
The 45-year-old billionaire in the United States injected the blood of his 17-year-old son into order to maintain his youth, and also exchanged the blood of his 70-year-old father

author:Simple squirrel E

In the dream of chasing immortality and eternal youth, human beings have never stopped, even those who stand on the top of wealth, after enjoying the quality of life beyond ordinary people, have begun to set their eyes on the boundaries of time, eager to break the natural law of birth, old age, sickness and death.

The 45-year-old billionaire in the United States injected the blood of his 17-year-old son into order to maintain his youth, and also exchanged the blood of his 70-year-old father

The "Daily Mail" once reported an article that the secret of immortality of American tech tycoon Brian Johnson, he is like a modern version of an alchemist, in order to capture the legendary "fountain of youth", he actually adopted a shocking "blood exchange" technique.

He not only turned his dream into action, but also intertwined this dream with family affection, and let his 17-year-old son become his help in his pursuit of eternity.

The 45-year-old billionaire in the United States injected the blood of his 17-year-old son into order to maintain his youth, and also exchanged the blood of his 70-year-old father

This techno-rich man not only tried to exchange his 17-year-old son's plasma for blood for himself in pursuit of the continuation of youth, but also passed this "fountain of youth" to his 70-year-old father, did they succeed in the end?

Brian Johnson, the American tech giant's name is thunderous in the business world, but his pursuit of life transcends the boundaries of business.

The 45-year-old billionaire in the United States injected the blood of his 17-year-old son into order to maintain his youth, and also exchanged the blood of his 70-year-old father

When wealth and material needs were no longer an issue, he began to search for a secret method that would allow him to stay healthy and prolong his life, and in the process, he heard about the fabled source of youth in the "exchange transfusion" treatment, and did not hesitate to become a pioneer in this field.

Last April, Johnson took his family, including his 70-year-old father and 17-year-old son, in the prime of his youth, to a clinic in Dallas, Texas.

The 45-year-old billionaire in the United States injected the blood of his 17-year-old son into order to maintain his youth, and also exchanged the blood of his 70-year-old father

There, they performed an unprecedented ritual of "transfusion", which was not a whole-body exchange in the traditional sense, but a delicate partial extraction of blood for the exchange of plasma, which was provided by family members who were younger than the recipients.

In this family ritual, Johnson's son, Talmadge, was first drawn for blood, and then after a rigorous process of separation, his plasma was extracted.

The 45-year-old billionaire in the United States injected the blood of his 17-year-old son into order to maintain his youth, and also exchanged the blood of his 70-year-old father

The young, energetic plasma was then injected into Johnson's body to complete his "transfusion" journey, and similarly, Johnson drew his own blood and injected it into his father's body in hopes of bringing him health and longevity.

Three hours later, the "blood exchange" ceremony was successfully concluded, and the three generations of grandparents and grandchildren took a group photo with great interest, as if celebrating a new life.

The 45-year-old billionaire in the United States injected the blood of his 17-year-old son into order to maintain his youth, and also exchanged the blood of his 70-year-old father

This approach may sound absurd, but it is backed by scientific theories, and Johnson's family is using this method to pursue eternal youth and health.

As early as the middle of the 19th century, the French physiologist Paul Burt carried out a revolutionary experiment - "xenosymbiosis", in which he skillfully connected the blood vessels of mice of different ages so that they could share the source of life.

The 45-year-old billionaire in the United States injected the blood of his 17-year-old son into order to maintain his youth, and also exchanged the blood of his 70-year-old father

He found that the old rats, after living in symbiosis with their young companions, seemed to be rejuvenated, with smooth skin, thick hair, and vitality, a discovery that seemed to open the door to the myth of immortality.

With the continuous advancement of science and technology, scientists in the 20th century conducted more in-depth research on "xenosymbiosis", and they found that young blood is not only a flowing red liquid, but also carries a magical "life code".

The 45-year-old billionaire in the United States injected the blood of his 17-year-old son into order to maintain his youth, and also exchanged the blood of his 70-year-old father

These codes—such as the GDF11 protein, the TIMP2 peptide, and numerous growth factors, hormones, and cytokines—activate stem cells in older animals, rejuvenate them, improve neuronal growth, improve memory, and enhance heart function and muscle strength.

Now, in the 21st century, in an era of rapid technological advancement, scientists are applying this discovery to humans, trying to combat the onset of aging and treat age-related diseases by injecting young people's blood or plasma.

The 45-year-old billionaire in the United States injected the blood of his 17-year-old son into order to maintain his youth, and also exchanged the blood of his 70-year-old father

The blood of these young people seems to contain the magic of life, which can improve human cognition, mood, immunity and metabolism, etc., and let us regain the feeling of youth.

Some avant-garde companies and institutions, such as Ambrosia and Alkahest in the United States, have begun to conduct human "exchange transfusion" trials. They provide young people's blood or plasma to older people who are eager for youth and observe their physical and psychological changes.

The 45-year-old billionaire in the United States injected the blood of his 17-year-old son into order to maintain his youth, and also exchanged the blood of his 70-year-old father

Brian Johnson has announced an ambitious project known as the Blueprint Project, in which he has invested a huge amount of money to bring together 30 top medical experts to create a unique lifestyle tailored to him.

In this program, Brian's physical condition is closely monitored, and he undergoes dozens of medical examinations and a detailed physical examination every month.

The 45-year-old billionaire in the United States injected the blood of his 17-year-old son into order to maintain his youth, and also exchanged the blood of his 70-year-old father

Every one of his organs, from the skin to the brain, from the heart to the lungs, is meticulously examined to ensure that they are in tip-top condition.

In order to maintain this extreme physical condition, Brian's life became extraordinarily regular, and he woke up before 5 a.m. every day to start measuring his body and taking up to 24 nutritional supplements.

The 45-year-old billionaire in the United States injected the blood of his 17-year-old son into order to maintain his youth, and also exchanged the blood of his 70-year-old father

He had an unusually demanding lifestyle, and in order to achieve a perfect state of body and health, he took a series of extreme measures, every day, he ate only low-calorie green vegetables, precisely calculating the caloric intake of each meal to ensure that the 1977 calorie target was reached.

On top of that, his exercise routine is extremely tough, encompassing a variety of extreme sports designed to rejuvenate his body, and he's also very serious about personal care, following a rigorous washing and skincare routine every night, and even applying a blue light treatment two hours before bedtime in an attempt to reverse the signs of photoaging.

The 45-year-old billionaire in the United States injected the blood of his 17-year-old son into order to maintain his youth, and also exchanged the blood of his 70-year-old father

After completing this "transfusion", he declared that his heart age was only 37 years old, his skin age was only 28 years old, and his health was as youthful as that of 18 years old.

However, can this extreme lifestyle really keep him young forever? Although Brian was the first person in the country to conduct such an experiment, we still can't conclude that "exchange transfusion" is the secret to longevity.

The 45-year-old billionaire in the United States injected the blood of his 17-year-old son into order to maintain his youth, and also exchanged the blood of his 70-year-old father

Reality has given an interesting answer to the question of whether the "exchange transfusion" program really has anti-aging miracles, and Brian Johnson finally decided to suspend the program after 6 attempts at "exchange transfusion" and did not feel any noticeable physical changes.

Johnson's candor makes us understand that while the transfusion of young plasma sounds like a magic key to reversing aging, in reality, it has not worked for the miracle he was hoping for.

The 45-year-old billionaire in the United States injected the blood of his 17-year-old son into order to maintain his youth, and also exchanged the blood of his 70-year-old father

At present, the scientific community still has reservations about whether "exchange transfusion" can really delay aging, and the existing technology does not support the desired effect of this plan, but may be accompanied by many unknown hidden dangers and risks.

Therefore, on the road of pursuing youth and immortality, we should perhaps be more rational and not blindly believe in those seemingly miraculous propaganda.

The 45-year-old billionaire in the United States injected the blood of his 17-year-old son into order to maintain his youth, and also exchanged the blood of his 70-year-old father

What can really prolong our life is actually the small habits in our daily life, maintaining a good work and rest, a balanced diet, and moderate exercise, these seemingly simple practices, but they are the real shortcut to health and longevity.

The 45-year-old billionaire in the United States injected the blood of his 17-year-old son into order to maintain his youth, and also exchanged the blood of his 70-year-old father

Let's start from our daily life, face the aging of life with a scientific attitude, and embrace every morning and evening with a healthy lifestyle.

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