
The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list

author:Fashionable stars


"I'd rather be fuller than the prime minister of the country."

This sentence was said by Edison, who is revered as a great inventor by the American invention community.

And now, some people who do not regard Edison as the prime minister of the country do not respect their own mothers, but instead use the people's funds to support other people's mothers.

The so-called prime minister also smiled and said: "The Chinese are not worthy of accepting my donation."

Recently, a domestic news has been spreading, a person who is very successful in the battery industry.

After earning the money of the Chinese, this man decided to give up the money of the Chinese and go to sponsor the Americans.

His story has become a topic of conversation, and our topic is also the four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune.

How can you find a good place to pay for so much money in China, why send it to the United States?

Zhong Xinjia, a pioneer in the battery industry.

The initiator of the matter was a man named Zhong Xinjia.

The reason why Zhong Xinjia was able to enter our field of vision is because he is a pioneer in battery science.

When he was young, there were almost no schools in China for this subject, and he had to go into exile to further his studies abroad.

In the 80s, in order to be able to learn battery science well, he left his family and went to the United States alone.

Although the outside world is very strange, his heart is always thinking about others in his hometown.

Without his company, he lived a very hard life and lived a very frugal life.

The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list

Zhong Xinjia told reporters that he has made some breakthroughs in batteries, such as in the research and application of power batteries.

Although his life abroad is full of strangers, his heart is always concerned about his relatives in his hometown, so he hopes that he can improve the level of battery scientific research in China.

However, in his opinion, China's battery scientific research level is still behind compared with foreign countries.

The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list

Therefore, only by letting Chinese entrepreneurs know how important research is in this area can China's industrial development grow.

So in 2014, Zhong Xinjia decided to return to China, and he wanted to cooperate with Guizhou Bailing Group to establish a battery research center in China.

Although his career has achieved a little success abroad, in his view, China is still his hometown, and only to make the motherland rich and strong.

The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list

There will not be so many homeless people in his hometown, although he has obtained a "green card" in the United States, but he still resolutely chose to return to China.

In 2019, under his leadership, Bailing Group has made some progress in battery research, they have not only made some breakthroughs in lithium batteries, but also industrialized the production of products.

The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list

Currently in the field of electric vehicles, this battery of theirs is already in use.

More and more Chinese enterprises are rising in the domestic market, and the results they have contributed have undoubtedly become a valuable asset of the motherland.

Zhong Xinjia's career is also to cultivate a large number of accomplished scientists, his career not only contributes to the motherland, but also drives a large number of related industrial chains in China.

The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list

But in April 2021, a piece of news about him left the domestic public speechless, that is, about his huge donation in the United States.

He donated $10 million to the University of California, Los Angeles.

The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list

Although his move has been praised by many in the United States, his behavior has caused some controversy and discussion in China.

Some people think that he is using this to say good things, while others think that it is embezzlement.

Many people expressed their incomprehension of his behavior: "A domestic entrepreneur who is rich and refuses to give a single cent of the community chest, how can he donate 10 million US dollars without any scruples?"

Zhong Xinjia's approach really caused controversy, and when he saw these controversies, he simply said that his company would continue to conduct independent research in China, and as a Chinese, his company was listed in the United States, and he was also listed in Shanghai, and he felt that this was normal, so he didn't care too much about these controversies.

Chinese don't deserve to accept my donations.

Among the billionaires, there is a man whose name is Ronnie Chan.

He is arguably the richest man in China, and he ranks among the top three in the philanthropic world.

But he was attacked by the people, why was he attacked by the people?

Because he expressed a very "wonderful" sentence: "Chinese are not worthy of accepting my donation."

This demeaning remark against Greater China made people express their dissatisfaction and resistance to his behavior.

It is said that "loyalty is not enough to die", but can't you respect your mother?

Among the lists of his aids, one is the welfare center in China, the second is the Newton Museum in the United States, and the third is the Science and Nature Museum in the United Kingdom.

However, what is puzzling is that although he has built many welfare centers in China, it is said that among the welfare centers he built, there are all Chinese, and even more so, all of them are Chinese welfare centers, so he might as well just take these Chinese away.

The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list

Not only that, but in 2016, he also took out a huge amount of "everyone help him see" donation to make the whole society praise his career, saying how much he has paid for scientific and technological progress and China's prosperity.

But there were many good things, but he was dug up, and all the money he spent was eaten by the mouth of "rent".

Although he donated so much, he did not donate a cent to China.

He criticized China's environment for being bad and not conducive to development, so he chose to leave the country.

What kind of country China is, we know in our own hearts.

Establishing your own business in China is related to the unconditional belief and support of others.

With the blessing and help of relatives, Bailing Group has begun to take shape.

For the sake of profit, Ronnie Chan chose to leave his mother and go to Hong Kong.

Others are abroad, but they do not refuse donations from domestic entrepreneurs.

Some domestic entrepreneurs are famous and powerful, but most of them have no credibility or fame.

They quietly contribute to domestic scientific research projects.

However, Ronnie Chan sent the country's precious donations abroad, and such an absurd thing could be done.

When he put the phrase "Chinese do not deserve to accept my donation" in the donation list, this sentence was placed in the first sentence of the list, and his behavior and his words also made people feel puzzling.

The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list

Could it be that he dislikes the small amount of donations from grassroots players in China?

Is this done so that others feel that such donations are nothing?

But in any case, his behavior is undoubtedly an insult to the Chinese in front of the public.

The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list

Second, it was to satisfy his personal vanity, so he sent all his donations abroad.

Because in some universities and research institutes abroad, he will have some "commemorative items".

The so-called commemorative items are just some research reports without Chinese.

The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list

Although some people were unhappy with his actions, this behavior of his also sparked a battle of faith among some.

Some people believe that his investment behavior is an act to make technology more perfect, and some people think that this behavior is just to make his reputation more famous.

The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list

No matter what the purpose is, his behavior has undoubtedly helped the country's scientific and technological development and progress to a certain extent.

It's just that no matter what the reason, his behavior is undoubtedly a painful punishment for his mother.

Although his contribution should not be underestimated, after all, his actions have brought some "trauma" to the people in the country.

The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list

But we still need to thank him, who has injected a lot of money into the country's scientific research.

After all, his investment behavior is undoubtedly of great help to the country's scientific and technological development.

The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list

Embezzlement of public funds cannot escape the law.

After all, his investment behavior is undoubtedly of great help to the country's scientific and technological development.

Although his investment behavior has caused a certain degree of controversy about his behavior, it has undoubtedly inspired more scientists to devote themselves to making more contributions to the country.

But no matter what, we should still see that his behavior has a certain role in helping and promoting the country's scientific and technological development.

But as this matter fermented, more and more people participated in this controversy and had different opinions and opinions on his behavior.

Although his behavior has undoubtedly brought a positive impetus to the country's scientific and technological development to a certain extent, his behavior has undeniably had a certain squeezing effect on the country's innovation and development forces.

Because of his behavior, more and more Chinese billionaires have followed suit and transferred their wealth abroad.

The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list

Therefore, to a certain extent, it has also led to a more serious loss of domestic social resources and talents, which has affected the country's economic development and scientific and technological progress.

Therefore, in today's environment, we must also think about how to change this situation, how to make more Chinese billionaires care about the country and give back to the society.

The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list

Some argue that the state should introduce better policies and regulations to regulate and restrain the behavior of the wealthy.

Only in this way can we effectively prevent the misconduct of some wealthy people and reduce the possibility of them transferring their wealth abroad.

The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list

However, some people believe that the state should pay more attention to the support and encouragement of scientific and technological innovation.

Only in this way can we attract more Chinese tycoons to give back to China's scientific and technological research and education, and promote China's scientific and technological innovation and development.

The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list

In any case, we should realize that a prosperous country is not just a few rich people.

Therefore, both the country and the rich should work together for the long-term development of the country and work hard for the future prosperity of China.

I hope that no matter who you are, you will never forget your original intention and contribute to the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list


There are even people who take photos from ten years ago to blow donations, and they are moved to say: "I donated 50,000 yuan 10 years ago, and now you can only give 30,000 yuan, my heart aches, I know that you don't have so little money."

He believes that Chinese people are either corrupt or corrupt, and if they want to change the status quo of the country, they must change the ideological concepts of Chinese.

The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list

It is also the country that is only now oppressed by the powerful and unable to stand up, everything he does is to make the country stand up early, and for him, stabilizing the country is as important as letting the country dominate the world.

It's understandable to think like this, but can't you respect your mother?

Whatever his purpose, his actions are misleading and hurting Mother Nation.

His behavior undoubtedly cast a shadow on his image.

The four Chinese billionaires who donated to the United States after making a fortune, Zhong Xinjia, the "battery king", were on the list

All this is incomprehensible and makes us realize that it is not only China that needs to change, but also the Chinese who need to change, and the world needs to change.

But change does not mean giving up everything, giving up the country, giving up the hometown.

If you have no regrets in life, why bother to say these words?

For countless years, China has always been a strong country, so strong that we kneel down, so strong that we don't fight, but we just have been fighting for strength and working hard.

Don't look at us now, we have nothing, but we have dreams, we have blood, we have perseverance.

It is precisely because of this spirit that we will have a strong country and nation

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