
Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

author:Blue Eagle Jane Branch
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources and personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.
Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

With the triumph of Chang'e-6, the lunar soil brought back has also attracted the attention of the world, and countries around the world have also come to the mainland to ask for lunar soil, which shows that the continent's aerospace industry has taken the lead in the world.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

You must know that the mainland's aerospace industry started several decades behind the world, but the United States and the Soviet Union invested a lot of money in the aerospace industry during the Cold War, and the space race lasted for decades.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

As early as 1969, the American Apollo 11 had already achieved manned spaceflight, and astronaut Armstrong's sentence "Although this is only a small step for me, it is a big leap for the earth" has influenced several generations.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

From 1969 to 1972, the United States successfully landed on the moon 6 times, but until today the United States has never landed on the moon again.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

The most famous manned spacecraft of the United States is undoubtedly Apollo 11, which, according to the specifications, is actually an enhanced version of the 10th, and there is not much technological breakthrough.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

The manned spacecraft presented by the Apollo program of the United States was divided into three parts: the command module, the service module, and the landing module.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

The command module in the middle is for the astronauts, the service module is for them, and the one on the head of the command module is the landing module for landing on the moon, which is the part that their astronauts eventually orbit on the moon.

And then the part went around and around, and two strange things happened.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

How to describe the first strange thing, that is, his lunar module is surrounded by a lunar module that will eventually fall to the moon, and when it falls on the moon, it will eventually be able to be launched back, and the United States also followed this shot at that time.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

The problem is that this technology is a god-like technology, not to mention that at that time, even the current moon landing technology is still a god-like black technology, and the United States easily realized it at that time.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

And what about this god-like technology, the Americans say he lost it. As for why I lost it, there is no inquiry!

This has to mention those things in the history of American aerospace that "have no proof of death".

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

What is it? is such an advanced lunar module, all starting from Apollo 10 to Apollo 17, all of them are "dead without proof"!

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

Now on Earth, you can't find a single lunar module. It's this capsule that fell to the moon and then could fly back from the moon again, and I couldn't find it!

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

The only thing that can determine the location is the lunar module of the 10th, where is it? It's revolving around the sun! And after the 10th, from the 11th to the 17th, except for the special circumstances of the 13th, all of them were "dead without proof".

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

Didn't it launch this from the moon, and after docking with the command module, this thing was useless, because just when the command module came back, the lunar module was thrown, and after it was thrown, it would circle the moon.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

Theoretically, this thing will always revolve around the moon, and we have all learned about gravity.

But NASA said that they didn't design this thing when they designed it at the time, so they all crashed to the moon around them, but where exactly it fell, because there was no design at that time, so I don't know!

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

And the only one who knows the location of the 10th lunar module, it is very difficult for us to reach that solar orbit and pull it back.

So what kind of technology is the lunar module of the United States, which has now been lost, and there is not even a physical object.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

And on the 12th, there was an even stranger thing, that is, after the lunar module landed, the astronauts had already completed some activities, and at this time, they were given a task to install a seismograph on the moon.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

What is this seismograph for? It is after the lunar module flies up to the command module again and docks with the command module, people return to the command module, and throw the lunar module to the preset seismic monitoring point on the moon, and then measure the seismic waves of the moon, that is, detect and detect some components of the moon.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

After dropping it, because there was still this technology at that time, the United States also started a live broadcast and even a press conference.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

This press conference has been going on for half an hour, that is, more than an hour after they dropped the lunar module, and the seismograph has not stopped receiving the vibration of the moon, and the hands are still swinging like a clock, and it has been shaking for more than an hour.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

At that time, a reporter asked the scientist why the moon was still shaking, and the scientist said I don't know, I don't know why the moon is still shaking.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

Then this matter was reported, that is, according to this experiment, the theory that the moon is hollow was written into the textbook, saying that the moon is hollow, if it is solid, it will not shake immediately, and it will definitely not shake for more than an hour, which is also the famous moonquake experiment, which is considered to prove that the moon is hollow experiment.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

There are many other lunar landings like this in the United States, and then it wasn't until Chang'e-6 brought back the lunar soil, and this lunar soil was not given 1.5 grams to France, and then the French National Space Research Center quickly studied it, and this research is amazing, and the 150 kilograms of material brought back by the American Apollo 17 are like two things.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

The main reason is that Chang'e-6 achieved the world's first landing on the far side of the moon, returning samples from the South Pole-Aitken Basin on the far side of the moon.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

Due to the tidal lock-in of the earth, we can only see one side of the moon at all, whether it is Chang'e-5 or Apollo 11, 12, 15, and 17, they all landed on the front side of the moon, and humans have never been able to detect the secrets of the far side of the moon.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

In fact, the far side of the moon is very different from the front side, the number and degree of meteorite impacts are also very different, and the material contained in it will also be very different, and this is why the United States, even if it has 150 kilograms of lunar material, is still eager for the 1935.3 grams of lunar soil brought back from the back of the moon by the mainland Chang'e-6.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

With the development of the mainland, people urgently need the mainland to become a leader in the aerospace field to enhance the mainland's international influence and people's self-confidence, and both Chang'e-5 and Chang'e-6 have brought surprises to the world, and the mainland's aerospace strength has also reached a higher level.

Why did the United States ask for Chinese lunar soil, 382 kilograms have been brought back from 6 missions, is it not enough?

Human exploration of the moon still has a long way to go, and I believe that there will be more discoveries in the lunar exploration of the continent in the future!

The sources in this article are from:

1. "Chang'e-6 Raised the Five-Star Red Flag, the Far Side of the Moon Shines with the Light of Science and Technology", China Youth Network-Science and Technology Daily

2. "International Media Pays Close Attention to Chang'e-6's Successful Landing on the Far Far Moon", China Youth, released on June 2, 2024;

3. "Was the Apollo manned moon landing a hoax?" The Truth is ......" scientific rumor refutation platform hosted by the China Association for Science and Technology, released on May 16, 2024;

4. "The Moon Is Not a Dead Star, Recent Magma Eruptions May Have Occurred 100 Million Years Ago," Science and Technology Daily, October 14, 2014;

5. "Raising the National Flag on the Far Side of the Moon, Chang'e-6 Sets Off Home", Xinhua News Agency;

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