
A bowl of porridge every morning strengthens the spleen and stomach.

author:The Tale of the Little Fish Imperial Dining Hall

As the saying goes: Drink porridge to nourish wei, in fact, the saying of drinking porridge is because rice porridge Qingxi, for the treasure with a bad glass stomach, it is very good!

In summer, dog days are the time when the yang energy in the body is the most vigorous, and it is very necessary to maintain health!

Every dog day, I will make a portion, yam and green vegetables and lean pork porridge, for my wife and children to eat, and I feel much more comfortable after eating.

A bowl of porridge every morning strengthens the spleen and stomach.

Ingredients: "Lean meat, yam, greens, corn starch, salt, pepper, cooking oil"

A bowl of porridge every morning strengthens the spleen and stomach.

Lean meat marinated in my way will taste more tender and flavorful.

15 minutes in advance, finely chop the lean meat, add salt and a little pepper, stir well with cooking oil, add cornstarch and stir well again, then set aside.

(For lean meat, if you don't like to eat flavorful, you don't need to add salt and pepper)

A bowl of porridge every morning strengthens the spleen and stomach.

Yams need to be put in a pot and boiled with porridge in advance, otherwise it is easy to be undercooked.

Then wait for the porridge to boil, add lean meat and vegetables, add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, stir well, and cook for 8 minutes.

A bowl of porridge every morning strengthens the spleen and stomach.

The season of the year lies in the morning, and eating porridge on time in the morning is also the best protection for the glass stomach!
