
Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

author:Costume Yukika.

On July 1, the funeral of Xia Kefu, a 39-year-old executive of a listed international medical company, was held in Beijing, which was special because he was killed after being kidnapped in the Philippines. And Xia Kefu was kidnapped with another colleague. The two paid a ransom of 3 million after being kidnapped, but they were still torn up, and at present, an insider has exposed the reason for the kidnapping, as well as their personal circumstances, which is embarrassing.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

Context of events

At 10 a.m. on July 1, 2024, a funeral home in the eastern suburbs of Beijing held a memorial service for Xia Moufu, marketing director of Suzhou Runmed Medical Technology Effective Company. Xia Moufu is only 39 years old this year, which should have been the golden period of his life, but he died suddenly, which is shocking and regrettable.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

Recall, not long ago on June 20, Xia Moufu and his friend Sun flew from Beijing to the Philippines together. The trip would have seemed ordinary, as the two of their newfound Filipino friends had promised to pick them up at the airport to give their families peace of mind. After all, Xia Moufu and Sun often went abroad to expand their business because of work before, and such international trips have become commonplace for them.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

On June 20, Xia Moufu and his friend Sun went to the Philippines through an intermediary named Li. Li arranged everything in advance, including picking up the airport in person. Unexpectedly, however, the two were kidnapped as soon as they arrived in the Philippines. The next day, at around 11:36 a.m. on June 21, Xia Moufu's family began to receive several phone calls one after another. The news on the phone was unbelievable: it was said that Xia Moufu had lost money while playing cards, so he needed his family to send money to solve the problem.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

When they heard the news that the kidnappers asked for money transfers, Xia Moufu's family did not believe it, because they knew that Xia Moufu went abroad for a business trip, and the possibility of participating in playing cards was extremely low. But unexpectedly, Xia Moufu also claimed that he did lose money because of playing cards. Despite this, the family remained vigilant and did not rush to send money. When the kidnappers saw that they had not received the money, they threatened to disadvantage the hostages if they did not send it quickly.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

Faced with this situation, the family chose to call the police. However, at the same time, Sun, who went to the Philippines with Xia Moufu, was also controlled, and also demanded a ransom from his family. In an emergency, Sun's family hurriedly paid a ransom of 3 million, hoping to ensure his safety. However, the sad thing is that even so, two days later, on June 24, they received the bad news that Sun's body was abandoned in the wilderness.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

The identity of the victim is revealed

It is understood that the unfortunate victim Xia Moumou served as the director of international operations of Suzhou Ruimaid Medical Device Listed Company, he graduated from Hunan City University, and was rated as an outstanding graduate of the School of Materials and Chemical Engineering of the school in the past 15 years. Xia Moumou is only 39 years old and is in the prime of his career.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

Another person who was unfortunately killed was Sun, who had elderly parents at home. His parents knew that their son had been kidnapped in the Philippines, but had not yet been informed of the tragic news that they had been killed. This will undoubtedly be an extremely heavy blow for older parents to accept such news.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

Met a woman overseas

Generally speaking, people with identities like Xia Moufu and Sun Moufu are unlikely to be targeted by kidnappers because of their strong sense of prevention. However, this time they were unexpectedly kidnapped, and there seem to be some key factors behind it. Although Xia Moufu and Sun work in different companies, they are both in the medical industry and are good at developing overseas markets, especially Sun, who works overseas all year round.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

In May this year, the two went abroad on business and met by chance at an international exhibition. At that time, Xia Moufu's colleague and Sun's wife were also present. Because of their common interests and perspectives in business, the two had a good conversation and quickly became like-minded friends. In this exchange, Sun shared some of his network resources with Xia Moufu, including a distributor from the Philippines, Li.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

When Xia Moufu heard that Sun had a contact channel in the Philippines, he was particularly interested because he had always wanted to explore the Philippine market. Through the contact point of Li, the two decided to go to the Philippines to inspect the market on the spot. So, through the intermediary of Li, the two went directly to the Philippines. Li also personally went to the airport to pick up the plane, which was supposed to be a simple business trip, but unexpectedly, the two were kidnapped shortly after arriving.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

According to Sun Jing's friends, the two victims were subjected to extremely severe torture after being kidnapped and eventually died of suffocation. Faced with this situation, people can't help but ask: As the local police in the Philippines said, if only two or three hundred thousand yuan are paid, can the hostages really be guaranteed? Or was it because a ransom of up to 3 million was paid, which instead triggered the tragedy of the killing of hostages?

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

Sun Jing's friend provided some information about this. According to official responses from victims' families, there have been more than 400 similar kidnappings in the Philippines in the past two years. In these cases, hostages are often not spared, regardless of whether or not a ransom is paid, regardless of the amount of the ransom.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

Some people questioned that this friend may have spoken out publicly to rub traffic, and she then posted a photo of herself and Sun Jing, saying that the reason why she chose to speak publicly was completely because she couldn't bear the pain and sadness in her heart. It was her video that drove media attention and coverage of this incident, allowing more people to understand the truth of this tragedy.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

The mysterious woman Li Na became a key clue

As the story develops, one can't help but speculate about the reasons behind it. Through Li Na's further introduction, the two victims cooperated with a person who claimed to be a big boss of real estate in Fujian, thinking that it was a good opportunity for market manipulation, but all this was probably just a well-designed trap. When the two flew to the Philippines this month, they thought they were going to attend a cooperation meeting, but they didn't expect to actually step into a trap that had been set up a long time ago.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

Who would have thought that such a cunning scheming was hidden behind the enthusiastic pick-up? It is difficult to determine whether Li Na was involved in the crime, but it is clear that she may be just a manipulated pawn, hidden in layers of disguise. The self-proclaimed real estate owner surnamed Hong and his company have disappeared from the world without a trace, and the true face of this conspiracy is gradually being revealed behind all the lies.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed

Overseas travel needs to be cautious, and safety precautions are indispensable

This incident really reminds us that we must always be vigilant when traveling overseas, especially when dealing with strangers. In the past few years, overseas security problems have occurred frequently, and the safety of many people's lives and property is facing serious threats. Therefore, when we are abroad, we must strengthen our awareness of safety precautions, improve our ability to protect ourselves, and ensure that we can be safe and sound in a foreign country.

Two bigwigs were kidnapped and killed in the Philippines! After paying a ransom of 3 million, the violent corpse is in the wilderness, and the reason is exposed


The kidnapping and eventual tragic murder of two Chinese business executives in the Philippines is truly heart-wrenching and a wake-up call. Safety abroad is no small matter, and we must work together to strengthen prevention and management to ensure a safer environment for our fellow citizens to work and live overseas. We should keep this tragedy in mind and work together to build a strong line of security to prevent the recurrence of such incidents and ensure that everyone living and working overseas can live and work safely and securely.

[Disclaimer] The time, event process and pictures involved in this article are all from the Internet, which are used to spread positive energy, without any vulgarity or bad guidance. Readers are asked not to generalize, and not to fall into unnecessary behavior such as personal attacks. Please be rational in dealing with this incident, and don't believe in malicious comments based on subjective assumptions, the Internet is not an illegal place. If you have any questions about the authenticity of this article, the copyright of the event or the infringement of the picture, please contact the author in time, and we will actively deal with it.

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