
What kind of fairy class is this, the whole class can go to Tsinghua University, with an average score of 670!

author:Sweetheart Sect Master said

Did you hear that? There is a class that has become popular all over social platforms, and netizens have heated discussions and exclaimed: "Isn't this a concentration camp for scholars!" Someone else laughed and said: "The teachers in this class are probably having fun, and the teachers and students must have put in a lot of effort and sweat to teach such a top class." “

What kind of fairy class is this, the whole class can go to Tsinghua University, with an average score of 670!

This incident also makes people ponder a lot of deep-seated problems. Education experts have said that it is good to have a high score in the college entrance examination, but you can't just look at the score to judge the hero. Education should be about the holistic development of children, teaching according to the characteristics of each individual, rather than chasing high grades.

What kind of fairy class is this, the whole class can go to Tsinghua University, with an average score of 670!

This incident also reflects some strange phenomena in our Chinese education. Someone asked, is this school class the legendary "pinching class"? If you bring all the good students together, of course the college entrance examination scores are high. But if this continues, won't educational resources be even more unbalanced? Is this fair to other students?

Netizens said

Some people say: Teaching poor students is the ability, putting good students in a class will of course do well in the test, the key to a country's strength is the quality of the whole people, and many good students run abroad.

What kind of fairy class is this, the whole class can go to Tsinghua University, with an average score of 670!

Some said: The teacher of this class was transferred to the town-level high school to take the ten cows [covering his face]

What kind of fairy class is this, the whole class can go to Tsinghua University, with an average score of 670!

Others said: It is not surprising that the best students in the school are placed in the same class, the so-called Qingbei class, and high schools all over the country do this

What kind of fairy class is this, the whole class can go to Tsinghua University, with an average score of 670!

Some people also say: Gather the top students in one class, and then produce good grades and become famous, it's as simple as that.

What kind of fairy class is this, the whole class can go to Tsinghua University, with an average score of 670!

This netizen said: First of all, I would like to express my admiration and praise for all the teachers in this class [like] [like], and also congratulate the students for their efforts to achieve good results in the class [applause] [applause], of course, the students in this class must be the best high school students in this area and this middle school, and good students meet excellent teachers The result of two-way running

What kind of fairy class is this, the whole class can go to Tsinghua University, with an average score of 670!

This class has also provided a lot of inspiration for other schools and educators. For example, how to create a good learning atmosphere, how to stimulate children's interest in learning, and how to teach children according to their aptitude and so on. If these experiences can be learned by more schools, the overall quality of our education will definitely be able to reach a higher level!

What kind of fairy class is this, the whole class can go to Tsinghua University, with an average score of 670!

We can't just stare at the high scores, we have to let the children learn in happiness and develop in an all-round way. Feel free to leave a message in the comment area! Looking forward to your insights. If you like it, you can also like and follow.

What kind of fairy class is this, the whole class can go to Tsinghua University, with an average score of 670!