
Do the elderly live long, and there are hints on the green tendons on the back of the hands? Doctor's reminder: There are two characteristics that last longer

author:Xunya medical science

On a sunny morning, Uncle Xing was exercising in the park as usual, his movements skillful, but with a hint of worry on his face.

Recently, he has been feeling that something is wrong with his body, especially after eating, he always feels bloated and sometimes even accompanied by slight dizziness.

"Lao Xing, the green tendons on the back of your hands are so obvious, this is not a good sign." Doctor Lao Li said solemnly while examining the back of Lao Xing's hand.

Do the elderly live long, and there are hints on the green tendons on the back of the hands? Doctor's reminder: There are two characteristics that last longer

After careful examination, the doctor smiled and said to him: "Uncle Wang, your physical condition is generally good, but there are some mild poor blood circulation, which may be one of the reasons for the protruding green tendons on the back of your hands.

Don't worry, though, it's not necessarily a bad thing.

To some extent, the condition of the green tendons on the back of the hand can reflect the elasticity of a person's blood vessels, and good elasticity of blood vessels usually means that the heart and the entire circulatory system work more efficiently. ”

Lao Xing's heart tightened, he knew that his physical condition might really be wrong. He recalls the energy of his youth, when he was an athlete in the unit, proficient in basketball and table tennis.

But now, as he grows older, his physical strength and energy are much less than before.

Do the elderly live long, and there are hints on the green tendons on the back of the hands? Doctor's reminder: There are two characteristics that last longer

In fact, the prominence of the green tendons on the back of the hands, especially in the elderly, can sometimes be seen as a sign of longevity. This is because as we age, the fat layer under the skin thins, making the veins more visible.

But more importantly, if the veins are prominent but not accompanied by swelling or pain, it may indicate that the blood vessel walls are tough and the blood circulation is smooth. Such vascular conditions are even more helpful in reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

After a series of examinations at the hospital, the doctor told Lao Xing that the elasticity of his blood vessels was not bad, but there were indeed some signs of aging. Lao Xing asked the doctor:

"So what should I do?" The doctor smiled and said, "Lao Xing, have you ever heard of 'mentality determines everything'?" Maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, coupled with proper exercise and a healthy diet, and your body will be fine. ”

Do the elderly live long, and there are hints on the green tendons on the back of the hands? Doctor's reminder: There are two characteristics that last longer

After Lao Xing followed the doctor's advice, he began to slowly change his mentality. He starts with his usual three meals a day, that is, his diet, and his daily meals are carefully matched to ensure balanced nutrition.

He cut back on high-fat foods like red meat or pork belly and increased fish and soy products, while making sure he was getting enough vegetables and fruits each day.

Lao Xing also pays special attention to the way food is cooked, trying to use healthy cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, and stewing, and reducing frying and grilling.

In terms of sports, Lao Xing made a detailed plan. He goes for a walk in the park every morning to get some fresh air and then practice tai chi to improve his body's flexibility and balance.

Do the elderly live long, and there are hints on the green tendons on the back of the hands? Doctor's reminder: There are two characteristics that last longer

In the afternoon, he does some light strength training, such as doing simple weights with dumbbells, to maintain muscle strength.

Although Lao Xing has made a lot of efforts in diet and exercise, the adjustment of his mentality is not achieved overnight. Sometimes, when he sees a photo of himself when he was younger, he feels a sense of loss.

However, whenever this happens, he reminds himself that each age has its own unique charm and value. He began to learn to enjoy spending time with his family and friends.

A long-term follow-up study conducted by researchers at Harvard University found that older people with obvious green tendons but no other health problems tended to live longer on average than those with less visible green tendons on the back of their hands.

Do the elderly live long, and there are hints on the green tendons on the back of the hands? Doctor's reminder: There are two characteristics that last longer

This may be because they have better vascular health, which reduces the risk of age-related cardiovascular disease.

Of course, doctors emphasize that longevity is not only a matter of vascular health, but also involves genetics, lifestyle, dietary habits and other aspects.

Lao Xing's social activities have also gradually become richer. Not only is he involved in the community's gardening club, but he also joins a choir of seniors.

In the choir, he made many like-minded friends who shared the joy of music and their own wellness experiences.

Do the elderly live long, and there are hints on the green tendons on the back of the hands? Doctor's reminder: There are two characteristics that last longer

During a community health lecture, Lao Xing heard an interesting point:

In addition to the green tendons on the back of the hand may indicate the aging of the blood vessels, if they can quickly return to normal after exercise, it may mean that the blood vessels have a good recovery ability, which is a positive health sign.

This gave Lao Xing more confidence in his health.

Lao Xing began to combine his engineering background with his knowledge of health care. Using his technical know-how, he purchased a simple health monitoring device that could monitor his heart rate, blood pressure and other indicators.

Do the elderly live long, and there are hints on the green tendons on the back of the hands? Doctor's reminder: There are two characteristics that last longer

Through this data, he is able to better understand his physical condition and adjust his regimen in a timely manner.

Over time, Lao Xing's wellness program has achieved remarkable results. His mental state has improved significantly, and his body has become healthier and more flexible.

Lao Xing decided to share his experience with more people, so he held a series of health talks at the community center.

In these talks, Lao Xing not only shared his diet and exercise plan, but also talked about how to adjust his mindset and the importance of social activities for the health of the elderly.

Do the elderly live long, and there are hints on the green tendons on the back of the hands? Doctor's reminder: There are two characteristics that last longer

His story and experience have inspired many seniors in the community to start experimenting with changes in their lifestyles and getting involved in the community.

Why is mindset and social interaction more important for the health of older adults?

Lao Xing pointed out that people with a positive mindset are more likely to have better mental health and reduce stress and anxiety, which is very beneficial for cardiovascular health.

In addition, active social activities can provide emotional support and reduce loneliness, which is essential for the mental health of older adults.

Do the elderly live long, and there are hints on the green tendons on the back of the hands? Doctor's reminder: There are two characteristics that last longer

Studies have shown that older adults with good social networks are more likely to have higher life satisfaction and lower mortality.

Lao Xing also emphasized that although the green tendons on the back of the hands may indicate the aging of blood vessels, this is not absolute.

Through active lifestyle and mindset adjustments, older adults can significantly improve their health and even reverse some of the signs of aging.

Lao Xing's story has become a good story in the community. He proved through his actions that people are able to achieve health and longevity even in their later years through active lifestyle and mindset adjustments.

Do the elderly live long, and there are hints on the green tendons on the back of the hands? Doctor's reminder: There are two characteristics that last longer

His story inspires more people to take care of their health and enjoy every moment of life.

Lao Xing's story tells us that health and longevity are not only biological phenomena, but also an art of living.

Through a scientific approach, a positive mindset, and a rich social activity, everyone is able to take charge of their health and enjoy a vibrant and happy old age.

What do you think about this, welcome to leave a message and comment!


[1] Chang Xiao. Attention should be paid to these kinds of green tendon bulges[J].Renren Health,2022,(04):44.)

Do the elderly live long, and there are hints on the green tendons on the back of the hands? Doctor's reminder: There are two characteristics that last longer
[2] Lv Ruoqi. Psychology and Health,2021,(01):44.)
Do the elderly live long, and there are hints on the green tendons on the back of the hands? Doctor's reminder: There are two characteristics that last longer

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