
Japanese media exposed: Korean tourists littered instant noodles and polluted South Korea's natural heritage, Korean netizens: manage nuclear sewage

author:Delightful lark K
Japanese media exposed: Korean tourists littered instant noodles and polluted South Korea's natural heritage, Korean netizens: manage nuclear sewage

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South Korea's instant noodles invasion of Hallasan is a game of culture and ecology

Located on Jeju Island, the southernmost island in South Korea, Hallasan Mountain is not only the highest peak in South Korea, but also a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site in 2007, attracting countless tourists every year to see its magnificent scenery

Japanese media exposed: Korean tourists littered instant noodles and polluted South Korea's natural heritage, Korean netizens: manage nuclear sewage

In recent years, with the rise of social media, enjoying a bowl of hot instant noodles at the top of Halla Mountain and taking photos with the magnificent mountain scenery has quietly become a popular trend on the Internet

Instant noodle garbage: The "silent killer" facing the Hallasan ecosystem

A large number of tourists will discard the uneaten instant noodles and soup at will, and the residual oil, salt and various additives will pollute the soil and water source, destroy the ecological balance, and more worryingly, the instant noodle soup has caused immeasurable damage to the endemic species and endangered animals of Hallasan Mountain, for example, some small mammals and birds may cause digestive diseases and even death after eating instant noodles by mistake

Japanese media exposed: Korean tourists littered instant noodles and polluted South Korea's natural heritage, Korean netizens: manage nuclear sewage

Some scavengers, such as weasels and badgers, are attracted by the aroma of instant noodles, and their numbers have surged, squeezing the living space of other species, while herbivores such as wild deer, after eating instant noodles by mistake, their digestive systems are also difficult to adapt to foods high in salt and additives, resulting in health concerns, and in the long run, the biodiversity of Hallasan Mountain will be seriously threatened, and may even cause irreversible ecological disasters

From "forbidden to pour soup" to "fine 200,000 won": the Battle of Hallasan

In order to cope with this sudden "instant noodle crisis", the management of Hallasan has taken great painstaking efforts, from the initial posting of "no instant noodle soup" notice in the toilet, to the later setting up classified garbage cans in the rest area, and then organizing volunteers to carry out environmental protection publicity, but the effect is not ideal, the uncivilized behavior of tourists has been repeatedly banned, instant noodle garbage can still be seen everywhere, and the ecological environment of Hallasan is precarious

Japanese media exposed: Korean tourists littered instant noodles and polluted South Korea's natural heritage, Korean netizens: manage nuclear sewage

In desperation, the management can only take more stringent measures, post a notice of "200,000 won for littering" in the scenic area, and strengthen patrols and supervision, this measure has curbed the behavior of tourists littering instant noodles to a certain extent, but to fundamentally solve the problem, it also requires the joint efforts of all sectors of society to enhance the public's awareness of environmental protection, so that Hallasan, the "Pearl of the Orient", can be rejuvenated

Reflections on the "Instant Noodle Incident": Reflections on Korean Society

After the Hallasan "instant noodles incident" was reported by the Japanese media, it also aroused widespread concern and heated discussions in South Korea, and all walks of life have reflected on it, and some South Korean people felt ashamed of the uncivilized behavior of their compatriots, believing that it not only damaged the country's image, but also destroyed the precious natural heritage, and called for strengthening national quality education to prevent the recurrence of such incidents from the source

Japanese media exposed: Korean tourists littered instant noodles and polluted South Korea's natural heritage, Korean netizens: manage nuclear sewage

There are also some people who point the finger at the Japanese media, believing that this is a deliberate attempt to smear the image of South Korea, and they move out of Japan's nuclear sewage discharge, whaling and other issues to fight back, trying to divert attention and confuse the public

Beyond "instant noodles": reshaping the harmonious relationship between man and nature

In modern society, people are increasingly pursuing material enjoyment and sensory stimulation, but ignoring the respect and protection of the natural environment

Japanese media exposed: Korean tourists littered instant noodles and polluted South Korea's natural heritage, Korean netizens: manage nuclear sewage

In the face of increasingly severe environmental challenges, each of us should deeply reflect on our own behavior and establish the concept of ecological civilization that respects, conforms to and protects nature, so as to fundamentally solve the deep-seated problems reflected in the "instant noodle incident" and realize the harmonious coexistence of man and nature

From Hallasan to the world: Protecting natural heritage is a journey of you

Hallasan "instant noodles" is a wake-up call for us, and it is urgent to protect natural heritage, which is not only the responsibility of South Korea, but also the common mission of people all over the world

Japanese media exposed: Korean tourists littered instant noodles and polluted South Korea's natural heritage, Korean netizens: manage nuclear sewage

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