
"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Xiu Jiekai "saved" Jia Jingwen

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Autumn Entertainment

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"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Xiu Jiekai "saved" Jia Jingwen


Once upon a time, we pursued the glamorous Zhao Min on the screen, and fell in love with her sadomasochistic relationship with Zhang Wuji.

Once upon a time, we were amazed by the name of "Goddess Jin Yong", which was famous for her style in the film industry.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Xiu Jiekai "saved" Jia Jingwen

The seeds of dreams are planted in wealthy families

Alyssa Jia was born in June 1982 in Taipei City into a wealthy businessman family.

Her parents run a restaurant, and the little Alyssa met many celebrities in the film and television industry here.

Every time she saw those glamorous stars, her eyes sparkled with longing.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Xiu Jiekai "saved" Jia Jingwen

At that time, the seed of an acting dream had already taken root in the depths of her young heart.

This seed blossomed in 2000.

Alyssa Jia was admitted to Beijing Film Academy and became a freshman in the acting department.

Every bit of campus life made her feel extremely excited and yearning.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Xiu Jiekai "saved" Jia Jingwen

She looks forward to one day being the center of attention like the glittering stars on screen.

dropped out of school and returned to Taiwan, running between the hospital crew

However, fate played a big joke on Jia Jingwen.

Not long after she started her college life with great expectations, the news came from home that her father was seriously ill.

The family road, which has always been wealthy, has also fallen because of this.

Young Alyssa Jia faces a difficult choice: should she continue to chase her acting dreams, or return home to take care of her seriously ill father?

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Xiu Jiekai "saved" Jia Jingwen

In the end, she chose the latter.

Nortel's studies were interrupted, and she set out on her way back to Taiwan.

Since then, Alyssa Jia's life has been shuttling between the hospital, the crew and her home.

During the day, she had to take care of her father in the hospital; In the evening, she had to rush to the set to film.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Xiu Jiekai "saved" Jia Jingwen

Sometimes, she even had to memorize lines in the hallways of the hospital and then hurry to the next filming location.

Despite her physical and mental exhaustion, Alyssa never thought of giving up.

On the contrary, this difficult experience honed her will and also honed her acting skills.

At that time, Alyssa Jia had unconsciously transformed into a real actor.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Xiu Jiekai "saved" Jia Jingwen

made a stunning appearance in "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", and the name of "Goddess Jin Yong" resounded in the film industry

In 2003, Alyssa Jia played Zhao Min in "Heaven and Dragon Slayer" and made a stunning appearance.

's glamorous appearance, superb acting skills, and deep sadomasochistic relationship with Zhang Wuji made her famous in one fell swoop.

The name of "Goddess Jin Yong" spread far and wide, and Andy Lau and other seniors also praised her.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Xiu Jiekai "saved" Jia Jingwen

However, whenever others mention her achievements, Alyssa always thinks of the days when she dropped out of school.

If you can complete your studies, will there be more possibilities? This question has always haunted her heart and has become an unrelieved regret.

The trauma of marriage, bravely face the new start of life

While her career was in full swing, Alyssa Jia's married life fell into a trough.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Xiu Jiekai "saved" Jia Jingwen

The marriage with Sun Zhihao was a safe haven she thought it was, but she didn't expect it to be the beginning of a nightmare.

Her husband's betrayal and domestic violence made Alyssa feel desperate.

She once cried silently during the interview, and the painful memories almost crushed her.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Xiu Jiekai "saved" Jia Jingwen

However, just like Zhao Min she played in "Heaven and Dragon Slayer", Alyssa Jia was not defeated by difficulties.

She chose to face it bravely and start over.

The emergence of Xiu Jiekai redefines happiness

At the lowest point in her life, Alyssa Jia met her current husband Xiu Jiekai.

This marriage seems to be God's compensation for all her previous sufferings.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Xiu Jiekai "saved" Jia Jingwen

Xiu Jiekai's love made Jia Jingwen rediscover the meaning of life.

She began to learn to enjoy life and become more casual and comfortable.

Under Xiu Jiekai's care, Alyssa Jia is no longer so evaluated in the unexpected world, but devotes more energy to family life.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Xiu Jiekai "saved" Jia Jingwen

Take "Riding the Wind and Waves" as a starting point to open a new chapter in your career

In 2024, 42-year-old Alyssa Jia will once again stand in the center of the stage.

This time, she participated in the filming of "Riding the Wind and Waves".

Although her appearance is no longer what she was back then, her performance on the stage is still eye-catching.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Xiu Jiekai "saved" Jia Jingwen

Some say that the years have carved their mark on her face.

But what more people see is her confidence and calmness exuded from the inside out.

This unique charm may be the most precious gift that the years have given her.

In this competitive and challenging entertainment industry, Alyssa Jia uses her own way to interpret what true beauty is.

She no longer chases for so-called "perfection", but chooses to accept her true self.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Xiu Jiekai "saved" Jia Jingwen

Isn't this a higher level of beauty?

Street photography in controversy, a real Alyssa Jia

Just when everyone was still immersed in Alyssa Jia's wonderful performance in "Riding the Wind and Waves", a street photo suddenly pushed her to the hot search.

Jia Jingwen in the photo was described by netizens as a "short child", and her body proportions were also accused of being incongruous.

However, in the face of doubts, Alyssa Jia showed extraordinary calmness.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Xiu Jiekai "saved" Jia Jingwen

She responded to everything with a smile, as if to say: This is me, a real Alyssa Jia.

Yes, the appearance will change and the figure will be out of shape, but the inner tenacity and self-confidence cannot be taken away by the years.

Alyssa Jia uses her own way to explain to the world what is true elegance and what is true beauty.

You don't have to "save", because you are never lost

"Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest", but this time, Xiu Jiekai couldn't "save" Jia Jingwen.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Xiu Jiekai "saved" Jia Jingwen

But Alyssa Jia, does she really need to be "saved"?

After experiencing all kinds of ups and downs in life, Alyssa Jia has already found her own direction.

Whether it is persistence in her career or calmness in life, she is using her own way to live the most authentic and wonderful self.

Therefore, Xiu Jiekai does not need to "save" Jia Jingwen, because Jia Jingwen has never been lost.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Xiu Jiekai "saved" Jia Jingwen

On the contrary, it is Alyssa Jia who uses her own life history to interpret the moving story of a woman who grows up in adversity and blooms in the ups and downs.


Alyssa Jia's story is not a story of success or failure, but a story of growth and transformation.

From a rich daughter to a new student at Nortel, from a family to a superstar in the film industry, from a marriage victim to a love beneficiary, she has experienced too much and grown too much.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Xiu Jiekai "saved" Jia Jingwen

And today, when we talk about Alyssa Jia again, we no longer see the girl who needs to be "saved", but a wise woman who learns to "save" herself and can inspire others.

She uses her life experience to interpret what is true elegance and what is true beauty.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest", but sorry! This time, Xiu Jiekai "saved" Jia Jingwen

This kind of beauty does not lie in the eternal youth on the outside, but in the calm and certainty of the heart.

It teaches us that the true meaning of life is not to please others, but to live our true selves.

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