
What is it like for a student to use up their living expenses early? Netizen: It's miserable!

author:Xiaowen said a joke

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Today, Xiaowen saw a hot topic on a certain topic: What is the experience of students using up their living expenses in advance?

Imagine what it was like to be a student and your monthly living expenses were stretched before the end of the month. For many young people, this can be an important experience in their lives.

What is it like for a student to use up their living expenses early? Netizen: It's miserable!


‬有这样一个好室友 说什么也要交一辈子

‬住校高中生能评论吗!! I want to say it so much! A few days ago, I ate steamed buns with boiling water in the morning, 3 yuan glutinous rice outside the school at noon, and I really ate soil if I didn't eat at night! In this way, I ate for about 6 days and only spent 20 yuan, so I asked my dad for living expenses yesterday (because I had been in a state of overspending) yesterday (because I had been in a state of overspending), but today I spent more than 200 snacks because I was afraid that the next time I ate soil, I couldn't keep up with the nutrition, and after buying it, I suddenly realized that I might not be far from the next time I ate soil...


‬难道只有我觉得这个故事带着点基情吗哈哈哈(尤其最后一句,淡淡的又余味悠长 ( 'ω' )

‬你婚姻大事凑不出五万 他破产了还能给你五万 一时间不知道该同情谁


What is it like for a student to use up their living expenses early? Netizen: It's miserable!



‬若能于缝中舔出一线肉丝,无疑更是人生一大幸事,以门齿细分作数段,再伴以唾沫徐徐咽之。 The flavor is endless.


‬想起来金圣叹那句 花生米与豆干同嚼,有火腿味哈哈哈

‬月初我吃什么,狗吃什么。 What dogs eat in the middle of the month, what I eat. What the dog eats at the end of the month, what I rob.

‬终于看到有人说压缩饼干好吃的了! But I'm still a fan of sesame flavors, because I haven't tried anything else

What is it like for a student to use up their living expenses early? Netizen: It's miserable!

‬自从开始存钱后好像知道了为什么爸爸喜欢偷藏零花钱…… It's such a joy hahaha



‬说句不好听的:“你们是不是认为每个月家里给你打生活费是理所当然的? If you don't give it, you will lose it? ”

‬呵 我那时候攒了五千!!! I wanted to buy a camera and was rejected and then directly used as a living expense [Think]

What is it like for a student to use up their living expenses early? Netizen: It's miserable!





What is it like for a student to use up their living expenses early? Netizen: It's miserable!

‬这不就是我吗!!! I can't save the money as soon as it arrives! Save a little when you spend almost enough, borrow your roommate's if you don't have it, pay her back next month and continue this life......



‬我妈一学期一学期的给我。 Give me five thousand a semester. But my mom gave it to me a few days before I started school, you know, I'm still at home, and I've already spent two thousand and a half. And then it's almost the end of the semester.。。 I cried with her again, and she continued to give it to me, so I sometimes used seven or eight thousand a semester, and there were still flowers that I didn't pay back. Sometimes my boyfriend gives me money to use

‬提前用完生活费对于学生们来说,虽然是一次不愉快的经历,但同时也是一次宝贵的成长机会。 It teaches students to be independent, self-disciplined, and to value every piece of income. These experiences and lessons will stay with them throughout their lives and become important assets on their life path.

In this regard, what is your experience like for students to use up their living expenses in advance? 您‬对‬学生‬提前‬用完‬生活费‬这件事‬有何‬看法‬? Welcome all friends to leave a comment in the comment area, don't forget to like and follow!

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