
Electric vehicles over 25 yards are not compliant, the same 48V, lithium battery to lead-acid is considered an over-standard car? I knew

author:Miss Chen

Title: The speed of electric vehicles exceeds the standard, is it compliant to change lithium batteries to lead-acid?

XXX newspaper XXXX year XX month XX day

As electric vehicles become more and more people's daily travel tools, their safety and compliance issues are gradually attracting social attention. Recently, some members of the public have reported that the driving speed of some electric vehicles has significantly exceeded the national standard, that is, the maximum speed shall not exceed 25 yards per hour. This phenomenon is found in many brands and models of electric vehicles, especially those equipped with 48V lithium batteries. So, can replacing lithium batteries with lead-acid batteries avoid the problem of exceeding the standard?

Electric vehicles over 25 yards are not compliant, the same 48V, lithium battery to lead-acid is considered an over-standard car? I knew

First of all, it's important to be clear that the problem of over-speed EVs isn't just about the type of battery. Factors such as the power of the motor, the setting of the controller, the overall design of the vehicle, etc., can all affect the final speed of the vehicle. However, the performance of the battery, which is the power source of electric vehicles, does have a direct impact on vehicle speed. Generally speaking, lithium batteries have higher energy density and lower weight than lead-acid batteries, which makes lithium battery electric vehicles often superior in acceleration and range.

Electric vehicles over 25 yards are not compliant, the same 48V, lithium battery to lead-acid is considered an over-standard car? I knew

So, will replacing a 48V lithium battery with a lead-acid battery of the same voltage reduce the speed of the vehicle? Theoretically, since the energy density of lead-acid batteries is lower than that of lithium batteries, the replaced electric vehicles may have a certain speed drop under the same conditions. But whether this drop is enough to bring the vehicle's speed below 25 yards also depends on the vehicle's other configuration and design. If the motor is powerful or the controller limits the speed of the vehicle, the speed of the vehicle may still exceed the standard, even if the battery is replaced.

In addition, there are other issues that may arise from replacing the battery. Lead-acid batteries typically weigh more than lithium batteries, which can affect the vehicle's handling and range. At the same time, the service life and charging efficiency of lead-acid batteries are usually not as good as lithium batteries, which may increase the cost of use and maintenance difficulty for car owners.

For EV manufacturers, the problem of speed exceeding the standard should be strictly controlled from the design and production process. Manufacturers should reasonably configure motor power and controller parameters in accordance with relevant national standards to ensure that the speed of the new car will not exceed the standard when it leaves the factory. For EVs that have already been sold, manufacturers should provide corrective measures, such as software upgrades or hardware adjustments to limit vehicle speed.

Electric vehicles over 25 yards are not compliant, the same 48V, lithium battery to lead-acid is considered an over-standard car? I knew

For consumers, if they find that their electric vehicle speed exceeds the standard, they should contact the merchant in time to solve it. Without professional knowledge and skills, self-modification of electric vehicles may bring safety hazards and even violate laws and regulations. Therefore, consumers should not easily believe some unprofessional modification suggestions, such as simply changing the battery type to reduce the speed of the vehicle.

In conclusion, the problem of excessive speed of electric vehicles is a complex and systemic problem that requires the joint efforts of manufacturers, consumers and regulators. For consumers, choosing a compliant electric vehicle produced by a regular manufacturer and obeying the traffic rules in use is the best way to ensure safety. For manufacturers, it is the responsibility and obligation of enterprises to strictly control product quality and ensure that vehicles meet national standards. Only in this way can our roads be safer and electric vehicles can travel more conveniently.

(Reporter XXX)

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