
On the night of the wedding, the husband proposed the AA system, and the wife readily agreed, but the husband was stunned the next morning

author:Mysterious spring breeze Zfe


tells the story of Zhou Tiantian, a girl with a happy and happy family, who works as a nurse in the hospital, and Zhang Zherui, a boy from an ordinary background but who works hard, who works hard in Guangzhou. The two met and fell in love, but there was a conflict because of the AA system proposed on the first night after marriage. Zhou Tiantian's decision is surprising, let's see where this relationship will go!

Zhou Tiantian is a girl with a happy and happy family, and her parents dote on her.

As a result of living in a warm family environment for a long time, Zhou Tiantian has also become extremely considerate and kind.

She has a cheerful personality and is loved by colleagues and patients, and she works as a nurse in the hospital.

In the face of various patients every day, she is always able to take care of them patiently, and has received many praises.

And her attitude towards her parents at home is even more impeccable, and her appearance is like a beam of light, bringing endless joy to her family.

On the night of the wedding, the husband proposed the AA system, and the wife readily agreed, but the husband was stunned the next morning

Although Zhou Tiantian is not the most outstanding girl, she has the most traditional family concept.

She longs to have a family of her own and live in a cozy nest that she has built.

After meeting the boy she liked, Zhou Tiantian did not hesitate and resolutely entered the palace of marriage.

On the first night after marriage, Zhang Zherui proposed the AA system

Zhang Zherui was born in an ordinary family, and his parents were both working-class.

He received an excellent education from an early age and always excelled in his studies.

His parents were very comfortable with his studies, so he was also rarely stressed.

During his time in college, he also lived a freewheeling life.

After graduating from university, Zhang Zherui began to look for a job.

However, because I don't have any outstanding strengths, it is still difficult to find a satisfactory job.

On the night of the wedding, the husband proposed the AA system, and the wife readily agreed, but the husband was stunned the next morning

In order to find better job opportunities, Zhang Zherui decided to go to a big city like Guangzhou.

After arriving in Guangzhou, Zhang Zherui realized that the world he had seen before was so narrow.

But the city was so bustling that he couldn't help but want to make a good time in it.

Instead of going back to his hometown to look for a job, he chose an intern as an ordinary start.

Interning at a well-known advertising agency, the company did not demand much from him, and he had a lot of time to study and practice himself.

As the working hours went on, Zhang Zherui gradually adapted to this fast-paced work environment.

The company also saw the excellent qualities of Zhang Zherui, and soon after the end of the internship, the company issued him a formal employee contract.

On the night of the wedding, the husband proposed the AA system, and the wife readily agreed, but the husband was stunned the next morning

Zhang Zherui is very happy, and he feels that his hard work has paid off.

Just as he was working, he also met a girl who made his heart flutter - Zhou Tiantian.

Although Zhou Tiantian is not outstanding in many aspects, she has an irresistible gentle temperament.

After the two got along for a period of time, Zhang Zherui gradually fell in love with Zhou Tiantian.

And Zhou Tiantian has long had a good impression of Zhang Zherui, and the relationship between the two has progressed rapidly, and after a year of dating, the two decided to enter the marriage hall.

On the first night after marriage, Zhang Zherui proposed something that surprised and disappointed Zhou Tiantian - the AA system.

Zhou Tiantian was surprised in the face of the AA system

The first night after marriage was supposed to be a symbol of beauty and happiness, but Zhang Zherui proposed the AA system at this time.

On the night of the wedding, the husband proposed the AA system, and the wife readily agreed, but the husband was stunned the next morning

Zhou Tiantian, who already had a traditional family concept, was immediately shocked.

She believes that after getting married, husband and wife should tolerate and understand each other, and they should support each other financially.

The proposal of the AA system means that the two people will each bear a part of the expenses, which makes Zhou Tiantian very uncomfortable and unpleasant.

After all, after getting married, they should take care of the family's affairs together, and they should pay together materially.

Zhou Tiantian also expressed to Zhang Zherui that he was unwilling to pay for the AA system.

However, Zhang Zherui rejected Zhou Tiantian on the grounds that the company's development was not stable enough.

Although Zhang Zherui proposed the AA system, he still took the initiative to pay part of his money.

But Zhou Tiantian never could erase the disappointment and unhappiness in her heart.

On the night of the wedding, the husband proposed the AA system, and the wife readily agreed, but the husband was stunned the next morning

After all, she felt that this was not what her dream married life should have.

So when she woke up the next morning, Zhou Tiantian made a decision that surprised her a little - to end the marriage.

Faced with Zhou Tiantian's sudden departure, Zhang Zherui was very sad and helpless.

Although they have only been married for a few days, they really did not fully communicate and understand each other's desired marital life pattern before marriage.

As a result, there were already disagreements and contradictions between the two when they first entered the marriage hall.


The ups and downs of this marriage are emotional. Communication is perhaps the most important part of maintaining a relationship, and understanding and tolerance are also crucial when facing differences. Do you think Zhou Tiantian's decision was the right one? Come and share your thoughts in the comments!