
NetEase, Toutiao, Baidu, Douyin, and Tencent's five major media platforms have made their attitudes clear

author:Basketball Rain Brother

In the past two days, NetEase, Toutiao, Baidu, Douyin, Tencent and other five major media platforms have made a bit of a big move!

They have issued statements one after another that they will be ruthless against those who incite confrontation between China and Japan and incite ultra-nationalism. As soon as this incident came out, it immediately exploded on the Internet.

Netizen A: These platforms have finally found their conscience? Why did you go early! Netizen B: That's it, I know every day that I smash money, and now I'm pretending to be a messenger of justice? Netizen C: Anyway, I finally took the right small step.

NetEase, Toutiao, Baidu, Douyin, and Tencent's five major media platforms have made their attitudes clear

Looking at the various reactions on the Internet, the editor can't help asking: Can these five major platforms join forces to reverse the chaos on the Internet? Are their actions for show or for real? Let's wait and see.

These veteran online platforms have finally played the tricks of the Justice League, which makes the editor a little excited. But if you think about it carefully, it's really not easy. The joint statement of these five platforms actually reflects the three major pain points in cyberspace.

The first pain point is that some people use nationalism as a shield at every turn to incite antagonism.

The lack of platform management gives them an opportunity. Look at it, the hats of "dog traitors" and "traitors" are flying all over the sky at every turn, making the Internet a miasma. What's more, even normal cultural exchanges have become a thorn in their side. Wasn't there still a boycott of Japanese anime some time ago?

NetEase, Toutiao, Baidu, Douyin, and Tencent's five major media platforms have made their attitudes clear

It makes people laugh and cry. To put it bluntly, this kind of ultra-nationalist sentiment is a sprinkling and rolling under the banner of patriotism. Patriotism is not something you can love if you want to, and it is not an excuse to hurt others and destroy social harmony. What we pay attention to is rational patriotism and responsible patriotism, rather than vulgar patriotism.

The second pain point is that Internet rumors are flying all over the sky, and some guys with ulterior motives always like to fish in troubled waters.

When there is nothing to do, they will fabricate some sensational rumors to stir up antagonism among the masses. It is also called "exposing the truth". The editor wondered, do you still want to reveal the truth with your three-legged cat kung fu? Why don't you go to heaven?

NetEase, Toutiao, Baidu, Douyin, and Tencent's five major media platforms have made their attitudes clear

The truth can only be obtained through objective and professional investigation, not by fabrication! What is even more odious is that there are still people who take advantage of the opportunity to accumulate wealth and take advantage of people's patriotic enthusiasm for personal gain. You people, can we have some professional ethics and bottom line?

The third pain point is that the supervision of some platforms is not in place, and the problem is allowed to breed and spread.

In all fairness, these five platforms are not indifferent. But the problem is that the management is not thorough enough, and I always think of all kinds of compromises, for fear of offending those masters who fanned the flames. The result? People are even more energetic!

NetEase, Toutiao, Baidu, Douyin, and Tencent's five major media platforms have made their attitudes clear

Now these platforms have finally realized the seriousness of the situation and are going to deal with it ruthlessly. I hope it's not a flash in the pan, but a real thing. You platforms are all industry bosses, so you must have the awareness and responsibility of the bosses! Don't just think about making bad money, but also do some responsibility for the cleanup of cyberspace, right?

In the final analysis, eradicating the chaos on the Internet requires the joint efforts of many parties.

Platforms should earnestly perform their main responsibilities, increase the intensity of supervision and punishment, and have "zero tolerance" for violations. The majority of netizens should also improve their self-cultivation, do not believe or spread rumors, and rationally express their demands. With the deterrence of the law, the gatekeeping of platforms, and the consciousness of the public, cyberspace can become clearer and clearer and become a fertile ground full of positive energy.

Finally, I would like to ask: in this era of rapid development, what do we need to pay for a clear and orderly cyberspace? Is it an endless war of words, or a rational and inclusive exchange? What do you think about this?