
Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift What is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!


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Hey, did you know? Recently, Wei Shen has become a hot topic! This time, he took his cousin's family to climb the Great Wall, which was not an ordinary tour, it was simply a huge test of physical fitness!

Wei Shen, a genius who shines in the field of mathematics, is always immersed in the advanced world of mathematics on weekdays. But this time, he showed a kind and warm side of life. You may not know that Wei Shen has always been a vegetarian, but what he bought for his nephews was fragrant meat buns. Behind this seemingly simple act is his deep love for his family, this thought, this kindness, can really move people to tears.

Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift What is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

Wei Shen's uncle once said that their family, including Wei Shen's father, mother and himself, never cared about material things. Eating and wearing, everything is simple and never exquisite. When my uncle said this, there was a mixture of pride and a little reproach in his tone. As a relative, of course, he hopes that his younger brother's family can take more care of their bodies and treat themselves better.

Wei Shen doesn't usually answer a lot of phone calls, but every time his cousin calls, he will definitely answer. This is enough to see that his cousin has a special position in his heart, and he can also feel his cherishment of this family affection. After all, his father has long passed away, and his mother is not in good health and is recuperating in her hometown in Shandong. As long as he has time, Wei Dongyi will also return to Shandong to visit his mother and do his filial piety.

Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift What is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

Another time, Wei Dongyi's performance in the Forbidden City was impressive. Like a curious baby, he bends over to look at the exhibits, a look that is very different from his serious image in the field of mathematical research. The cousin took his son and daughter to visit him in Beijing, and after the two met, Wei Dongyi was as happy as a child, completely lacking the cold style of being a mathematical genius.

In fact, the reason why Wei Shen is so curious about the antiques and treasures in the Palace Museum is not because he wants to conduct any in-depth research on cultural relics, but more because of his innocent and curious heart. This simple mentality, just like his original intention towards mathematics, is pure and fiery.

Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift What is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

When it comes to Wei Dongyi, when this name is mentioned, the first thing that often comes to everyone's mind is that he is full of advanced mathematical theories, and they feel that he is an unattainable academic god. However, when we dig deeper, we will find that hidden behind those admirable academic achievements, Wei Dongyi's daily life is not much different from that of ordinary people.

Take his diet in the cafeteria as an example, a bowl of white rice and a bowl of white tofu can make him eat deliciously. What's even more surprising is that if the rice accidentally falls on the table, he will pick it up and eat it, never wasting a single bit of food. This almost harsh spirit of frugality is particularly precious and admirable in today's era of pursuit of enjoyment and advocating luxury.

Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift What is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

Wei Dongyi's story tells us that a person's greatness does not lie in how much material wealth he has, or how much luxury he enjoys. True greatness lies in the perseverance of the heart, in the cherishing of family affection, in the desire for knowledge, in the love of life, even the simplest and most ordinary life, can be lived tastefully and full of meaning.

He marched forward in the world of mathematics in pursuit of truth; In life, he maintains his original intention, cares for his family, and cherishes every resource. He used his actions to explain to us what is the real quality and what is the real value.

Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift What is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

Perhaps, realistically speaking, most of us are indeed unable to achieve such brilliant and extraordinary achievements at the peak of academic excellence as Wei Dongyi. After all, the talent and effort he has shown in the field of mathematics is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

However, that doesn't mean we can't draw valuable nutrients from him. We can learn from him the sincere attitude towards life, the kind of perseverance that always sticks to the original intention no matter what circumstances we encounter.

Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift What is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

Let us strive to be like him on our own life path, live extremely real, not be confused by false appearances, and not be swayed by the temptation of vanity; Life is full of meaning, every choice is based on inner love and pursuit, and every effort is one step closer to the direction of dreams.

In the long years to come, there is no doubt that Wei Dongyi will continue to work hard and explore in the field of mathematics that he loves and is obsessed with. With his extraordinary wisdom and perseverance, he will bring us one amazing surprise after another, and achieve remarkable breakthroughs again and again.

Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift What is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

And we will always pay attention to him, pay close attention to his every movement, every progress. From his legendary story, we will continue to draw the strength to forge ahead, constantly improve ourselves, and constantly surpass ourselves, so as to achieve our own growth and transformation.

Inspired by his strong spirit, we will have the courage to face life's endless challenges without fear. Unswervingly pursue the shining dream in the depths of your heart, no matter how many hardships and obstacles you will encounter along the way, you will never back down or give up.

Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift What is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

Even if the road ahead is full of thorns and spikes, every step forward may leave us bruised; Even if the future journey is foggy and chaotic, we can't see the direction of the way forward and can't find the way forward. We will still carry the fearless courage and firm faith that we have gained from him, and take every step steadily, step by step.

With our inner perseverance and tenacious perseverance, we will strive to write our own wonderful chapter. Let every experience become a precious memory worth remembering in life, and let every struggle become a solid cornerstone to success. I sincerely wish that Wei Dongyi can continue to shine brightly in the vast, deep and vast starry sky of mathematics, continue to explore the unknown, and continue to create miracles.

Wei Shen wore new clothes to the Forbidden City and gave his nephew a mysterious gift What is it? It turns out that he is also short-sighted!

At the same time, we also hope that under his guidance, we can find our own sea of stars along the path he illuminated. There, we can bloom ourselves to the fullest, realize our value, and let life shine with brilliant and colorful brilliance. May we all be able to move forward bravely and never stop on this long road of life, with dreams and hopes. Under the encouragement of Wei Dongyi, find your own bright starry sky and reap your own brilliant achievements.

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