
Zhang Zuolin was overwhelmed by Lu Shouxuan's beauty: if he could marry her as his wife, it would be worth dying

author:Aaron said history

In the Northeast in the 1920s, a vigorous pursuit was being staged. The protagonists are the famous Zhang Zuolin and the beautiful Lu Shouxuan. Zhang Zuolin was originally a matchmaker for his brother, but the moment he saw Lu Shouxuan, he was overwhelmed by her beauty. Since then, the king of the Northeast has launched a thrilling pursuit. He disregarded his status, did whatever it took to make him, even his own brother's enemy. But the Lu family was opposed to this family business. In the face of many obstacles, how will Zhang Zuolin respond? Will he be able to get his wish? What is Lu Shouxuan's attitude towards this pursuit?

Zhang Zuolin was overwhelmed by Lu Shouxuan's beauty: if he could marry her as his wife, it would be worth dying

It is said that it was a cold winter day in 1920, Zhang Zuolin wore a heavy cotton jacket and stepped on the snow to come to Lu's house. This time he came with a special mission - to speak for his brother Cheng Sanqing. Cheng Sanqing is a capable general under Zhang Zuolin, loyal and honest, and has never married a wife. Zhang Zuolin thought of this, so he planned to go out in person to find a good marriage for this brother Zhang.

The Lu family is also a solid family in the local area, although it is not a scholarly family, but the children in the family are literate and hyphenated, and they are quite knowledgeable. Zhang Zuolin also has some connections with the Lu family, and once saved the life of the old man of the Lu family in a bandit robbery. With this relationship, Zhang Zuolin felt that the trip should go smoothly.

When he arrived at the door of Lu's house, Zhang Zuolin first exchanged a few words of greeting, and then went straight to the point and explained his intentions. When the Lu family heard that they were here to talk to Cheng Sanqing, their faces suddenly showed embarrassment. Their family is such a golden flower, how can they casually promise to be married to a vulgar martial artist? Although Zhang Zuolin is now the head of the security regiment, in the eyes of the Lu family, they still have a bit of a bandit atmosphere.

Zhang Zuolin saw that the Lu family's expression was wrong, and he also understood a little in his heart. He is a face-loving person, and since people don't want to, it's not easy to force it. Just as he was about to say goodbye and leave, an accident happened.

I saw the door of Lu's house creak open, and a young woman walked out. She holds a scroll in her hand, her face is delicate, and she has no powder, but she has an elegant and refined temperament. This woman is none other than the pearl of the Lu family - Lu Shouxuan.

When Zhang Zuolin saw Lu Shouxuan, he was suddenly like five thunderbolts, stunned. He has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, and he has seen countless beauties, but it is the first time he has seen someone with such an outstanding temperament as Lu Shouxuan. The bookish spirit and gentleness of Lu Shouxuan's body made Zhang Zuolin's heart stir.

Zhang Zuolin was overwhelmed by Lu Shouxuan's beauty: if he could marry her as his wife, it would be worth dying

Lu Shouxuan didn't seem to notice Zhang Zuolin's gaze, she just said hello to her father, and then turned around and went back to the house. But this short glimpse made Zhang Zuolin's heart set off a monstrous wave. He suddenly felt that if he could marry such a woman, it would be worth dying.

Zhang Zuolin forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart and barely maintained his apparent composure. He hurriedly said goodbye to the Lu family and left the Lu family absent-mindedly. Along the way, Lu Shouxuan's figure kept replaying in his mind, and he was secretly thinking about how to marry this beauty.

After returning to the barracks, Zhang Zuolin stayed awake all night. He tossed and turned, and his mind was full of Lu Shouxuan's figure. Early the next morning, he was impatient to come to Lu's house again. This time, he is no longer a matchmaker for Cheng Sanqing, but for himself.

As soon as Zhang Zuolin entered the door, he announced loudly: "I am protecting myself this time, I want to marry her!" This sudden confession surprised the Lu family. They didn't expect that Head Zhang, who came to talk to others yesterday, would change his mind today and marry someone else's daughter.

The Lu family looked at each other, not knowing how to respond. Seeing this, Zhang Zuolin hurriedly explained: "I know that I already have a wife, but it doesn't matter, I can let Lu Shouxuan be a flat wife and never treat her badly." "

When the Lu family heard this, they couldn't cry or laugh. They never thought that their daughter would be taken by such a vulgar martial artist. But Zhang Zuolin is already a prince in the northeast, and they don't dare to offend. In this way, a tug-of-war about marriage began.

Since Zhang Zuolin first expressed his intention to marry Lu Shouxuan, he began a crazy pursuit. Every morning, he would appear in front of Lu's house on time, holding flowers and a bright smile on his face. This iron-blooded general in the Northeast, when facing his sweetheart, behaves like a hairy boy who has just fallen in love.

At first, the Lu family was overwhelmed by Zhang Zuolin's behavior. They didn't expect that this famous warlord would be so persistent in pursuing his daughter. Although the old man of the Lu family is grateful to Zhang Zuolin for saving his life, he is also reluctant to marry his daughter to a married and much older man.

Zhang Zuolin was overwhelmed by Lu Shouxuan's beauty: if he could marry her as his wife, it would be worth dying

However, Zhang Zuolin's insistence began to shake the position of the Lu family. Every day he brings different gifts, sometimes precious jewelry, sometimes rare foreign goods. What surprised the Lu family even more was that Zhang Zuolin would also bring some objects that only literati and scholars could understand, such as famous calligraphy and paintings, rare ancient books, etc. This made the Lu family's impression of Zhang Zuolin change slightly.

But the attitude of the Lu family is not static. As time goes on, they start to get bored and annoyed. Zhang Zuolin's frequent visits caused discussions in the neighborhood, some people said that the Lu family climbed high branches, and some people said that the Lu family did not know what to do. These gossips troubled the Lu family.

Lu Shouxuan's mother began to persuade her husband that she could not go on like this. She was worried that her daughter's reputation would be damaged because of this, and she was even more afraid that Zhang Zuolin would take tough measures. After all, in those turbulent times, the power of warlords was far beyond the ability of ordinary people.

The old man of the Lu family also realized the seriousness of the situation. He decided to talk to Zhang Zuolin head-on, hoping to convince the persistent suitor to give up.

One day, when Zhang Zuolin came to the door again, the old man of the Lu family personally came forward to greet him. He invited Zhang Zuolin to the study, ready to speak.

"Head Zhang," Old Man Lu said, "We appreciate your kindness, but this family is not suitable." "

Zhang Zuolin's face did not change, and asked rhetorically: "Why is it not suitable?" Do you think I'm old, or do you think I'm rude? "

Old Man Lu sighed and explained, "Head Zhang, you are already a family man. Although our Lu family is not a big family, we also have our own rules. Let your daughter be small, this is categorically impossible. "

After hearing this, Zhang Zuolin said unhurriedly: "Old man, you misunderstood. I don't want Lu Shouxuan to be small, but to make her a flat wife. In my heart, she is on the same footing as my current wife. "

Old Man Lu was stunned by Zhang Zuolin's words. He didn't expect this powerful warlord to say such a thing. In those days, the system of equal wives, although it existed, was not common, especially in prominent figures like Zhang Zuolin.

Zhang Zuolin was overwhelmed by Lu Shouxuan's beauty: if he could marry her as his wife, it would be worth dying

However, Old Man Lu quickly came back to his senses. He realized that even if he was a flat wife, it was not a good choice for Lu Shouxuan. He continued to persuade: "Head Zhang, even if it is a flat wife, our Lu family can't agree. Shou Xuan has been literate since she was a child, and we hope that she can find the right person. "

When Zhang Zuolin heard this, a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes. He stood up, with a hint of threat in his voice: "Old man, you have to think clearly. Although I, Zhang Zuolin, am not from a high background, I am now a prince. If your Lu family agrees to this family business, will you still be worried about not being prosperous and rich in the future? "

Old Man Lu was frightened by Zhang Zuolin's words, but he still stubbornly said: "Head Zhang, our Lu family is not greedy for glory and wealth, but only wants to live in peace. Please think twice about this family business. "

Zhang Zuolin saw that Old Man Lu was resolute, and he didn't want to say anything more. He just said coldly: "Think about it, I'll come back another day." With that, he turned and left.

After this conversation, the Lu family strengthened their determination to refuse this family business. They began to discuss how to get rid of Zhang Zuolin's entanglement. Someone suggested moving, someone suggested interceding. But no matter what they come up with, they can't stop Zhang Zuolin's crazy pursuit.

In this way, the tug-of-war between Zhang Zuolin and the Lu family continued. Every day, Zhang Zuolin would appear in front of the Lu family on time, and the Lu family tried their best to avoid it. This contest between pursuit and resistance became the talk of the locals after dinner, and also planted an inconspicuous but far-reaching seed for the later political situation in Northeast China.

Zhang Zuolin's crazy pursuit of Lu Shouxuan is not unknown to anyone. The news quickly reached Cheng Sanqing's ears. At first, Cheng Sanqing couldn't believe this rumor. He thinks that Zhang Zuolin is his eldest brother, how could he do such a treacherous thing? However, as more and more details are confirmed, Cheng Sanqing has to face this cruel reality.

Zhang Zuolin was overwhelmed by Lu Shouxuan's beauty: if he could marry her as his wife, it would be worth dying

One day, Cheng Sanqing finally mustered up the courage and decided to go to Zhang Zuolin in person to ask for an explanation. He came to Zhang Zuolin's mansion, but was told that Zhang was not there. Cheng Sanqing knew that Zhang Zuolin would probably go to Lu's house to entangle again. He rushed straight to Lu's house, and sure enough, he saw Zhang Zuolin's figure at the door.

"Big brother!" Cheng Sanqing shouted loudly, with obvious anger and disappointment in his voice.

Zhang Zuolin heard the shouting and turned around. Seeing Cheng Sanqing, a trace of embarrassment flashed on his face, but he quickly returned to normal. "Sanqing, why are you here?" He asked casually.

Cheng Sanqing suppressed his anger and asked, "Big brother, I heard that you are pursuing Lu Shouxuan, is this true?" "

Zhang Zuolin did not deny it, but admitted calmly: "Yes, I am indeed pursuing Lu Shouxuan." Sanqing, you have also seen, what a wonderful woman she is. "

When Cheng Sanqing heard this answer, he was immediately struck by lightning. He never expected that Zhang Zuolin would admit it so calmly. For a moment, he felt extremely angry and betrayed. "Big brother, how can you do this? At the beginning, you were obviously going to be the matchmaker for me, but now you are pursuing Lu Shouxuan by yourself! "

Zhang Zuolin looked at Cheng Sanqing's excited appearance, with a hint of impatience in his tone: "Sanqing, you have to understand that feelings can't be forced. Although I was originally a matchmaker for you, after meeting Lu Shouxuan, I was indeed attracted to her. You should know that in this kind of thing, I, Zhang Zuolin, have always been freewheeling. "

When Cheng Sanqing heard this, he was completely furious. He pointed to Zhang Zuolin's nose and shouted: "Zhang Zuolin, you are too much!" Where do you put your brotherhood? I, Cheng Sanqing, have followed you for so many years, but I didn't expect to get such a result in the end! "

Zhang Zuolin was angered by Cheng Sanqing's attitude. He said coldly: "Cheng Sanqing, don't forget your identity. Without me Zhang Zuolin, what are you? Everything you have now is given by me. If you don't know what's wrong, I can take everything back from you at any time! "

Zhang Zuolin was overwhelmed by Lu Shouxuan's beauty: if he could marry her as his wife, it would be worth dying

These words completely shattered Cheng Sanqing's last illusion about Zhang Zuolin. He looked at the person in front of him who he had once regarded as a big brother, and suddenly felt extremely strange. "Zhang Zuolin, from today onwards, we will break off!" After speaking, Cheng Sanqing turned around and left, never looking back.

This scene happened to be seen by the Lu family who was passing by. They witnessed the dispute between Zhang Zuolin and Cheng Sanqing, and strengthened their determination to refuse this family business. The old man of the Lu family sighed and said to the people around him: "It seems that this Zhang Zuolin is not very good in life." Even our own brothers can be treated like this, let alone us outsiders? "

Zhang Zuolin saw the reaction of the Lu family and realized that his actions might affect his plan to pursue Lu Shouxuan. He tried to explain, but the Lu family had already turned around and entered the house and closed the door.

From that day on, Cheng Sanqing and Zhang Zuolin turned against each other. He began to secretly contact other dissatisfied people with Zhang Zuolin, trying to weaken Zhang Zuolin's power. And Zhang Zuolin did not sit still, he began to be vigilant and strengthened the monitoring of the people around him.

This dispute over love and hatred not only affected Zhang Zuolin and Cheng Sanqing, but also caused a series of chain reactions among the entire northeast warlord forces. Some people who were originally dissatisfied with Zhang Zuolin began to take the opportunity to sow discord and try to disintegrate Zhang Zuolin's forces.

At the same time, the Lu family is also in a dilemma. They didn't want to offend Zhang Zuolin, and they didn't want to accept this family business. Lu Shouxuan's father began to consider whether he should find a good family for his daughter as soon as possible, so as to completely cut off Zhang Zuolin's thoughts.

In this way, what was originally a simple pursuit evolved into a complex wrestling involving many parties. Zhang Zuolin's persistent pursuit, Cheng Sanqing's angry betrayal, the Lu family's dilemma, and the secret watch-and-see of other forces jointly weave a complex political picture of Northeast China. This turmoil also laid the groundwork for the subsequent changes in the situation in Northeast China.

Zhang Zuolin was overwhelmed by Lu Shouxuan's beauty: if he could marry her as his wife, it would be worth dying

As time passed, Zhang Zuolin's pursuit of Lu Shouxuan became more and more intense. His patience ran out and he decided to take a tougher approach. Late one night, Zhang Zuolin sent a team of elite soldiers to quietly surround the Lu family.

Early the next morning, the Lu family was horrified to find that their house was heavily guarded. Zhang Zuolin came to the door in person, and his attitude was tougher than before. He said directly to the old man of the Lu family: "Old man, I've been waiting long enough. Today I am here to give an ultimatum. Either you take the initiative to marry Lu Shouxuan to me, or I will forcibly take her away. "

The Lu family was overwhelmed by the sudden change. Lu Shouxuan's father tried to reason: "Captain Zhang, you are trying to rob the people's daughter!" It doesn't make sense anywhere, does it? "

Zhang Zuolin sneered: "In this northeast, I, Zhang Zuolin, have the final say." If you don't want to, I can arrest your whole family now and charge you with treason. When the time comes, not only Lu Shouxuan will go with me, but I am afraid that the lives of your whole family will not be saved. "

When the Lu family heard this, their faces immediately turned like earth. They are well aware of how powerful Zhang Zuolin is in the Northeast, and his remarks are by no means false. Lu Shouxuan's mother couldn't help crying, holding her daughter and refusing to let go.

Seeing this, Lu Shouxuan knew that the matter had reached the point of no return. Holding back her tears, she said to her parents, "Dad, mother, don't be embarrassed. I am willing to marry Captain Zhang. "

When the old man of the Lu family heard his daughter's words, his heart was like a knife. He knew that his daughter was sacrificing herself to save the family. In desperation, he could only agree to Zhang Zuolin's request.

Zhang Zuolin got the answer he wanted and immediately ordered to start preparing for the wedding. He asked to complete all the preparations within three days, and to hold a grand wedding, so that everyone in the Northeast would know that he had married Lu Shouxuan.

For the next three days, the entire city of Mukden was enveloped in an eerie atmosphere. People were talking privately about the forced marriage, but no one dared to speak out against it. Zhang Zuolin's power is too great, and no one wants to risk offending him.

Zhang Zuolin was overwhelmed by Lu Shouxuan's beauty: if he could marry her as his wife, it would be worth dying

On the day of the wedding, the city of Mukden was lit up with lights, and it was a joyful scene. But anyone with a discerning eye can see how much helplessness and sorrow are hidden under this joy.

Lu Shouxuan was dressed in a gorgeous wedding dress and was carried to Zhang Zuolin's mansion in a sedan chair. The people along the way came out to watch, but their eyes were more sympathetic than blessed.

Zhang Zuolin stood at the door of the mansion and greeted the bride with high spirits. When the sedan curtain was lifted and Lu Shouxuan walked out slowly, everyone present was amazed by her beauty. Zhang Zuolin smiled even more satisfied, he felt that his persistence had finally paid off.

The wedding ceremony is carried out according to the most solemn specifications. Zhang Zuolin invited the most famous local host and set up hundreds of tables of banquets. The magnates of the entire Fengtian City came to participate and cheered Zhang Zuolin on.

However, behind this seemingly lively wedding, there is an undercurrent. Although Cheng Sanqing did not openly oppose this marriage, he secretly contacted some people who were dissatisfied with Zhang Zuolin, and was ready to give Zhang Zuolin a heavy blow at the right time.

At the same time, Lu's family is worried about their future. They were afraid that Zhang Zuolin would be angry with them in the future, so they began to consider whether they should leave Mukden and find another way to make a living.

In this way, under the laughter on the surface, everyone has their own thoughts. This wedding is not just a union of two people, but more like the beginning of a complex political game.

After the wedding, Zhang Zuolin officially welcomed Lu Shouxuan into the house. He declared to the public that Lu Shouxuan's status was the same as that of his original wife, and she was his equal wife. This decision caused quite a stir at the time, because even in the northeast, where warlord power is prevalent, it is rare for Zhang Zuolin to openly establish a wife.

However, Zhang Zuolin's decision was not recognized by everyone. His original wife was extremely unhappy with this, believing that it was a challenge to her status. The subordinates in the house were thus divided into two factions and secretly competed.

Lu Shouxuan is struggling to adapt to her new life in this complex environment. She is deferential and gentle on the surface, but in fact she is always vigilant. She knew that in this dangerous environment, the slightest mistake could be a disaster.

Zhang Zuolin was overwhelmed by Lu Shouxuan's beauty: if he could marry her as his wife, it would be worth dying

This forced marriage not only changed the trajectory of Lu Shouxuan and Zhang Zuolin's lives, but also had a profound impact on the political pattern of the entire Northeast. It became the fuse that triggered a series of political struggles, and also laid the groundwork for future changes in the situation in Northeast China.

After Zhang Zuolin forcibly married Lu Shouxuan, their married life was not as calm as outsiders imagined. This forced marriage not only affected the private lives of the two, but also had a profound impact on the political situation in the entire Northeast.

In the early days of marriage, Zhang Zuolin was very fond of Lu Shouxuan. Almost every day, he would go to Lu Shouxuan's courtyard and sit for half a day to tell her about his political aspirations and military plans. Although Lu Shouxuan resisted in her heart, she still behaved very obediently on the surface, and often gave advice to Zhang Zuolin. Her ingenuity soon attracted Zhang Zuolin's attention.

However, Zhang Zuolin's original wife was extremely dissatisfied with this situation. She began to spread rumors in the mansion, saying that Lu Shouxuan was a woman who did not abide by women's morals, trying to seduce Zhang Zuolin's henchmen. These rumors quickly reached Zhang Zuolin's ears and aroused his vigilance.

In order to settle the disputes in the house, Zhang Zuolin decided to give Lu Shouxuan an official identity. He publicly declared Lu Shouxuan his equal wife, second only to Mrs. Zhengmu. This decision caused quite a stir in the warlord circles of the Northeast. Some see Mr. Zhang's move as a challenge to tradition, while others see it as Mr. Zhang's way of flexing his muscles.

After Lu Shouxuan's status was promoted, she began to gradually participate in Zhang Zuolin's government affairs. Her ingenuity soon came to prominence in Zhang Zuolin's staff group. She made many constructive suggestions that helped Zhang Zuolin formulate a series of policies that would help consolidate his rule.

However, Lu Shouxuan's talent has also aroused the jealousy of some people. Especially Cheng Sanqing, he has never been able to forgive Zhang Zuolin for snatching Lu Shouxuan. He began to secretly contact other forces dissatisfied with Zhang Zuolin, trying to weaken Zhang Zuolin's power.

Zhang Zuolin soon sensed this undercurrent. He began a large-scale purge of the people around him, including his former confidant Cheng Sanqing. Cheng Sanqing was deprived of all his posts and placed under house arrest at home. This move shocked everyone in the warlord circle in the northeast, and also made everyone more in awe of Zhang Zuolin's power.

Zhang Zuolin was overwhelmed by Lu Shouxuan's beauty: if he could marry her as his wife, it would be worth dying

At the same time, Lu Shouxuan's family was also affected by this marriage. They originally had a certain social status in Fengtian City, but now they were regarded as vassals of Zhang Zuolin. In order to get out of this predicament, the Lu family began to secretly support some forces opposed to Zhang Zuolin, hoping to protect themselves when the situation changed.

The marriage between Zhang Zuolin and Lu Shouxuan has also attracted the attention of the Japanese side. The Japanese Consul General in Mukden sent people to inquire about the situation of the "newlyweds" on several occasions, trying to find opportunities that could be exploited. They believe that if they can win over Lu Shouxuan, it may affect Zhang Zuolin's decision-making.

Faced with this complex situation, Zhang Zuolin began to rely more on Lu Shouxuan's wisdom. He often consulted with Lu Shouxuan on major decisions, and even publicly praised Lu Shouxuan's talent on some occasions. Although this practice further improved Lu Shouxuan's status, it also caused more dissatisfaction.

As time went on, the relationship between Zhang Zuolin and Lu Shouxuan became more and more complicated. On the surface, they are a loving couple, but in reality, there is always a delicate power game between the two. Although Lu Shouxuan was obedient on the surface, she never forgot that she was forced to marry Zhang Zuolin. She secretly began to build her own intelligence network, gathering information from all sides to prepare for possible changes.

Zhang Zuolin does not fully trust Lu Shouxuan. Although he reused Lu Shouxuan, he also sent people to closely monitor her every move. This state of mutual distrust makes their married life full of tension and vigilance.

This marriage had a profound impact on the political landscape of the Northeast. First, it accelerated the division within Zhang Zuolin's forces. Some people who were originally loyal to Zhang Zuolin began to distance themselves because they were dissatisfied with his behavior of forcibly marrying Lu Shouxuan. Second, it also changed the way Zhang Zuolin made decisions. Under Lu Shouxuan's influence, some of Zhang Zuolin's policies became more shrewd and meticulous.

In addition, this marriage also affected Zhang Zuolin's relationship with other warlords. Some warlords thought that Zhang Zuolin had become weak because of Lu Shouxuan, and began to move and wanted to challenge Zhang Zuolin's position. Other warlords found Mr. Zhang more elusive because they could not predict what kind of impact Mr. Lu would have on him.

Zhang Zuolin was overwhelmed by Lu Shouxuan's beauty: if he could marry her as his wife, it would be worth dying

In general, the marriage between Zhang Zuolin and Lu Shouxuan is not only a private matter between the two people, but also a far-reaching political event. It changed the power structure in the Northeast and laid the groundwork for future changes in the situation. In this marriage, Zhang Zuolin and Lu Shouxuan are trying to maintain superficial harmony, while at the same time secretly competing for their own interests. This complex relationship became an important window into understanding the political situation in Northeast China at that time.