production and life.

It is the waterlogging of the farmland, and the continuous heavy rainfall can easily lead to the accumulation of water in the farmland, affect the growth of crops, and even cause a certain reduction in yield, which will have a certain impact on the farmers' harvest.

Heavy rainfall can easily lead to disasters such as geological landslides and debris flows, and will also affect traffic and even bring certain threats to the safety of people's lives and property.

3. Expected rainfall in the coming days

The center of a new round of heavy rainfall is lifted northward, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, weather forecast for July 2~3,

According to the forecast of the meteorological department, the main rainfall areas in the next few days are mainly concentrated in the southwest and some places in the Yangtze River Basin, among which Sichuan, Hunan, Jiangxi and other places have more obvious rainy weather, and there will even be moderate to heavy rain locally.

With the passage of time, the rain belt will gradually move northward, and the rainy weather in South China and East China will gradually weaken, and even some "rain stops and clouds open" weather, and the hot weather in the south will also increase, entering a period of "sauna mode" life.

The center of a new round of heavy rainfall is lifted northward, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, weather forecast for July 2~3,

Second, the northern region ushered in the "Ganlin", and the Huanghuai area is expected to usher in rainy weather

1. Rainfall in the North

Compared with the "capriciousness" of the plum rainy season in the south, the rainfall in the northern region is obviously on the low side, and some places have even experienced a certain degree of drought, the water level of rivers has dropped significantly, and the farmland has dried up, which has brought certain pressure to agricultural production and the ecological environment.

Just when everyone was "urgent" about the rainfall in the north, a stream of "sweet rain" began to "ship" from the north, bringing a trace of "comfort" to the Huanghuai area in North China, and there was a certain degree of continuity.

The center of a new round of heavy rainfall is lifted northward, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, weather forecast for July 2~3,

2. Rainfall on July 2nd

According to the monitoring of the meteorological department, the main rainfall areas on July 2 were mainly concentrated in the northwest region and the Huanghuai area, among which Gansu, Shaanxi, Henan and other places had moderate to heavy rain, which helped to alleviate the local drought to a certain extent.

In addition, due to the influence of rainy weather, the local temperature has also dropped, which brings a touch of coolness to people and is also conducive to the growth of crops.

The center of a new round of heavy rainfall is lifted northward, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, weather forecast for July 2~3,

3. Rainfall on July 3rd

With the passage of time, the rainy weather on July 3 will be lifted northward, and it is expected to be mainly concentrated in the Huanghuai area and the Jianghuai area, among which Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu and other places have a certain degree of rainy weather, and there will even be moderate to heavy rain locally, which will help alleviate the local drought to a certain extent.

Affected by the rainy weather, the temperature in the Huanghuai area will also drop, while the hot weather in the southern region will increase, entering a clear temperature "roller coaster" mode.

The center of a new round of heavy rainfall is lifted northward, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, weather forecast for July 2~3,

3. The impact of climate change and how to deal with extreme weather

1. The effects of climate change

Judging from the current rainy weather and temperature changes, it seems that we can get a glimpse of the impact of climate change on our lives, and the rainfall area in the southern plum rainy season seems to be somewhat "capricious", frequently "adding blockages" to the southern region, while the rainfall in the northern region is obviously low, and drought has occurred in some places.

This also seems to remind us that climate change is quietly affecting our lives, and the frequent occurrence of extreme weather events may have a certain relationship with climate warming, and also bring certain challenges to our production and life.

The center of a new round of heavy rainfall is lifted northward, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, weather forecast for July 2~3,

2. How to deal with extreme weather

In the face of the challenges brought about by climate change, it seems that each of us has a certain responsibility, and we should strengthen measures to deal with climate change, starting from the little things to protect the environment around us.

With the gradual weakening of rainy weather, the water supply in the southern region may be affected to a certain extent, we should be aware of the preciousness of water resources, and start from daily life to save water.

The center of a new round of heavy rainfall is lifted northward, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, weather forecast for July 2~3,

It is to strengthen the protection of the ecological environment, and the climate change may also have a certain relationship with human misconduct, we should take care of the ecological environment around us, protect the habitat of wild animals and plants, and let them live in harmony with us.

The emergence of extreme weather events has brought a certain threat to the safety of our lives and property, and we should strengthen the awareness of disaster prevention and reduction, do a good job in disaster prevention and mitigation, and ensure the safety of the public's lives and property.

The center of a new round of heavy rainfall is lifted northward, and the distribution of heavy rainfall is as follows, weather forecast for July 2~3,


Weather seems to be a topic of conversation, and when extreme weather events occur, the discussion is particularly lively, and climate change seems to teach us a "lively" lesson, making us deeply aware that human beings are closely related to the natural world and should live in harmony with nature to jointly address the challenges brought about by climate change.

Only when everyone is aware of this, can we start from the little things and contribute to the protection of the earth's homeland, so that the blue sky and white clouds, green waters and green mountains will always accompany our lives.