
The most "hardcore" major was born, can you still fill in this for the college entrance examination? 15 places detonated the whole network heated discussion!

author:The post-90s sound Yue Tai

On July 1, 2024, a jaw-dropping news exploded on the Internet: Changsha Aviation Vocational and Technical College actually opened a major in "missile maintenance technology"! This major, which sounds like a major that only appears in science fiction movies, actually exists in our college entrance examination volunteer form. What is even more surprising is that only 15 students are planned to be enrolled in the Sichuan region this year. As soon as this news was announced, it immediately sparked heated discussions on the whole network.

The most "hardcore" major was born, can you still fill in this for the college entrance examination? 15 places detonated the whole network heated discussion!

Imagine when your classmates are struggling with traditional popular majors such as accounting, computer science, medicine, etc., you can arrogantly say, "I'm going to learn how to fix missiles!" "It's so different and cool! But what exactly is this profession all about?

The most "hardcore" major was born, can you still fill in this for the college entrance examination? 15 places detonated the whole network heated discussion!

First of all, we need to be clear that the establishment of this major is by no means a whim. It is a real major in the catalog of junior college majors in China's ordinary colleges and universities, and it belongs to the aviation equipment category. This means that it is not just a gimmick, but a formal profession that has been rigorously demonstrated and approved.

So, what do students in this major learn every day? According to public information, the "Missile Maintenance Technology" major mainly studies the basic knowledge and skills of missile detection technology, missile testing systems, missile structures, etc. Sounds lofty, doesn't it? But don't think that this is just talk on paper, after graduation, students of this major will be able to be competent for important positions such as the overall assembly of missiles, the electrical assembly of missiles, and the overall testing of missiles.

The most "hardcore" major was born, can you still fill in this for the college entrance examination? 15 places detonated the whole network heated discussion!

However, it will not be easy to be one of these 15 lucky winners. Although the official does not explicitly state the special admission requirements, considering the special nature of the major, students may need to pass a rigorous political review and physical examination. After all, missile technology has a bearing on national security, and it is not something that can be accessed casually.

It is worth noting that this specialty belongs to the specialist (advanced) batch. This means that aspiring candidates need to pay special attention to the admissions time and process so as not to miss out on opportunities. At the same time, the scope of enrollment is currently limited to Sichuan, which also reflects the regional characteristics of talent training.

The most "hardcore" major was born, can you still fill in this for the college entrance examination? 15 places detonated the whole network heated discussion!

However, there are both opportunities and challenges. Students who choose this major will face unique development prospects. After graduation, they may directly enter the military-industrial complex or work in the army, becoming an important force in the cause of national defense. But at the same time, the peculiarities of the industry also mean that they may face high confidentiality requirements and work pressure.

The most "hardcore" major was born, can you still fill in this for the college entrance examination? 15 places detonated the whole network heated discussion!

From a more macro point of view, the establishment of the major of "missile maintenance technology" reflects the mainland's long-term layout in the field of national defense science and technology. Cultivating professional and technical personnel is an important part of enhancing national defense strength. These 15 places seem insignificant, but in fact they shoulder the heavy trust of the country.

In general, the emergence of the specialty of "missile maintenance technology" has opened a window for us to understand the training of scientific and technological personnel for national defense. It is not only a novel professional name, but also a microcosm of the national strategic layout. Whether you choose this major or not, its existence is worth pondering: in this era of rapid development of science and technology, how should each of us choose our own development path?

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