
The elementary school student's essay "My Auntie" exposed the secret of her beauty, and her aunt wanted to hit someone after reading it

author:Bearded view

In those years, we laughed together about "children's words": how to ignite children's enthusiasm for writing?

Do you remember those innocent, outspoken words when you were a child? They are like bright stars, lighting up the sky of our childhood.

Now, when we read the essays of those elementary school students again, will we be moved by their innocence and straightforwardness, and even can't help but laugh out loud?

Today, let's walk into this world full of innocence and discuss how to ignite children's enthusiasm for writing and let them swim in the ocean of words.

The elementary school student's essay "My Auntie" exposed the secret of her beauty, and her aunt wanted to hit someone after reading it

1. The "revelations" of primary school students and our laughter

Recently, an essay by elementary school students titled "My Auntie" has caused a heated discussion on the Internet. This child used his unique perspective and humorous language to not only describe the appearance and characteristics of the aunt, but also "exposed" the "secret" of the aunt's beauty.

He wrote bluntly: "Auntie's nose is fake, and it was surgery that made her so beautiful." Such outspokenness makes us surprised and sigh at the innocence of children.

The elementary school student's essay "My Auntie" exposed the secret of her beauty, and her aunt wanted to hit someone after reading it

In this essay, we not only see the appearance characteristics of the aunt, but also feel the personality characteristics of the aunt. The elementary school student wrote that his aunt was very gentle when she took him out to play, but once he did something wrong, her aunt would become particularly irritable.

Such a description makes us seem to see a living image of an aunt, both gentle and stern, which makes people love and hate.

So, why did this essay cause such a big response? The reason for this lies in its authenticity and fun.

Elementary school students express their thoughts and feelings in the most simple and direct way, without too much embellishment and disguise, which makes people feel their innocence and straightforwardness. This kind of authenticity and fun is exactly what we adults lack, and what we yearn for.

The elementary school student's essay "My Auntie" exposed the secret of her beauty, and her aunt wanted to hit someone after reading it

2. From "Children's Words", how do we ignite children's enthusiasm for writing?

After reading this essay for primary school students, we can't help but think about a question: how to guide children's interest in writing so that they can express their thoughts and feelings in words? In fact, the answer is hidden in the children's "fairy tales".

1. Let your child discover the joy of writing

First of all, we want to make children feel the joy of writing. Writing can be a boring thing for elementary school students.

The elementary school student's essay "My Auntie" exposed the secret of her beauty, and her aunt wanted to hit someone after reading it

But if we can guide them to discover the joy of writing and make them feel that writing is a fun thing to do, then they will naturally become interested in writing.

We can encourage children to write about topics that interest them, or ask them to write about their own stories and experiences. This will not only make children more engaged in writing, but also stimulate their enthusiasm for writing.

The elementary school student's essay "My Auntie" exposed the secret of her beauty, and her aunt wanted to hit someone after reading it

2. Cultivate children's observation and thinking skills

Secondly, we need to cultivate children's observation and thinking skills. The content of a good essay mainly comes from what you have seen and heard in life. If children do not have a certain ability to observe and think, then it will be difficult for them to write in-depth and connotative compositions.

Therefore, we need to guide children to observe the things around them and think about the meaning and value of these things.

The elementary school student's essay "My Auntie" exposed the secret of her beauty, and her aunt wanted to hit someone after reading it

At the same time, we also need to let children learn to use words to record and express what they see, hear, think and feel. This will not only improve children's writing skills, but also develop their thinking skills and innovation skills.

3. Let children read more and accumulate more

In addition, we also want children to read more and accumulate more. Reading is one of the effective ways to improve your writing skills. By reading excellent articles and books, children can learn different writing skills and expressions, and can also accumulate more vocabulary and sentence patterns.

The elementary school student's essay "My Auntie" exposed the secret of her beauty, and her aunt wanted to hit someone after reading it

At the same time, we should also let children learn to imitate and learn from the excellent works of others, but also encourage them to innovate and develop on the basis of imitation, and form their own unique writing style.

4. Respect your child's individuality and creativity

Finally, we want to respect the individuality and creativity of children. Every child is a unique individual, with their own unique way of thinking and expressing.

The elementary school student's essay "My Auntie" exposed the secret of her beauty, and her aunt wanted to hit someone after reading it

Therefore, we should not use a uniform, standard template to ask children to write essays, but let them express their thoughts and feelings freely.

Even if our children's ideas are naïve or do not meet our expectations, we should give them enough respect and encouragement to keep them enthusiastic and confident in writing.

The elementary school student's essay "My Auntie" exposed the secret of her beauty, and her aunt wanted to hit someone after reading it

3. Conclusion: Let "children's words be mowgli" as the wings of children's writing

Looking back on this hotly discussed essay "My Auntie" for primary school students, we can't help but sigh at the child's innocence and outspokenness. It is this kind of "childlike words" that allows us to see the innocence and straightforwardness of children, and also makes us re-understand the meaning and value of writing.

Therefore, we should cherish the children's "children's words" and let it become the wings of their writing, so that they can swim and grow in the ocean of words. At the same time, we should also strive to guide children's interest in writing, so that they can find fun, self-discovery and value in writing.