
After Chang'e-6 lunar soil was unpacked, American and South Korean netizens discussed a lot, and French netizens: This time it's true!

author:The star of the flower planter

The Chang'e-6 lunar sample handover ceremony was broadcast throughout the process, which was praised by foreign netizens, but some foreign netizens have been working hard in the comment area, let's take a look!

Recently, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) held a handover ceremony for the lunar exploration project in Beijing. After measurement, Chang'e-6 collected a total of them. This is the world's first successful sampling from the far side of the moon, which means that the Chang'e-6 mission has officially entered a new stage of scientific research. After knowing the news, I want to say, who hasn't had two catties of lunar soil this year... [proud]

After Chang'e-6 lunar soil was unpacked, American and South Korean netizens discussed a lot, and French netizens: This time it's true!

However, after this news was fermented by foreign news and public opinion, it aroused extensive discussion among foreign netizens. In particular, the comments of some foreign netizens are full of humor and fun, let's enjoy these interesting comments together:

Hahahaha. I can't laugh anymore! This French netizen really knows how to comment, this is a real lunar sample, and it is a must to play the whole process, unlike the lunar sample collected by Lao Mei from the Nevada desert in 1969.... [laughs and cries] [laughs and cries]

After Chang'e-6 lunar soil was unpacked, American and South Korean netizens discussed a lot, and French netizens: This time it's true!

Russian netizens said that there is a specific country crying that it is unfair, impossible, and unacceptable. Tell me where it is [sneer] [sneer]

After Chang'e-6 lunar soil was unpacked, American and South Korean netizens discussed a lot, and French netizens: This time it's true!

This time Korean netizens are normal, are you looking forward to a little bit, a little cautious [snickering]

After Chang'e-6 lunar soil was unpacked, American and South Korean netizens discussed a lot, and French netizens: This time it's true!

Canadian netizens said that we will surpass the United States in ten years, and everyone thinks that it is not it, and I feel very much looking forward to it! [Amour]

After Chang'e-6 lunar soil was unpacked, American and South Korean netizens discussed a lot, and French netizens: This time it's true!

What is the matter with the fact that the technology of the United States was able to land on the moon in 1969, and then developed for another 50 years, but now it cannot be landed? [Shocked]

After Chang'e-6 lunar soil was unpacked, American and South Korean netizens discussed a lot, and French netizens: This time it's true!

The whole world should thank us, because we are all peace-loving and all kinds of high technology are used for the benefit of mankind. [Come on]

After Chang'e-6 lunar soil was unpacked, American and South Korean netizens discussed a lot, and French netizens: This time it's true!

American netizen: The U.S. government will hold a meeting to discuss the overcapacity of lunar samples, this American netizen is too talented [cover your face] [cover your face]

After Chang'e-6 lunar soil was unpacked, American and South Korean netizens discussed a lot, and French netizens: This time it's true!

This Kenyan netizen said too emotionally, we shared this exciting moment with the world, this is a gift from the Chinese to the world, the era of the West is over! [Rose]

After Chang'e-6 lunar soil was unpacked, American and South Korean netizens discussed a lot, and French netizens: This time it's true!

We also have a surplus of samples for lunar soil research, and we can't use them up at all [cool]

After Chang'e-6 lunar soil was unpacked, American and South Korean netizens discussed a lot, and French netizens: This time it's true!

American netizens said that they are eager to get samples from China, do you agree, I don't agree! I think we should try it as soon as possible, take the time to study clearly, master the core technical knowledge, and slowly share the lunar soil, and it is not too much to share it in a few years! [Think]

After Chang'e-6 lunar soil was unpacked, American and South Korean netizens discussed a lot, and French netizens: This time it's true!

We worked hard to make 1935 grams, not as good as them, a few hundred pounds at once, shouldn't worry about us at all? [Shhhhhh

After Chang'e-6 lunar soil was unpacked, American and South Korean netizens discussed a lot, and French netizens: This time it's true!

Thumbs up for Taiwanese netizens! The great rejuvenation is the glory of the entire Chinese nation! [Bikoin]

After Chang'e-6 lunar soil was unpacked, American and South Korean netizens discussed a lot, and French netizens: This time it's true!

German netizens said that this is the best space delivery, that's for sure, we are professional with two pounds [like]

After Chang'e-6 lunar soil was unpacked, American and South Korean netizens discussed a lot, and French netizens: This time it's true!

To sum up, although the achievements so far have attracted much attention, don't be too proud! However, now the aerospace field is more symbolic, and in the future, we will concentrate on cultivating our basic manufacturing technology level, and make more breakthroughs to the high-precision and cutting-edge, so as to better benefit the people's life and happiness.

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After Chang'e-6 lunar soil was unpacked, American and South Korean netizens discussed a lot, and French netizens: This time it's true!

The place that foreign netizens dream of, do they want to be Sister Chang'e?

Statement: Taken from the Internet, without any bad guidance, the above comments only represent the views of netizens, if there is any infringement, please contact me immediately to delete, thank you very much!

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