
Why is the oil-mixed car "not fragrant"? From the rush to buy to the sharp turn, 3 questions are too cruel

author:Feige self-media


Gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles, once an outstanding representative of technological innovation and environmental protection concepts, once caused a global sensation.

The craze now appears to have faded, and it faces the twin challenges of electric and plug-in hybrids, as well as a decline in policy support.

Why is the oil-mixed car "not fragrant"? From the rush to buy to the sharp turn, 3 questions are too cruel

This article will discuss the historical development of hybrid vehicles, the reasons for their success, the current difficulties they face, and the future development direction.

The history of hybrid vehicles

Hybrid vehicles are not new in recent years. Its origins can be traced back to 1901, when American inventor Ferdinand Porsche designed the world's first functional gasoline-electric hybrid car, the "Lohner-Porsche Semper Vivus".

The car combined an electric motor and a fuel engine, which provided additional power through an electric motor and was charged by an internal combustion engine, solving the problem of electric vehicle range at the time.

However, it was not until the early 70s of the 20th century, with the outbreak of the first oil crisis, that gasoline-electric hybrid technology began to gain widespread attention. Toyota launched its first commercially available gasoline-electric hybrid vehicle, the Prius, in 1997, thus beginning its successful journey in the market.

Why is the oil-mixed car "not fragrant"? From the rush to buy to the sharp turn, 3 questions are too cruel

The main advantage of this technology was that the electric motor significantly reduced the fuel consumption and exhaust emissions of the vehicle, which was timely in response to the call for energy conservation and environmental protection at the time.

Past success and market heat

Twenty years ago, hybrid vehicles became the darling of the market due to their advanced technology and significant environmental advantages. At that time, the global concern about climate change and sustainable development was increasing, and countries introduced policies to support the development of environmentally friendly vehicles, such as tax breaks and car purchase subsidies, which greatly reduced the cost of purchasing gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles for consumers.

Why is the oil-mixed car "not fragrant"? From the rush to buy to the sharp turn, 3 questions are too cruel

In addition, the significant increase in oil prices after the first oil crisis has also prompted consumers and manufacturers to pay more attention to the development and promotion of energy-efficient vehicles. Gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles have quickly occupied a place in the market due to their outstanding performance in fuel efficiency, and have become the first choice for many families and businesses.

Current challenges and dilemmas

However, today's hybrid vehicles are facing multiple challenges, which have caused their market position to plummet. First of all, the lack of pure electric endurance has become a bottleneck in its development. Taking the Prius as an example, its pure electric mode has a limited range and cannot meet the needs of consumers for daily long-distance driving.

In contrast, plug-in hybrids and all-electric vehicles have made significant progress in all-electric range, making consumers more inclined to choose these models.

Secondly, the fierce competition in the market has exacerbated the dilemma of gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles. As EV technology matures and becomes more widespread, more and more automakers are launching competitive electric and plug-in hybrid models that not only excel in pure electric range, but also have clear advantages in intelligent connectivity and driver assistance technologies. Gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles are still gasoline vehicles by nature, and it is difficult to maintain competitiveness in the trend of technological innovation.

Why is the oil-mixed car "not fragrant"? From the rush to buy to the sharp turn, 3 questions are too cruel

Finally, the shift in policy support has also had an impact on hybrid vehicles. Many countries and regions are gradually shifting their policy focus to support the development of pure electric vehicles, including providing more subsidies for car purchases and building better charging infrastructure, which further weakens the market advantage of hybrid vehicles.

The impact of technological and market changes

The rapid development of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles has not only changed consumer preferences, but also driven technological innovation in the entire automotive industry. The new generation of electric vehicles not only has a longer pure electric range, but also has a qualitative improvement in charging efficiency and driving experience. The application of advanced technologies such as intelligence and autonomous driving has made these models the new favorites of the market.

Why is the oil-mixed car "not fragrant"? From the rush to buy to the sharp turn, 3 questions are too cruel

In contrast, gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles are powerless under the dual pressure of technological innovation and market demand. Although it was once a model of environmental technology in the past, today's consumers pay more attention to range and intelligent configuration, which makes traditional gasoline-electric hybrid technology seem to be a little out of step with the times.

Future outlook

Although diesel-electric hybrid vehicles face many challenges, they still have certain market potential and development space. In the future, with the advancement of battery technology and the reduction of costs, diesel-electric hybrid vehicles are expected to further improve their pure electric range and meet the needs of more consumers.

Why is the oil-mixed car "not fragrant"? From the rush to buy to the sharp turn, 3 questions are too cruel

In addition, hybrid vehicles still have a competitive advantage in short-distance urban commuting and environmentally conscious markets. Especially in some developing countries and regions, due to the lag in the construction of electric infrastructure, gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles are still an ideal choice.

To sum up, when facing the challenges of market and technological changes, hybrid vehicles need to be flexible, constantly innovating and improving technology to regain consumer trust and market share. Only under the dual promotion of technological innovation and policy support, can diesel-electric hybrid vehicles find their place in the new energy vehicle market and usher in new development opportunities.


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