
was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

author:Deer Brother Movie
was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular
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The phenomenon of "the drama is not popular, and the drama is not popular" has long been commonplace in the entertainment industry.

Liu Lin is one of them.

Because it is not an "iconic aesthetic" in the entertainment industry, there were very few opportunities for her in the industry at the beginning.

But compared with her tepid career, her road to love is even more bumpy.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

Back then, she fell in love with a director who was 17 years older than herself, and even took the initiative to propose marriage to the other party when the "love brain" occupied her senses.

Unexpectedly, the other party not only had no intention of marrying her home, but also abandoned her ruthlessly.

After that, she was disheartened and married a poor boy, but she unexpectedly reaped happiness.

Not only that, but her career has also been rising, and now she has become a recognized powerful actor in the hearts of the audience.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

So which director did Liu Lin fall in love with back then? And why was he abandoned by the other party?

Newly entered the entertainment industry

Liu Lin is a native of Beijing, and she has loved acting since she was a child.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

After graduating from high school, she was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy and began to learn what she loved.

Not long after I went to college, I got the opportunity to star in the movie "Singing in the Middle of the Night".

She collaborated with Huang Lei, Leslie Cheung, Wu Qianlian and others in this play.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

Although she is still a newcomer, her performance in the play is also remarkable.

In fact, Liu Lin has also starred in some movies before.

She is seen in "Love in Law" and "High-rise Building".

But none of these have brought much help to Liu Lin's acting career.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

After this, she played a few more supporting roles, and although she herself was still tepid, this did not affect her love for acting in the slightest.

The efforts were not in vain, and Liu Lin finally waited for an opportunity.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

In 2000, Liu Lin won the Best Actress Award at the Singapore International Film Festival for her role as Tao Lan in the movie "Going Home for the New Year".

However, just as her career was about to take off, she made a choice that puzzled everyone.

A bumpy emotional experience

Liu Lin and director Zhang Li, who is 17 years older than herself, fell in love.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

At that time, Zhang Li was already a well-known director, and Liu Lin was just a little-known actor.

Not only are the two unequal in status, but there is also a big gap in their emotional experience.

Zhang Li has experienced four marriages before, and Liu Lin is still a little girl who is ignorant of feelings.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

The people around her were not optimistic about this relationship, and they persuaded her to give up.

But how can a woman in love have any reason at all.

Liu Lin and Zhang Li have been in love for three years, and they are willing to wash their hands and make soup for him, and they have turned off all their work.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

The bystanders are fascinated by the authorities, and Zhang Li is still scandalous during the time he is with Liu Lin.

Of course, when Liu Lin proposed to get married, Zhang Li refused on the grounds that he didn't want to get married at the moment.

The two broke up, and Liu Lin was disappointed in both her relationship and career.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

Ironically, half a year after the two broke up, Zhang Li married someone else.

Career is deadwood

After this blow, Liu Lin decided to return to the entertainment industry and redevelop her career.

There is never a shortage of newcomers in the entertainment industry.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

Liu Lin, who returned after a few years of silence, has long been forgotten by the public.

At this time, she urgently needed a stage to show herself and remind the audience of herself.

This opportunity soon came, and in 2004 she starred in the TV series "Camphor Tree" as Tao Ni.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

The kind-hearted image of Tao Ni she played in the play is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and this TV series also won the second prize of the Feitian Award for Feature-length TV Series.

Despite this, Liu Lin herself is indeed not as famous as her character, and her career has not improved.

In 2007, Liu Lin starred as the agent Ouyang Jianping in "Agent Five", which brought her acting skills to a new height.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

This drama has also achieved good results, but Liu Lin's career has not changed much.

"Drama celebrities are not popular" seems to have become her exclusive "achievement".

Just when Liu Lin's career was slow to break through and fell into a bottleneck, her friend Mei Ting brought her an opportunity.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

Mei Ting recommended her to play the role of Jiang Dehua in "Parents' Love".

Jiang Dehua in the play has a pungent and vulgar personality, which is completely different from Liu Lin's image.

It was a big challenge for her.

After careful consideration, Liu Lin took on the challenge.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

After the TV series was broadcast, Liu Lin's sister-in-law image stood out among the leading actors.

Jiang Dehua's unforgiving, vulgar and humorous character was instantly recognized by the audience.

This challenge to break through herself also made Liu Lin's career splash, and she has a lot of fans in the entertainment industry again in her forties.

Find happiness and a happy family

After "Parents' Love", Liu Lin came out with a news that surprised everyone, she was pregnant.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

Liu Lin once again gave up her career that she had finally rejuvenated and devoted herself to her family.

Liu Lin's husband is a photographer, and the two met at a party.

After a period of getting along, they slowly came together and entered the marriage hall in 2008.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

Compared with the last relationship, Liu Lin is happy this time.

Her husband and mother-in-law are very kind to her and supportive of her career.

Liu Lin was undoubtedly at ease when she chose a family this time, and she didn't have any worries.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

After returning home, Liu Lin prepared for childbirth with peace of mind, and after giving birth to the child smoothly, all her thoughts were on the child.

Just before Liu Lin's acting career completely disappeared from her hands, an opportunity quietly found her.

In 2018, "Do You Know If You Should Be Green, Fat, Red and Thin" is in the preparation stage, but the actor who was supposed to play the big lady has not been able to find a suitable person for a long time.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

Later, after being recommended, the director found Liu Lin, an old drama bone who is not well-known but has online acting skills.

The director believes that Liu Lin's own age and his own temperament and experience are very suitable for this role.

Even though the director said she was the best candidate for the role, she was still hesitant.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

Under the persuasion of the director, she still took over the job of temporary rescue.

Who knows, after the TV series was broadcast, the role of the eldest lady became the biggest highlight in the play.

Her vivid performance vividly shows the role of the eldest lady.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

The quotations of the eldest lady in the play were widely circulated among the audience.

This drama broke Liu Lin's previous state of "drama is not popular", so that more audiences can see Liu Lin herself.

Liu Lin completed the rebirth of her career with this drama.

At the peak of his career

After "Do You Know", Liu Lin's career continued to rise, and many excellent works appeared one after another.

After the broadcast of "The Hidden Corner", Liu Lin's career was pushed to another climax.

The role of Zhou Chunhong, the mother played by Liu Lin in the play, has a complex personality and is full of contradictions.

She vividly shows the emotional capriciousness and paranoid side of a single-parent mother.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

Although there were not many appearances, they left a deep impression on the audience.

Liu Lin's superb acting skills are vividly called "stapler acting" by the audience.

After this drama, Liu Lin completely had her own status in the film and television industry, and she ushered in the peak of her career.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

"Awakening Age", "Children of the Qiao Family", "Once Promised", "Shining Days" and other dramas let the audience thoroughly see her acting skills.

Liu, who is now over half a hundred years old, is at the peak of his career, with a full itinerary and constant invitations.

Compared with her peers, although Liu Lin started late, she has accumulated a lot of experience and is a late bloomer.


Today's Liu Lin has a successful career and a happy family, and has become the envy of most people.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

Zhang Li's betrayal did not make her collapse, but regained her strength and picked up the career she had lost.

For Liu Lin, although her husband is just an ordinary photographer, he has given Liu Lin the love and courage she needs.

True love is not out of reach, when you let go of the gloom in your heart, happiness will always come quietly.

was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular

Career success is not an unclimbable peak, strive to improve yourself and never slacken, the opportunity is in front of you.

In life or work, no matter what difficulties we encounter, as long as we dare to persevere, we will eventually reach our own peak.

I wish Liu Lin a prosperous career and a happy life in the future.

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was abandoned by the director to marry a poor boy, and was called by the director to save the scene, but unexpectedly became popular
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Information sources:

Baidu Encyclopedia: Liu Lin

Sohu Entertainment "She lived with a famous director for three years but was abandoned, and after turning around and marrying a poor boy, she suddenly counterattacked! 》

Sohu Entertainment "Liu Lin: Living with a famous director for 3 years without getting married, and marrying a poor boy after breaking up, what is happening to her now? 》

Sohu Entertainment "She lived with a well-known director for three years, but she was finally abandoned, and after turning around and marrying a poor boy, she became a winner in life!" 》