
The bank responded to the woman's claim that her deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared: it was a staff error

author:Little watermelon fb79
The bank responded to the woman's claim that her deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared: it was a staff error

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The mysterious disappearance of 130,000 inheritances of peasant women is mired in the quagmire of rights protection

In Pingli County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, a young Ms. Deng, the original peaceful life was broken by a cold bank notice, her husband had a deposit of more than 130,000 yuan in the Agricultural Bank of China before his death, but now it disappeared like evaporation from the world, this sudden change made the old man who lost her husband fall into endless pain and confusion

The bank responded to the woman's claim that her deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared: it was a staff error

Things have to start from 2020, Ms. Deng's husband died of illness, leaving a deposit in the Agricultural Bank of China, in order to confirm the safety of the money, Ms. Deng went to the bank twice to inquire, each time the bank staff clearly told that the deposit was intact, which made Ms. Deng feel a lot more at ease, when Ms. Deng went to the bank again to withdraw the money, she was told that the account had been cancelled and the deposit was gone

Bank error or human manipulation? The truth is confusing

In the face of Ms. Deng's questioning, the explanation given by the bank was that the staff made a mistake and cancelled the account by mistake, which obviously could not convince Ms. Deng, and on the deposit inquiry information sheet provided by Ms. Deng, it clearly showed that the account balance was more than 130,000 yuan, but the bank insisted that there was no deposit in the account.

The bank responded to the woman's claim that her deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared: it was a staff error

What is even more suspicious is that Wang Chao, a staff member of the bank involved, went to Ms. Deng's home with two men late at night on June 26 and asked to settle the matter privately.

When will the peasant women be able to seek justice for their rights?

In order to recover the hard-earned money left by her husband, Ms. Deng embarked on a long road of rights protection, she went to the bank, the China Banking Regulatory Commission and other departments many times, but the matter was never properly resolved, in the process of rights protection, Ms. Deng was under huge mental pressure and financial burden, physically and mentally exhausted

The bank responded to the woman's claim that her deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared: it was a staff error

As financial institutions, banks are supposed to be the guardians of the safety of funds, but in this case, the banks showed a disappointing attitude, not only did they fail to find out the truth in time and give an explanation to the victims, but instead tried to shirk responsibility and cover up their mistakes

Strengthen supervision and ensure financial security

Ms. Deng's case is not unique, as in recent years, there have been many cases of missing bank deposits, which not only expose loopholes in banks' internal management, but also seriously damage the credibility of financial institutions and threaten the interests of depositors

The bank responded to the woman's claim that her deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared: it was a staff error

In order to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents, the relevant departments should strengthen the supervision of financial institutions, urge them to improve the internal management system, improve the quality of employees, and effectively protect the safety of depositors' funds

Financial security, you and I work together

Financial security is related to the vital interests of thousands of households, and the construction of a safe and reliable financial environment requires the joint efforts of all sectors of society, as financial institutions, banks should earnestly fulfill their responsibilities, strengthen internal management, improve service levels, and provide safe and convenient financial services for depositors

The bank responded to the woman's claim that her deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared: it was a staff error

For the majority of depositors, it is necessary to improve the awareness of risk prevention, learn financial knowledge, enhance self-protection ability, but also actively participate in the construction of financial security, and jointly create a safe and stable financial environment

Conclusion: Expect the truth to come out

Ms. Deng's plight is sympathetic and has also triggered us to think deeply about financial security, and we hope that the relevant authorities can thoroughly investigate this matter and give Ms. Deng a satisfactory answer, and hope that similar incidents will not happen again

The bank responded to the woman's claim that her deceased husband's 130,000 yuan deposit disappeared: it was a staff error

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