
The Eighth Route Army was about to run out of bullets, and at the critical moment, the landlord stepped forward: I have dozens of boxes of ammunition at home

author:After tea and dinner4

The Eighth Route Army was about to run out of bullets, and at the critical moment, the landlord stepped forward: I have dozens of boxes of ammunition at home

The Eighth Route Army fought a tough battle to resist Japan and defend the country

On July 7, 1937, the Japanese army suddenly attacked Wanping City, kicking off a full-scale invasion of China. Since then, the roars and wails on the land of China have come and gone, and a tragic national war of resistance has begun.

The Eighth Route Army was about to run out of bullets, and at the critical moment, the landlord stepped forward: I have dozens of boxes of ammunition at home

In this life-and-death war, not only the heroic soldiers of the Eighth Route Army fought on the front line, but also some well-educated and patriotic squires, landlords and capitalists also stepped forward to contribute their own strength to the liberation of the motherland. Among them, the most prominent is the son of the great clan of Lingxian County, Dezhou, respecting the elderly.

The large amount of wealth accumulated by the Zongzi Jing family for generations was like walking on thin ice in front of the Japanese army. Once the Eighth Route Army is defeated, his family property will inevitably be plundered by the Japanese army. But Zong Zijing did not choose to escape, but resolutely stood on the front line of protecting his family and defending the country.

The Eighth Route Army was about to run out of bullets, and at the critical moment, the landlord stepped forward: I have dozens of boxes of ammunition at home

When the 5th Detachment of the Eighth Route Army encountered a fierce attack by the enemy and was about to run out of ammunition, Zong Zijing took out dozens of boxes of ammunition hidden at home in time to solve the urgent need of the Eighth Route Army. Not only that, Zong Zijing also called on the whole family to take up arms and fight side by side with the Eighth Route Army. His children and daughter-in-law also did not hesitate to join the fighting team.

Zong Zijing's heroic behavior fully embodied the patriotic spirit of a landlord class with feelings for the family and country. Regardless of the gains and losses of his personal interests, he chose the path that was closely related to the destiny of the nation without hesitation. Although his family property is precious, he obviously attaches more importance to the future of the motherland and the life and death of the people. As he said, "Where is the home without a country?"

The Eighth Route Army was about to run out of bullets, and at the critical moment, the landlord stepped forward: I have dozens of boxes of ammunition at home

In the face of the ferocious attack of the Japanese army, the Eighth Route Army finally defeated the enemy and dealt a blow to their arrogance with the help of the ammunition provided by Zong Zijing. This major victory not only demonstrated the heroic and good fighting of the Eighth Route Army, but also demonstrated the patriotic enthusiasm of the broad masses of the people.

As one historian put it: "When the nation is in peril, those who are born in the landlord class but still uphold patriotic beliefs and are loyal to the country are the real national heroes." Zong Zijing is such a national hero, and his heroic deeds will be remembered forever in the long river of history.

The Eighth Route Army was about to run out of bullets, and at the critical moment, the landlord stepped forward: I have dozens of boxes of ammunition at home

This battle not only celebrated the deeds of national heroes, but also showed that only by uniting can we defeat the powerful invaders. This has undoubtedly given the Chinese people great confidence and courage in fighting the war together. Let us be proud of the heroic deeds of the sons and daughters of China who threw down their heads and shed their blood, and are encouraged by the final victory of this tragic War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

Continue the thrilling battle of the Great Clan

The Eighth Route Army was about to run out of bullets, and at the critical moment, the landlord stepped forward: I have dozens of boxes of ammunition at home

This thrilling battle of the Great Sect not only demonstrated the brave and good fighting style of the Eighth Route Army, but also demonstrated the firm patriotism of the broad masses of the people. In particular, Zong Zijing, a representative of the landlord class, was awe-inspiring for his heroic act of sacrificing himself for the country.

After this battle, Zong Zijing's family voice also spread in the local area. It turned out that the wealthy landowner's family property accumulated for generations had been used for charity and public welfare. He was not only charitable and often subsidized the poor, but also donated materials to the troops many times after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War. It can be said that Zong Zijing is a real prosperous, rich and virtuous landlord in the township.

The Eighth Route Army was about to run out of bullets, and at the critical moment, the landlord stepped forward: I have dozens of boxes of ammunition at home

This battle of Dazongjia successfully destroyed the Japanese army's aggressive conspiracy, and also revealed the touching deeds of the national hero Zong Zijing. His family's "insurance house" became the base of the stubborn resistance of the Eighth Route Army, and Zong Zijing and his children fought bravely, so that this army was able to retreat and accumulate valuable strength for future battles.

The Eighth Route Army was about to run out of bullets, and at the critical moment, the landlord stepped forward: I have dozens of boxes of ammunition at home

Another important significance of this battle is that it has further strengthened the determination of the Chinese people to resist the war. At this critical moment, although the Eighth Route Army had little ammunition left, it was precisely because a patriotic landlord like Zong Zijing stepped forward that this army was saved from annihilation. This strength of national unity has given the Chinese people tremendous confidence and courage, and will certainly lay a solid foundation for the final victory.

The Eighth Route Army was about to run out of bullets, and at the critical moment, the landlord stepped forward: I have dozens of boxes of ammunition at home

History often leaves some touching stories, and the heroic deeds of Zongzi who sacrificed his family for the country are typical of them. His behavior not only demonstrated the patriotic spirit of a landlord class, but also reflected the moving cohesion of the Chinese people who can unite and resist the enemy together at a critical moment of national crisis. This kind of national integrity and family and country feelings are worthy of eternal learning and inheritance by our Chinese today.

The Eighth Route Army was about to run out of bullets, and at the critical moment, the landlord stepped forward: I have dozens of boxes of ammunition at home

Let us praise such a national hero, and at the same time, let us strengthen our confidence in the future of this nation. As long as we continue to carry forward the patriotic spirit of Zongzijing, who regards death as home, we believe that the Chinese nation will certainly be able to overcome all difficulties and obstacles and win the final victory in blood and fire.