
The latest photos of Bi Fujian's daughter are exposed, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a personality in her hairstyle, and she dresses fashionably like a boy

author:Two-dimensional boy Kohiragi

When it comes to Bi Fujian, everyone should be familiar with it, when he was a host before, he appeared on many TV shows, so his daughter also appeared on TV, and she was still young at the time.

The latest photos of Bi Fujian's daughter are exposed, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a personality in her hairstyle, and she dresses fashionably like a boy

Now many years have passed, Bi Fujian's daughter Bi Ling has also grown up, because of the art major she studied, and engaged in art design related work, her whole person's outfit and temperament have become quite artistic.

Bi Ling photo

In 2004, after Bi Fujian and his wife divorced, Bi Ling followed her mother to live in Canada.

The latest photos of Bi Fujian's daughter are exposed, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a personality in her hairstyle, and she dresses fashionably like a boy

On June 29, Bi Ling shared a set of photos on her social media account, in which she went out with foreign friends and looked very happy, and it can also be seen that Bi Ling's popularity is very good, and her behavior during the photo is very relaxed, and she knows that she has a very harmonious relationship with these friends at a glance.

It is worth mentioning that Bi Ling also posted a single photo of herself, in the photo, her new hairstyle is very eye-catching, boldly shaved off both sides, leaving only the middle hair, and tied up a pigtail in the back, very individual, it can only be said that she is worthy of learning art, such a bold shape, ordinary people can't control it at all, not to mention that Bi Ling is still a girl, such a dress is not only bold but also fashionable, showing personality.

The latest photos of Bi Fujian's daughter are exposed, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a personality in her hairstyle, and she dresses fashionably like a boy

It can be seen in the photo that Bi Ling is a little fat, which shows that she has lived with her mother for so many years, and her mother has taken good care of her.


Everyone is unique, just like Bi Ling, we should be bold to be ourselves, from her demeanor in the photo, you can see that Bi Ling is very confident, which is also very worthy of learning from everyone, maintaining self-confidence is very helpful to our lives.

The latest photos of Bi Fujian's daughter are exposed, 27-year-old Bi Ling has a personality in her hairstyle, and she dresses fashionably like a boy

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