
If you can't quit smoking, there are a few "small doors" that can reduce the damage to the body, and the lungs will thank you

author:Lao Zhong said life

"Smoking is harmful to health", each pack of cigarette packs is marked transparent, but for old smokers who are addicted to smoking, they just can't control their desire to smoke.

Smoking is an addictive action, when the addiction comes, it is quite uncomfortable, and even asks strangers for cigarettes to smoke, I believe that the old smokers who can smoke have experienced it.

Smoking is also a way to interact with people in social situations, which can shorten the distance between people and play a great role in communication.

Then it is very tiring to do things, tired of driving, smoking a cigarette can indeed refresh the mind and play a role in relieving fatigue, but the harm outweighs the benefits, and smoking is quite harmful to the body.

I have been smoking for more than 30 years, nearly 40 years, and I have wanted to quit smoking several times, but I have smoked for too long and have not succeeded.

If you can't quit smoking, there are a few "small doors" that can reduce the damage to the body, and the lungs will thank you

When I went for a physical examination the year before last, I found that there were small nodules in my lungs, and I couldn't help but feel afraid in my heart.

Through these two years of tobacco control, good results have been achieved, in the past, excessive smoking, coughing, phlegm, and even small red spots will grow on the chest.

According to the doctor, it is a small red spot caused by smoking, and since the tobacco control, these phenomena will disappear, and even the small red dot on the chest will slowly disappear.

I share it today, hoping to help smokers in need, and it is also a kind of morality, and I sincerely advise smokers who can smoke to control the amount of cigarettes and reduce the harm to the body.

First, I unpack the cigarettes I just bought, don't smoke them for the time being, let them sit for a day and a half, and then take them back to smoke, because the cigarettes have just been produced, and they have a strong flavor and other harmful substances, so let it emit off.

If you can't quit smoking, there are a few "small doors" that can reduce the damage to the body, and the lungs will thank you

Second, this is the point, I smoke a third of the cigarette and throw it away, because more than two-thirds of the harmful substances are more, and one-third of the harmful substances are relatively less.

Third, don't buy cigarettes with relatively low prices, because the quality of tobacco from cheap cigarettes will be worse, and the quality of tobacco will be better with more expensive cigarettes, and of course it is not about very expensive cigarettes, that is, cigarettes of about 20 yuan to 30 yuan.

Fourth, I never smoke in crowded places, and I don't smoke in the living room or room at home, because in crowded places, it will affect others and let others smoke second-hand smoke.

Smoking in the living room or room at home will also make my family smoke second-hand, I smoke outside the door of the house, the air outside is circulated, and the smell of smoke is dissipated.

In the end, I hope that smokers who are addicted to smoking can quit the best, but if they can't quit, they must control the amount of smoking, so as to make their bodies healthier.

If you can't quit smoking, there are a few "small doors" that can reduce the damage to the body, and the lungs will thank you

Thank you for reading.