
๐Ÿ‘ Big upset! China's U17 men's basketball team reversed the world's second French men's basketball team 73-70 to win its first victory!

author๏ผšAh Gang said entertainment

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In the world of basketball, miracles always come quietly and inadvertently.

On June 30, 2024, the U17 Men's Basketball World Cup group stage stage staged a thrilling matchup that can go down in history.

The Chinese U17 men's basketball team, facing the French men's basketball team, which ranks second in the world, is like a brave challenger, stepping into a seemingly insurmountable battlefield.

๐Ÿ‘ Big upset! China's U17 men's basketball team reversed the world's second French men's basketball team 73-70 to win its first victory!

At the beginning of the game, perhaps everyone thought that it was a battle that was decided by the winner, and the strength of the French men's basketball team seemed to tip the balance of victory early.

The beauty of basketball is that it's full of variables.

What exactly has made the Chinese team rise in the face of adversity? Is it the magic of one player, or is it the power of teamwork? Zhang Boyuan's last-minute run was a stroke of genius or a well-planned tactical masterpiece? How did the Chinese team prevent the opponent's mistakes at critical moments, so as to lock in the victory?

It's an unexpected surprise, like when you're drinking a cold Coke and suddenly you find a lottery ticket hidden at the bottom of the bottle and you win a small prize.

๐Ÿ‘ Big upset! China's U17 men's basketball team reversed the world's second French men's basketball team 73-70 to win its first victory!

Our U17 men's basketball boys, in the group stage of the World Cup, stunned the French team, 73-70, just like that, the first win is in hand, this taste, cool!

Then again, if this had been a week ago, who would have believed it? At that time, our boys warmed up with the French team, which was a miserable one, losing by 42 points, and the fans' hearts were half cold.

But basketball is a stage full of miracles, as long as you dare to fight, anything can happen.

This time, our boys really spelled it out.

๐Ÿ‘ Big upset! China's U17 men's basketball team reversed the world's second French men's basketball team 73-70 to win its first victory!

Not long after the opening, the French side was full of firepower, and we were once 15 points behind.

But these young men, stunned and gritted their teeth and persevered, chasing back point by point, and the strength of not admitting defeat made people enjoy watching it.

Speaking of which, I have to mention our classmate Zhang Boyuan, this young man, 18 points, 8 rebounds, and last-minute running shots, is simply a hero shot in the movie, steady and ruthless, a fatal blow, and directly won the victory.

Xun Sinan is not bad, with 12 points, 10 rebounds and 2 blocks, and he is leveraged on both offensive and defensive ends.

There is also Li Yuezhou, 14 points in the account, the performance of these young players is simply eye-catching.

๐Ÿ‘ Big upset! China's U17 men's basketball team reversed the world's second French men's basketball team 73-70 to win its first victory!

It's like eating fried chestnuts with sugar, hot and exciting! Our U17 men's basketball boys, that's enough to save face, and clean up such a hard stubble as the French team, 73-70, just cheer up when you listen to it! This is an ordinary victory, this is a spiritual slam, just like winning the Oscar for Best Picture, the sense of honor is bursting!

You see, at the beginning of the game, the French side was like a hanging, we were 15 points behind, at that time, my heart was like being scratched by a cat, uncomfortable! But our boys, that's called a tenacity, like a squashed spring, the more it presses, the higher it rebounds.

Chasing point by point, turning the situation over stubbornly, this spirit is simply amazing!

You have to look at those free throws, the shooting rate is more than 80%, where is this free throw, this is clearly an artistic performance! What does this mean? It shows that our young men, the basic skills are leveraged, they can withstand the critical moment, and if they don't drop the chain, they are as stable as the old driver driving.

๐Ÿ‘ Big upset! China's U17 men's basketball team reversed the world's second French men's basketball team 73-70 to win its first victory!

This isn't bragging, it's real kung fu!

Let's talk about the story behind this victory, which is even more exciting than a TV series.

The warm-up match was a fiasco, and the main game counterattacked, this plot reversal is comparable to a Hollywood blockbuster.

Why is there such a change? Could it be that the lads suddenly got their heads enlightened? Or did they find the secret to dealing with a strong team? No matter what you say, this proves one thing, in our basketball education system, there are some things that are quite reliable, and they are worthy of our thumbs up and praise.

๐Ÿ‘ Big upset! China's U17 men's basketball team reversed the world's second French men's basketball team 73-70 to win its first victory!

This victory is like a shot in the arm, which not only gives fans hope, but also allows us to see the infinite possibilities of Chinese basketball.

It tells us that as long as we work hard, there is nothing we can't do.

This is not only an inspiration for basketball players, but also an inspiration for all dreamers.

Just like the old saying, "God rewards hard work", this victory is the best proof.

๐Ÿ‘ Big upset! China's U17 men's basketball team reversed the world's second French men's basketball team 73-70 to win its first victory!

We can't just be happy, we have to learn something.

Why do the lads grow in such a short period of time? Is there something unique about our training methods? Or do they have a particularly good mental quality and can quickly adapt to the atmosphere of the competition? These are all questions worth pondering.

Our goal is to bring Chinese basketball to a higher level, which requires the efforts of each of us.

This victory is like a beam of light, illuminating our way forward.

๐Ÿ‘ Big upset! China's U17 men's basketball team reversed the world's second French men's basketball team 73-70 to win its first victory!

It tells us that as long as we have faith, courage and team spirit, we can overcome all difficulties.

This is exactly the positive energy that our Chinese basketball and even the entire sports community need to transmit.

You've done a fantastic job, boys, and we look forward to many more great performances from you in the future!

Well, let's talk about that.

๐Ÿ‘ Big upset! China's U17 men's basketball team reversed the world's second French men's basketball team 73-70 to win its first victory!

This 73-70 victory is not just a numbers game, it is a gorgeous turn of our Chinese basketball, just like Cinderella wearing a crystal slipper, instantly shining.

This victory, it made the hearts of the fans, like flowers blooming in spring, full of hope and joy.

What's more, it has shown the whole world that our Chinese basketball is material, not vegetarian!

The boys fought beautifully and handsomely, just like superheroes in the movie, who can always save the world at critical moments.

๐Ÿ‘ Big upset! China's U17 men's basketball team reversed the world's second French men's basketball team 73-70 to win its first victory!

They proved with practical actions that Chinese basketball is not just good luck, but real kung fu, real strength, and really has such momentum.

This energy, just like when we eat hot pot, it is so spicy that we sweat, but we just can't stop the chopsticks, because the taste is so fragrant!

In the next game, no matter what the result is, as long as the boys can maintain this fighting spirit, this hard work, and this love for basketball, our fans will be satisfied.

Basketball is not only a physical confrontation, but also a mental confrontation.

๐Ÿ‘ Big upset! China's U17 men's basketball team reversed the world's second French men's basketball team 73-70 to win its first victory!

If we win, we are happy; If we lose, we won't be discouraged.

Because we know that the most important thing is the desire for victory, the pursuit of dreams, and the spirit of never giving up.

It's like we live our lives, there are always ups and downs, but as long as there is fire in our hearts and light in our eyes, we can cross thousands of mountains and rivers and see the most beautiful scenery.

Boys, you've done it, you've written your own basketball legend with sweat and tears.

๐Ÿ‘ Big upset! China's U17 men's basketball team reversed the world's second French men's basketball team 73-70 to win its first victory!

No matter what the future holds, you are all heroes in our hearts, and you have let us see the hope of Chinese basketball and see the bright future.

No matter whether the next one is rain or shine, we will cheer you on.

We believe that every jump, every shot, and every defense you make is a pursuit of your dreams and a desire to win.

This desire, this dream, is the most charming and moving part of basketball.

๐Ÿ‘ Big upset! China's U17 men's basketball team reversed the world's second French men's basketball team 73-70 to win its first victory!

Remember, boys, you're the brightest stars on the basketball court.

No matter when and where, we will stand behind you, shouting for you, cheering for you.

Because of you, let us see the infinite possibilities of Chinese basketball, and let us believe that as long as there is a dream in our hearts, there is a road under our feet.

Come on, boys, the future belongs to you!

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