
Zhang Zhijie's death caused controversy, and his sister publicly questioned: Is the medical team conscientious in treatment?

author:Have a good dream.

"He's only 17 years old, why did he just leave..."

This sentence was like a sharp knife, stabbing into everyone's hearts. On June 30, 2024, an originally sunny day, it was clouded by the death of young badminton player Zhang Zhijie.

Zhang Zhijie's death caused controversy, and his sister publicly questioned: Is the medical team conscientious in treatment?

Just the day before, Zhang Zhijie was still standing on the field in high spirits, waving a racket, showing his youth and vitality. Who would have thought that this would become the last game of his life?

Zhang Zhijie's death caused controversy, and his sister publicly questioned: Is the medical team conscientious in treatment?

Let's start at the beginning with this heartbreaking story.

Shocking Arena: The young player suddenly falls to the ground

June 30, Indonesia. The Asian Youth Badminton Championships are in full swing. In China's match against Japan, 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie was engrossed in the game.

Suddenly, the unexpected happened.

Zhang Zhijie's body shook suddenly, and then he fell heavily on the court. There was an uproar at the scene, and everyone was stunned by this sudden change.

Zhang Zhijie's death caused controversy, and his sister publicly questioned: Is the medical team conscientious in treatment?

"Oh my God! What's going on?"

"Call the doctor!"

"Zhang Zhijie! Zhang Zhijie!"

Shouts and exclamations came one after another, and the originally fierce game instantly fell into chaos.

Rescue controversy: Is prime time missed?

At the moment when Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, controversy ensued.

According to eyewitnesses at the scene, the Chinese coach wanted to rush into the stadium to check the situation at the first time, but was stopped by the referee. Indonesian medical personnel do not seem to have taken immediate action.

Zhang Zhijie's death caused controversy, and his sister publicly questioned: Is the medical team conscientious in treatment?

"Why don't you let the coach in?"

"Where's the doctor? Why haven't you come yet?"

"Hurry up! Every second counts!"

Time passes minute by minute, and for Zhang Zhijie, who is dying, every second is incomparably precious. However, according to Zhang's sister's later description, they experienced a "long wait" before the medical staff arrived belatedly.

How long is that? 5 minutes, 10 minutes? Or longer? For the anxiously waiting family and teammates, this is undoubtedly a torment like a year.

Zhang Zhijie's death caused controversy, and his sister publicly questioned: Is the medical team conscientious in treatment?

The last moments of life: the pain of silence

When paramedics finally arrived at the scene, Zhang Zhijie was already in critical condition. He was rushed to a local hospital, but his fate seemed predestined.

Zhang Zhijie's death caused controversy, and his sister publicly questioned: Is the medical team conscientious in treatment?

After several hours of resuscitation, the hospital came with bad news: Zhang Zhijie died at about 11 o'clock that night.

17 years old is the age of prosperity. He should have had a great future, but he stayed forever in this summer.

My sister's complaint: An unacceptable reality

"He's so young, why did he leave like this?" Zhang Zhijie's sister said sadly in an interview.

She recalled the bits and pieces of her brother's life: the warm-hearted boy who bought gifts for the whole family when he got the prize money for the first time; Just interviewed by CCTV, a sunny boy full of hope for the future...

However, all these good memories came to an abrupt end because of this sudden change.

Zhang Zhijie's death caused controversy, and his sister publicly questioned: Is the medical team conscientious in treatment?

Zhang Zhijie's sister questioned: "You said that you would help you as soon as possible, but you said that the local medical conditions were too poor, and I still can't accept it." Her words were filled with grief and incomprehension.

The hidden concern of badminton: the heart is overloaded

Zhang Zhijie's death has also made people pay attention to the impact of badminton on the hearts of athletes.

Although badminton may not seem as strenuous as sports such as basketball and football, it is actually extremely demanding on cardiopulmonary fitness. Prolonged high-intensity training and competitions can put a huge strain on an athlete's heart.

Zhang Zhijie's death caused controversy, and his sister publicly questioned: Is the medical team conscientious in treatment?

Some experts point out that badminton players need to react quickly in a short period of time, which requires the heart to be able to quickly pump blood throughout the body. Being in such a state of high load for a long time does have a certain risk.

Health care raises questions: how to build a safety net for athletes?

Zhang Zhijie's accident also made people reflect: in international competitions, do we provide sufficient medical protection for athletes?

Some people questioned why there were no AEDs (automated external defibrillators) on site, and why there was no professional medical team on call at all times.

These problems are worthy of in-depth consideration and improvement by relevant departments. After all, the safety of athletes' lives always comes first.

Zhang Zhijie's death caused controversy, and his sister publicly questioned: Is the medical team conscientious in treatment?

The family's difficult choice: the last journey to a foreign land

After learning the bad news, Zhang Zhijie's family immediately set off for Indonesia. However, in the face of the cumbersome formalities in a foreign country, they have to endure their grief and deal with all kinds of aftermath.

"We just want to bring him home," Zhang Zhijie's parents wept. For this pair of parents who have lost their beloved son, this is undoubtedly the most painful moment of their lives.

Zhang Zhijie's death caused controversy, and his sister publicly questioned: Is the medical team conscientious in treatment?

Reaction from all walks of life: Grief and reflection coexist

Zhang Zhijie's death has caused a strong response in the entire sports world and even the whole society.

The Chinese Badminton Association issued a message of condolence, expressing deep condolences for the passing of this young talent.

Zhang Zhijie's death caused controversy, and his sister publicly questioned: Is the medical team conscientious in treatment?

A number of badminton stars have also expressed their grief on social media.

Ordinary netizens have left messages to pray for this untimely death.

At the same time, people are starting to reflect: Are we caring enough for young athletes? Is their physical and mental health neglected while pursuing achievement?

The Way Forward: How to Prevent a Repeat of Tragedy?

Zhang Zhijie's death is undoubtedly a painful lesson. But we must not let the tragedy end there, but learn from it and prevent similar incidents from happening again.

Strengthen on-site medical care: Equipped with a professional medical team and first-aid equipment in every race.

Regular physical examination: Conduct a comprehensive and detailed physical examination of athletes to detect potential health problems in a timely manner.

Psychological counseling: Focus on the mental health of athletes and help them cope with the stress of high-intensity training and competition.

Improve the insurance system: Provide comprehensive insurance protection for athletes to reduce the financial burden of families in the event of an accident.

Forever 17 years old: let's remember this sunny boy

Although Zhang Zhijie has left us, his smile, his dreams, and his love will never be forgotten.

Let's remember this 17-year-old boy:

Remember how sassy and heroic he was on the court;

Remember his love and dedication to badminton;

Remember the joy and warmth he brought to his family and friends.

Zhang Zhijie is forever fixed at the age of 17. May Heaven be free from sickness and may you continue to chase your badminton dreams there.

Zhang Zhijie's death caused controversy, and his sister publicly questioned: Is the medical team conscientious in treatment?

Life is fragile, but it is also precious. Zhang Zhijie's death is a wake-up call for us. We must cherish life, care for the people around us, and work hard to protect every life.

May the departed rest in peace and the living strong. Let's work together to create a safer and healthier sports environment, so that every young person with dreams can pursue their goals with peace of mind and shine their own glory.

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