
The life of Aunt Shirley, 63 years old: delicate and tedious, I feel so tired... Overexertion, or old

author:The stars speak of emotion


It tells the details of the life and life experience of a 63-year-old retired woman named Aunt Shirley. She used to be a vice president, but she gave up her 1 million property and house to live a rich life; She has lived alone for 30 years, but she is still optimistic; She is still beautiful at the age of 60, and is nicknamed "Snow Nun". Aunt Shirley's story has attracted the attention of society and reflects the changing attitude of retired women. Want to know more about this extraordinary Aunt Sherry? Read on!

The son's closeness to Aunt Shirley

The life of Aunt Shirley, 63 years old: delicate and tedious, I feel so tired... Overexertion, or old

The 36-year-old son is unmarried, and he is close to Aunt Shirley and often has fun together.

Who is this Aunt Shirley?

Let's take a look!

Details of Aunt Shirley's life

Aunt Xuerui's original name was Xu Shiping, a 63-year-old retired woman.

She lives a delicate and tedious life, busy every day, so unfulfilling.

She wears famous brands, eats big meals, lives in a high-end community, and lives a very exquisite life.

She has money and leisure, and often travels abroad and lives a rich life.

Aunt Shirley's life turned around

The life of Aunt Shirley, 63 years old: delicate and tedious, I feel so tired... Overexertion, or old

You may say, isn't such Aunt Xue Rui the pampered wife of a rich boy!

But you're wrong!

Behind Aunt Shelly, there is an unknown life course.

She used to be the wife of an ordinary family, and when she was 33 years old, she never married again after the divorce.

She gave up her 1 million property and house, and has been single since she left the house.

Now it's been 30 years of single dogs!

Aunt Shirley's career and studies

You may say that she must have lived a rich life because she has money!

The life of Aunt Shirley, 63 years old: delicate and tedious, I feel so tired... Overexertion, or old

Wrong! Wrong again!

At the age of 56, she was still in college and worked at Walmart until she retired.

Before retiring, she was already the vice president of Walmart in the East!

This vice president only graduated from the fourth year of college, and he is still struggling before retirement, can you believe it?

She said that she was a typical example of Dick Si's counterattack!

Aunt Shirley's attitude to life and appearance

Although she is 60 years old, she is still peerless and more charming!

She likes to dress up, especially proud of her long legs, so she often wears super shorts and various skirts.

Everyone has a love for beauty, but she is a little too much, and she still wears a fur vest in the hot summer.

The life of Aunt Shirley, 63 years old: delicate and tedious, I feel so tired... Overexertion, or old

She is dressed up very fashionably and very face-like, so she is jokingly called "Snow Nun" and "Eunuch Boss" by netizens.

Even her own son said, "My mom is dressed up more handsome than me!" ”

But because of this, she has made many friends, including her son's 36-year-old friend.

Aunt Shirley's family and the concept of pension

Aunt Shelly has a lively and lovely pair of elderly people next to her, and they are Aunt Shelly's parents!

In their 90s, they are still energetic and able to take care of themselves, but they live in a high-end nursing home.

The life of Aunt Shirley, 63 years old: delicate and tedious, I feel so tired... Overexertion, or old

Aunt Shirley visits her parents every once in a while, and sometimes takes her parents on trips abroad.

When the old father and mother saw their daughter, they smiled and boasted: "Our Shi Ping (Aunt Xuerui's name) is really a heroine among women!" ”

In fact, parents praise their daughter so much, not just because she is filial.

Society's perception of Aunt Shirley

After Aunt Shirley's story spread, it caused a sensation in the circle of friends.

Many people have discussed: "At such an age, she must be good after retiring as a vice president!" ”

The life of Aunt Shirley, 63 years old: delicate and tedious, I feel so tired... Overexertion, or old

"Being able to have money to support the elderly, and to let your parents live in a high-end nursing home, this is the most awesome place!"

There are also people who point fingers and talk about her being too sexy.

Some people even said: "It's a shame to be dressed like a little girl at such an age!" ”

Aunt Shirley doesn't seem to care about the doubts and discussions from the outside world.

She said: "I enjoy this life, and I'm happy when I'm dressed up!" ”

She also said: "60, 70 or even 80 years old are still young, I want to be a girl forever!" ”

The life of Aunt Shirley, 63 years old: delicate and tedious, I feel so tired... Overexertion, or old

Although she was criticized by some people for overdressing up and not doing her job, Aunt Shelly was never affected.

She insists on being herself, living the life she wants, and enjoying it.

A change in society's perception of retired women

In fact, Aunt Shirley's story is not alone.

With the development of society and economic progress, more and more women are living a full and refined life after retirement.

They travel, study, work out, dress up, and find joy and meaning in retirement.

The life of Aunt Shirley, 63 years old: delicate and tedious, I feel so tired... Overexertion, or old

Most of these women are young and optimistic, and we see in them the changes of the times and the rise of female power.

But it is precisely because of this that in the eyes of these women, the middle-aged people of the same age, who are middle-aged, bitter and hateful, and who are not tough enough, are particularly prominent.

It is precisely because of this that it is not uncommon for us to see retired women like Aunt Shirley who are "overdressed".

Although we can't change everyone's stereotypes and prejudices about retired women, at least we can learn from their attitudes and mental outlook towards life.

The life of Aunt Shirley, 63 years old: delicate and tedious, I feel so tired... Overexertion, or old

They tell us that no matter where we are at any time and what kind of person we are, we must do meaningful things and live meaningful lives. That's all that matters!


Aunt Sherry's story is inspiring, and her positive attitude to life and love of life are admirable. Retirement does not mean stagnation, as Aunt Shirley shows, retirement can be full and exciting, and age is not a constraint, but a stage to show your personality and style. Let's learn from Aunt Shelley, bravely pursue the life you want, and live your own wonderful life!

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