
After reading the Water Margin again, I suddenly realized: it turned out that in Yang Zhi's knife selling, there was still an unspeakable truth of life

author:Maleonn talks about history

Yang Zhi, as a descendant of the fifth marquis Yang Linggong, should have enjoyed glory and dignity, but the twists and turns of fate made him fall into poverty. This former nobleman, due to the decline of his family, ran out of gold, silver and jewelry, and had to face the cruelty of reality. In that era, the status of the nobility did not guarantee the stability of a lifetime, and once the support of wealth was lost, even the nobles had to put down their bodies and seek a way to survive. Yang Zhi chose to sell knives, not only because he had a heirloom knife, but also because it was a helpless choice. In the social environment of the time, the status of the nobility did not bring him practical help, and selling knives was a direct and effective way to survive.

This knife is not only Yang Zhi's family heirloom, but also his only possession. Its sharpness and preciousness represent the glory and dignity of the Yang Zhi family. However, when survival became the primary concern, the knife also became his means of making a living. In the process of selling knives on the street, Yang Zhi not only had to face the torment of poverty, but also had to endure the white eyes and ridicule of others. This contrast of falling from the clouds to the quagmire undoubtedly brought a huge impact on his soul.

In the process of selling knives, Yang Zhi encountered Niu Er's entanglement. Niu Er is a ruffian hooligan who oppresses the weak and extorts money for a living. He took a fancy to Yang Zhi's sword, but he was unwilling to buy it at a reasonable price, and instead tried to take it for himself in the form of violence and threats. In the face of Niu Er's unreasonable trouble, Yang Zhi initially chose to tolerate it, because he knew his identity and situation well and was unwilling to cause trouble for no reason. However, Niu Er's arrogance and greed constantly challenged Yang Zhi's bottom line, and in the end, when he couldn't bear it anymore, Yang Zhi chose to fight back with a knife and ended Niu Er's life.

This story raises two questions worth pondering. First of all, why did Yang Zhi choose to sell knives instead of other ways? On the surface, this is out of the helplessness of survival, but the deeper reason may be related to his identity and self-esteem. As a descendant of an aristocracy, Yang Zhi may have felt that selling knives was a relatively decent way, at least the knives represented the glory of his family. Choosing other avenues, such as begging or working as a coolie, may make him feel even more humiliated. In addition, selling knives is also a quick way to get money that can quickly solve his current financial woes.

Secondly, why can't the Bianliang government punish Niu Er? This question touched on the legal system and power structure of the society at that time. As a ruffian, Niu Er is likely to have some kind of collusion or interest relationship with the local government. In the social environment of the time, the power of the government was often concentrated in the hands of a small number of people, and it was difficult for ordinary people to be treated fairly. The reason why Niu Er was able to run rampant and domineering was probably because he had the acquiescence or protection of the government behind him. The corruption and injustice of this power has allowed people like Niu Er to go unpunished, while ordinary people have been oppressed.

Yang Zhi's story is not only a tragedy about personal fate, but also a profound reflection of the social reality at that time. It reveals the decline of the aristocracy, social injustice, and the absence of the rule of law. Through this story, we can see that both nobles and commoners may make some helpless choices when faced with the pressure of survival and social injustice. And this choice will often further aggravate the contradictions and conflicts in society. The story of Yang Zhi selling knives makes us think deeply about how to find the dignity and value of survival in an imperfect world.

Yang Zhi, born in the illustrious Yang family, is a descendant of Yang Linggong. Yang Linggong, a name that has left great military exploits in history, has made great contributions to the country, and the family has won high honors and rich wealth. However, as time passed, the glory of the Yang family gradually dimmed, and the family fell into decline, and when Yang Zhi's father was alive, although he tried to maintain the dignity of the family, he failed to prevent the loss of wealth after all. By Yang Zhi's generation, the gold, silver and jewelry had been exhausted, the former glory was no longer there, and he had to face the cruel reality.

After reading the Water Margin again, I suddenly realized: it turned out that in Yang Zhi's knife selling, there was still an unspeakable truth of life

Yang Zhi has received a good education since he was a child, has strong martial arts, and has a bright future. But fate played a cruel joke on him, and the decline of the family forced him to put down his body and sell knives for a living. This knife is the ancestral treasure of the Yang family, extremely sharp, shining with cold light, and has accompanied Yang Linggong to fight on the battlefield and witnessed countless glory and victories. Now, this knife has become Yang Zhi's only reliance, and he took it to the market, hoping to exchange it for some silver taels to solve his urgent needs.

The days of selling knives on the street were not easy, and Yang Zhi not only had to endure the pointing and pointing of passers-by, but also had to face those greedy eyes. What they fancy is not Yang Zhi's martial arts, but the treasure knife in his hand. Yang Zhi knew that the value of this knife was far beyond what money could measure, but in order to survive, he had to make a choice. Whenever someone asks about the price of the knife, he always quotes a sky-high price, hoping to scare off those who are greedy. However, this has instead aroused more curiosity and interest.

At the market, Yang Zhi met all kinds of people, including warriors who sincerely admired the sword, merchants who wanted to take advantage, and hooligans with bad intentions. They either bid high or low prices, or try to take them by force. Yang Zhi relied on his martial arts and wisdom to deal with them one by one, but no one knew the inner struggle and pain. He often confides in the sword alone in the dead of night, reminiscing about the glory of the family and lamenting the impermanence of fate.

Yang Zhi's predicament also reflects the reality of society at that time. The decline of the aristocracy was not unique, and many once-prominent families declined for various reasons. Many of them have had to abandon their old ways of life in favor of new ways of survival. Yang Zhi's choice, although helpless, also reflects his courage and tenacity. He did not choose to sink, but bravely faced the reality and fought for the right to live with his own hands.

However, Yang Zhi's road to selling knives was not smooth. His appearance attracted the attention of some people, especially those outlaws who coveted the treasure sword. They began to secretly observe Yang Zhi, looking for an opportunity to attack. Although Yang Zhi is strong in martial arts, he also feels unprecedented pressure in the face of these secret enemies. He knew that he had to be more careful in order to protect the sword and keep himself safe.

In the process of selling knives, Yang Zhi also saw the complexity of human nature. Some people are willing to pay a high price out of sympathy; Some people are greedy and want to buy at a low price. In his interactions with these people, Yang Zhi gradually learned how to discern the hearts of others and how to protect his own interests. He began to understand that in this real society, only by becoming stronger can he not be bullied.

Yang Zhi's story is one about dignity, courage and the struggle for survival. His experience allows us to see the struggle and growth of a noble descendant in the face of adversity. His story also makes us think about how a person should face life and how to maintain his dignity and worth when he has lost all his support. Yang Zhi's choice, although full of helplessness, also shows his indomitable spirit. In this story, we see the growth of a person in the face of adversity, and also see the changes of an era and the reality of society.

In the bustling market of Bianliang, Yang Zhi's treasure knife attracted many eyes, many of which were greedy and malicious. Niu Er, a notorious local scoundrel, was one of them. He is cunning by nature, good at bullying the weak, and makes a living by extortion on weekdays, and covets Yang Zhi's sword.

After reading the Water Margin again, I suddenly realized: it turned out that in Yang Zhi's knife selling, there was still an unspeakable truth of life

The appearance of Niu Er has added many obstacles to Yang Zhi's already difficult road of selling knives. With a group of subordinates, he began to entangle Yang Zhi endlessly. At first, Niu Er tried to buy the treasure knife at a low price, but Yang Zhi flatly refused. Niu Er was unwilling, so he began to provoke with words, and even used his hands and feet, trying to provoke Yang Zhi in order to find an excuse to forcibly grab the knife.

Although Yang Zhi is strong in martial arts, in the face of Niu Er's rogue behavior, he chose to be patient. He knew that once he had a conflict with Niu Er, it would not only cause more trouble, but also bring even greater disasters to the already stormy Yang family. Therefore, he tried to stay calm and avoid a head-on confrontation with Niu Er.

However, Niu Er's entanglement was not restrained by Yang Zhi's forbearance. On the contrary, he intensified his efforts and began to spread rumors in the market to slander Yang Zhi's reputation in an attempt to force Yang Zhi to comply. Niu Er's behavior made Yang Zhi's situation even more difficult, he not only had to deal with Niu Er's harassment, but also had to face the misunderstanding and criticism of the people around him.

As time passed, Yang Zhi's patience gradually reached its limit. Niu Er's entanglement not only did not stop, but became more and more excessive. One day, Niu Er and more of his men openly besieged Yang Zhi in the market, and they laughed at Yang Zhi's downfall, insulted his dignity, and even snatched the treasure sword. In the face of such an insult, Yang Zhi's heart swelled with anger, but he still tried to restrain himself, unwilling to make a big mistake due to impulsiveness.

However, just when Yang Zhi was about to explode, a move by Niu Er completely ignited his anger. Niu Er actually insulted the ancestors of the Yang family in public, with vicious words, and did everything he could to insult. At this moment, Yang Zhi's patience reached its limit, and he could no longer endure this insult. Driven by anger and humiliation, Yang Zhi finally pulled out his sword and engaged in a fierce fight with Niu Er and his men.

Yang Zhi's martial arts were already extraordinary, coupled with the sharpness of the sword, Niu Er and his men were quickly defeated. In the struggle, Yang Zhi's heart was full of anger and helplessness, he knew that his actions might bring him more trouble, but he couldn't turn back. In the chaos, Yang Zhi accidentally killed Niu Er, and although this result was not his original intention, it became an unchangeable fact.

Niu Er's death made Yang Zhi's situation even more complicated. He knew he was caught up in an unforeseen turmoil. Although the government of Bianliang has heard of Niu Er's evil deeds, Niu Er has an intricate network of relationships in the local area, and his death may cause a series of chain reactions. Yang Zhi faces an unprecedented crisis, and he must take responsibility for his actions while also protecting his own reputation and that of his family.

Yang Zhi's story is a story of patience, dignity and self-redemption. His experience shows us the struggle and resistance of a person in the face of injustice and insult. Although his behavior was extreme, it was an explosion of extreme depression and helplessness. This story makes us think about how a person's dignity is trampled on, when his patience reaches the limit, how he should choose, how to maintain his dignity and rights. What happened to Yang Zhi is not only a personal tragedy, but also a portrayal of social injustice. In this story, we see the complexity of human nature, but also the cruelty of social reality.

After reading the Water Margin again, I suddenly realized: it turned out that in Yang Zhi's knife selling, there was still an unspeakable truth of life

Yang Zhi, as a descendant of the fifth marquis Yang Linggong, should have enjoyed a noble status and abundant wealth. However, the ruthlessness of fate forces him to face the reality of his family's decay. The depletion of gold, silver and jewelry forced him to choose to sell knives to make ends meet. This choice was not out of Yang Zhi's original intention, but out of desperation.

First of all, there are deep-seated reasons why Yang Zhi chose to sell knives instead of other ways. As a descendant of the nobility, he possessed a certain level of cultural literacy and martial arts, but in the society of the time, these could not be directly transformed into means of survival. Although Yang Zhi could engage in other professions, that would mean completely giving up the glory and identity of the family, which was unacceptable to him. Selling knives, although it is a helpless choice, at least this knife represents the glory of the Yang family and is a symbol of family inheritance. By selling knives, Yang Zhi retained his dignity and identity to a certain extent.

Secondly, selling knives is also a way for Yang Zhi to get funds quickly. In the social environment of the time, the status of the aristocracy did not provide him with financial help, and he urgently needed to solve the immediate economic difficulties. Selling knives allows him to quickly obtain a sum of money to solve his urgent needs. Although the value of this knife is far from being measured by money, in the face of the pressure of survival, Yang Zhi had to make such a choice.

However, Yang Zhi's choice also put him in a greater predicament. The Bianliang government's inability to punish Niu Er has complex social and political reasons behind this. Niu Er, as a ruffian hooligan, has a certain amount of power and influence in the local area. He was inextricably linked to the local government and magnates, and these networks protected him. In the social environment at that time, the power of the government was often concentrated in the hands of a small number of people, and it was difficult for ordinary people to be treated fairly. The reason why Niu Er was able to get away with it is likely that he has the acquiescence or protection of the government behind him.

What happened to Yang Zhi reflected the injustice and corruption of the society at that time. The government's inaction allowed evil forces like Niu Er to run rampant, while ordinary people were oppressed. As a descendant of a nobleman, Yang Zhi should have been protected by the government, but in the real social environment, he was also unable to get the justice he deserved. This kind of injustice and corruption not only made Yang Zhi feel helpless and angry, but also made ordinary people feel hopeless and helpless.

The story of Yang Zhi allows us to see the struggle and helplessness of a noble descendant in social changes. His choice, although out of the pressure of survival, also reflects his adherence to the glory of his family. However, this kind of perseverance is so fragile and powerless in the real social environment. The inaction of the Bianliang government allowed evil forces like Niu Er to run rampant, and Yang Zhi had to face an even more difficult situation.

This story raises two questions worth pondering: Why did Yang Zhi choose to sell knives instead of other means? Why can't the Bianliang government punish Niu Er? These two issues are not only related to Yang Zhi's personal fate, but also related to the fairness and justice of the entire society. They make us think about how a person should choose and how to maintain his dignity and rights in the face of the pressure of survival and social injustice. At the same time, it also makes us reflect on how we can build a more fair and just social environment, so that everyone can be respected and protected.

Yang Zhi, as a descendant of the fifth marquis Yang Linggong, inherited the integrity and courage of his ancestors. In the predicament of the family's decay and the depletion of gold, silver and jewelry, he did not choose to give up his principles and dignity to become a hero in the green forest or to oppress the weak. Yang Zhi's image is a typical image of a righteous gentleman in "Water Margin", and his choices and behaviors reflect his insistence on justice and indomitable spirit.

After reading the Water Margin again, I suddenly realized: it turned out that in Yang Zhi's knife selling, there was still an unspeakable truth of life

Yang Zhi insisted on taking the right path, which was particularly commendable in the social environment at that time. He could have chosen to join the Green Forest and use his martial arts to find a place in the rivers and lakes, but he didn't. He knew that once he embarked on that path, it would mean giving up his identity and the glory of his family, and it would also mean going against his conscience. Yang Zhi chose to sell knives, although this method made him suffer humiliation and suffering, he never gave up his principles and bottom line.

However, the Bianliang government turned a blind eye to Niu Er's evil deeds, and this attitude of inaction made a righteous gentleman like Yang Zhi have no way out. The reason why Niu Er was able to unscrupulously oppress the people and extort money was largely because of the connivance and protection of the government. The government's inaction not only allowed wicked people like Niu Er to get away with it, but also put good people like Yang Zhi in a desperate situation.

The general tone of "Water Margin" is "chaos from above", and this tone is deeply reflected in Yang Zhi's story. Corruption and inaction on the part of the government are the root causes of social unrest and chaos. When the government fails to uphold justice and protect the people, social order will be disrupted, and the living space of good people will be squeezed. Yang Zhi's experience is a true portrayal of this social reality.

Yang Zhi's story allows us to see the struggle and helplessness of an upright person in an unjust society. He sticks to his principles and doesn't want to go along with them, but this perseverance puts him in a more difficult situation. Although his behavior has won people's respect and sympathy, in the real social environment, it cannot change his fate.

This story also makes us think that the justice and order of a society require the active action and maintenance of the government. Only when the government can enforce the law impartially and punish the evil and promote the good can social order be maintained and good people have room to survive. On the contrary, if the government does not act, or even condones evil deeds, then the social order will be disrupted, and the living space of good people will be squeezed.

Yang Zhi's encounter is the epitome of many heroes in "Water Margin". Because of the inaction of the government and the injustice of society, they were forced to embark on the road of resistance. Although their actions seemed helpless and tragic in the social environment at that time, their spirit and choices reflected their adherence to justice and dignity. This kind of perseverance is one of the most moving and profound themes in "Water Margin".

Yang Zhi's story allows us to see the struggle and helplessness of an upright person in an unjust society, and also allows us to see the general tone of "Water Margin" - doing things from above. This story not only makes us think about the moral choices of individuals and the just order of society, but also makes us reflect on how to build a more just and orderly social environment.

Yang Zhi, a descendant of the former aristocracy, faces a difficult survival choice after the family's glory is no longer and the gold, silver and jewelry are exhausted. He could have used his martial arts and background to choose a more convenient path - to become a hero of the green forest, or to join the forces that bully the weak. However, Yang Zhi did not do so. He adhered to his moral bottom line and the glory of his family, and chose an upright path, even if it meant that he had to face more difficulties and challenges.

After reading the Water Margin again, I suddenly realized: it turned out that in Yang Zhi's knife selling, there was still an unspeakable truth of life

Yang Zhi's choice reflects his profound moral cultivation and firm personality charm. He knew that becoming a hero in the green forest might bring him a moment of prosperity and wealth, but such a life was contrary to his inner beliefs and his family's teachings. Yang Zhi is unwilling to give up his principles and dignity for the sake of temporary comfort, and he is even more unwilling to let his hands be stained with ill-gotten gains and the blood and tears of the weak.

In Yang Zhi's heart, the glory of the family and the teachings of the ancestors are unshakable. He remembered that his father had told him to remain upright and courageous, no matter what situation he found himself in, and not to be happy with things or to be sad about himself. These words were deeply imprinted in Yang Zhi's heart and became his spiritual pillar in the face of difficulties. Therefore, even in the most difficult moments, Yang Zhi did not give up his beliefs and did not choose to embark on a path that violated his conscience.

Yang Zhi's persistence also won him the respect and admiration of the people around him. In the market, many people witnessed his plight and his choices. They saw that Yang Zhi did not give in or compromise when facing the entanglement of evil forces such as Niu Er, but adhered to his principles and dignity. This image of integrity made people full of respect for Yang Zhi, and also left him with a good reputation among the people.

However, Yang Zhi's persistence did not bring him an improvement in his life, but made his situation more difficult. His integrity and unyielding made him a thorn in the side of those greedy and evil forces. They couldn't understand why Yang Zhi had to stick to such a difficult path, let alone accept the challenges his integrity brought to them. Therefore, they began to suppress and persecute Yang Zhi more fiercely, trying to force him to give up his persistence and join their ranks.

In the face of these pressures and challenges, Yang Zhi did not back down. He knew that once he gave up his principles, it meant that he had completely lost himself and lost the glory of his family. He would rather endure poverty and humiliation than have his soul tainted. This kind of perseverance, although his life is full of hardships, also makes his heart full of strength and courage.

Yang Zhi's story is a story about perseverance and choice. His experience shows us how a person sticks to his principles and dignity in the face of adversity, and how he maintains his integrity and courage in the face of adversity. His behavior, although particularly difficult in the social environment at the time, also showed the most glorious side of human nature. Yang Zhi's choice is not only a test for himself, but also a challenge for the whole society. With his actions, he proclaimed to the world that integrity and courage remain the most precious qualities of human beings, even in the darkest of times.

In the classic literary masterpiece "Water Margin", the Bianliang government turned a blind eye to Niu Er's evil deeds, a phenomenon that profoundly revealed the corruption and injustice of the society at that time. Niu Er, a ruffian hooligan, by virtue of his collusion with the government, was able to run rampant in the market and oppress the good. His existence has become a headache in Bianliang City, but the government has turned a deaf ear to it, and in some cases, even supported it.

This kind of inaction of the government not only allowed wicked people like Niu Er to get away with it, but also put good people like Yang Zhi in a desperate situation. Yang Zhi, an upright person, always adhered to his principles and dignity in the face of Niu Er's entanglement and provocation, and was unwilling to go along with him. However, his insistence did not receive the support and protection of the government, but because of the power behind Niu Er, Yang Zhi's situation became more difficult.

After reading the Water Margin again, I suddenly realized: it turned out that in Yang Zhi's knife selling, there was still an unspeakable truth of life

This attitude of the Bianliang government is the embodiment of the general tone of "chaos from above" in "Water Margin". In this work, government corruption and inaction are often the source of social unrest and chaos. When the government fails to enforce the law impartially and protect the rights and interests of the people, social order will be disrupted, the living space of good people will be squeezed, and evil people will be rampant.

What happened to Yang Zhi is a microcosm of many upright people in an unjust society. They face both moral and existential pressures to stand up to their principles and deal with threats and challenges from all sides. In this environment, good people often have no way out, and their integrity and bravery have become their weakness, making them more vulnerable to attacks and suppression by evil forces.

The government's inaction has also led to a deterioration in the social climate. Under the oppression of Niu Er, many originally kind people had to choose to swallow their anger, and some even had to give up their moral bottom line and join Niu Er's ranks in order to survive. This phenomenon has further exacerbated social injustice and turmoil, forming a vicious circle.

However, it is in this context that Yang Zhi's persistence is particularly valuable. His behavior, although it seemed powerless and lonely in the social environment of the time, showed the most glorious side of human nature. His integrity and bravery became a light in the darkness and illuminated the hope in people's hearts.

Yang Zhi's story allows us to see the struggle and helplessness of an upright person in an unjust society, and also allows us to see the general tone of "Water Margin" - doing it from above. This story not only makes us think about the moral choices of individuals and the just order of society, but also makes us reflect on how to build a more just and orderly social environment. In such an environment, everyone is able to live according to their conscience and principles without having to give up their dignity and faith because of outside pressure.

The living environment is an important factor in shaping an individual's behavior and choices. In "Water Margin", Yang Zhi's story vividly shows this. As a famous family, Yang Zhi has a deep understanding of the rules and etiquette of the upper class, but when he faces Gao Yu's humiliation, he feels unprecedented anger and helplessness. This emotion arose not only because of Gao Yu's insults, but also because Yang Zhi's living environment had changed fundamentally, and he had changed from a respected aristocrat to an ordinary person who needed to run for a living.

Yang Zhi's famous background made him feel a deep sense of powerlessness in the face of the injustice of the upper class. He knew that according to the rules of the upper class, he should be able to be treated with respect and fairness. However, the reality is cruel, and the rules he knows do not bring him the protection he deserves, but instead make him seem even more helpless in the face of humiliation. This kind of anger and helplessness is the direct impact of changes in the living environment on the individual's psychological and behavioral choices.

In the rivers and lakes, Yang Zhi's discomfort is particularly obvious. Although he is strong in martial arts, when facing a ruffian like Niu Er, his response is clumsy and powerless. This is not because of Yang Zhi's lack of ability, but because his living environment has changed, and he has changed from a nobleman who follows the rules to a person who needs to survive in the rivers and lakes. This change in circumstances requires him to adjust his behavior and choices to adapt to the new environment.

After reading the Water Margin again, I suddenly realized: it turned out that in Yang Zhi's knife selling, there was still an unspeakable truth of life

Yang Zhi's improper response to Niu Er reflects the profound influence of the living environment on personal behavior choices. In the face of Niu Er's entanglement and provocation, Yang Zhi instinctively chose to be patient and retreat, which was his instinctive reaction as a nobleman. However, in the more brutal environment of Jianghu, this way of coping did not win him respect, but made him appear more weak. The failure of this way of coping made Yang Zhi begin to reflect on his actions and choices, and he began to realize that in this environment, he needed to be tougher and more decisive.

The changes in the living environment forced Yang Zhi to re-examine his actions and choices. He began to learn how to survive in the rivers and lakes and how to deal with various characters. The process was challenging and painful, but it also allowed him to grow and adapt gradually. He began to learn how to be more flexible in dealing with situations while maintaining his principles.

Yang Zhi's story allows us to see the profound impact of the living environment on life choices. Individuals can behave and make very different choices in different contexts. In the face of the pressures and challenges of survival, individuals need to constantly adjust their behaviors and choices to adapt to changes in their environment. This process of adjustment, although full of pain and challenges, is also a necessary path for personal growth and progress.

Yang Zhi's experience also makes us think about how to make the right choice in different living environments. In the face of injustice and challenges, how can we stand up to our principles, and how can we be more flexible in dealing with various situations while maintaining dignity. These problems have a bearing not only on the survival and development of individuals, but also on social justice and progress. Through Yang Zhi's story, we can see that no matter what the environment, sticking to principles and responding flexibly are the keys to making the right choice.

Yang Zhi, born in a prominent and prestigious family, has received a good education and edification since childhood, and has a deep understanding and internalization of the rules and etiquette of the upper class. He knew how to behave as a nobleman and how to maintain the honor and dignity of his family. However, when faced with a powerful person like Gao Yu, a villain who abused power for personal gain and abused his power, the rules and principles that Yang Zhi adhered to became pale and powerless. Gao Yu's humiliation was not only an insult to Yang Zhi personally, but also a trampling on the family honor he cherished, which made Yang Zhi feel unprecedented anger and helplessness.

Yang Zhi's anger stems from his persistent pursuit of justice and fairness. He can't accept a social reality that oppresses people with power and reverses black and white. In his view, Gao Yu's behavior is a blatant provocation and destruction of the rules of the upper class. Yang Zhi's helplessness comes from his deep understanding of his inability to change reality. He understood that in this era of the preservacy, the principles and dignity he upheld seemed so fragile in the face of the powerful.

In the face of Gao Yu's humiliation, Yang Zhi's heart experienced a violent struggle. He wanted to stand up and defend his dignity and the honor of his family, but he also knew that doing so could cause him more trouble and even endanger the safety of his family. This kind of inner struggle made Yang Zhi feel deep powerlessness and pain. He began to reflect on whether the rules and principles he had always adhered to were really meaningful in the face of reality.

Yang Zhi's famous background makes his reaction to humiliation different from ordinary people. His actions and choices are not only out of personal dignity, but also out of the preservation of family honor. He knows that his words and deeds represent the image of the family, and any mistakes and improprieties may bring irreparable losses to the family. Therefore, in the face of humiliation, he has to think not only of personal dignity, but also of the reputation and future of his family.

After reading the Water Margin again, I suddenly realized: it turned out that in Yang Zhi's knife selling, there was still an unspeakable truth of life

However, Yang Zhi's consideration and concern were not understood and respected by Gao Yu. Gao Yu's humiliation is a blatant contempt for Yang Zhi's famous identity, and it is also a wanton trampling on the rules of the upper class. This humiliation made Yang Zhi feel deeply humiliated and angry. He began to realize that in this era of powerful people, the status of a famous family did not bring him the respect and protection he deserved, but became a burden and constraint for him.

Yang Zhi's story allows us to see the profound impact of the famous background and upper-level rules on personal behavior choices. In the face of humiliation and injustice, Yang Zhi's reaction and choice are not only out of personal dignity, but also out of the maintenance of family honor. His anger and helplessness are a profound reflection and protest against the injustice of reality. This story not only makes us think about the importance of personal dignity and family honor, but also makes us reflect on the fairness and justice of society, and how to stick to our principles and dignity under the pressure of reality.

Yang Zhi, after a famous family, grew up in a strict family education and aristocratic culture since childhood, and knew little about the rules and ways of survival of the rivers and lakes. When he was forced to step into the rivers and lakes due to the decline of his family, and faced an environment completely different from his own growth background, he felt deeply uncomfortable. Jianghu, a world full of variables and uncertainties, requires individuals to have flexible coping strategies and survival wisdom, which is precisely what Yang Zhi lacks.

In the rivers and lakes, Yang Zhi's discomfort is first manifested in his handling of interpersonal relationships. He was accustomed to the etiquette and rules of the upper class, and was accustomed to treating people with courtesy and fellowship with sincerity. However, in an environment dominated by strength and profit, these principles often do not apply. He found that his integrity and sincerity often did not earn him respect and understanding, but was sometimes seen as weak and bullied.

The improper response to Niu Er highlighted Yang Zhi's discomfort in the rivers and lakes. Niu Er, a typical gangster, is good at taking advantage of other people's weaknesses to blackmail and threaten. In the face of Niu Er's provocation and entanglement, Yang Zhi instinctively chose patience and concession, hoping to influence the other party through his integrity and persistence. However, this way of coping pales in front of Niu Er, which makes Niu Er even more unscrupulous.

Yang Zhi's inadaptability and inappropriate response reflect the profound influence of the living environment on personal behavior choices. In different living environments, individuals need to adjust their behavior patterns and coping strategies to adapt to the requirements of the environment. Yang Zhi's famous background and understanding of the rules of the upper class make him seem out of place in the face of the complex relationships and survival challenges of the rivers and lakes. His integrity and persistence have become his weaknesses in such an environment dominated by strength and interests.

However, Yang Zhi's failure to adapt is not his personal failure, but a test of his ability to adapt to changes in the living environment. In the face of changes in the living environment, everyone needs to continue to learn and adapt, and find a way to survive that suits them. Yang Zhi's experience allows us to see the process of an individual struggling and adapting to a new environment, and it also makes us think about how to maintain ourselves in an ever-changing environment, and at the same time learn to respond flexibly.

Yang Zhi's story also allows us to reflect on the impact of the living environment on individual behavioral choices. In different living environments, we need to adjust our behaviors and choices according to different environmental characteristics and requirements. This is not only a survival wisdom, but also an art of living. Through Yang Zhi's experience, we can see that adapting to the environment does not mean giving up on oneself, but learning to deal with life's challenges more flexibly and wisely on the basis of maintaining one's own principles.

After reading the Water Margin again, I suddenly realized: it turned out that in Yang Zhi's knife selling, there was still an unspeakable truth of life

Yang Zhi's discomfort in the rivers and lakes and his improper response to Niu Er are a microcosm of the influence of the living environment on personal behavior choices. His experience reminds us that in the face of changes in the living environment, we need to keep learning and adapting, and find a way to survive that suits us. At the same time, we also need to learn to deal with life's challenges more flexibly and wisely on the basis of maintaining our own principles. Only in this way can we find our place in the ever-changing environment and realize our self-worth and the meaning of existence.

Wu Song and Song Jiang, the two heroes of "Water Margin", although they also face injustices and challenges, their backgrounds, personalities and coping strategies are very different. Wu Song, born at the bottom, has rich life experience, and has a deep understanding and coping strategies for various characters and behaviors in the rivers and lakes. Song Jiang was born into a family of eunuchs, had a high social status and wisdom, and was good at using words and strategies to solve problems.

Wu Song's background and experience make him have a natural sensitivity and ability to deal with Niu Er's playful behavior. As a grassroots at the bottom, Wu Song is well aware of the hardships of survival, and also understands that in order to gain a foothold in the rivers and lakes, he must have a certain amount of wit and decisiveness. In the face of Niu Er's provocation and entanglement, Wu Song will not respond passively like Yang Zhi, but will adopt a more active and direct strategy. He may use his strength and courage to directly confront Niu Er, showing strength that should not be underestimated, so as to deter the other party and protect his own interests.

Wu Song's coping strategy reflects his survival wisdom and courage as a low-level person. He knows that in such an environment as the jungle, only by showing enough strength and determination can he win the respect and awe of others. Therefore, when faced with injustices and challenges, Wu Song is always able to respond quickly and take effective measures to protect the rights and interests of himself and the weak.

Unlike Wu Song, Song Jiang's coping strategy is more reflected in his wisdom and social status. Song Jiang was born in a family of eunuchs, received a good education, and had a high cultural literacy and social status. He is adept at using his wits and words to solve problems, rather than simply relying on force. In the face of a splash like Niu Er, Song Jiang may take a more tactful and strategic approach. He may use his social connections and influence to negotiate, negotiate and even make strategic threats to force Niu Er to back down and achieve his own goals.

Song Jiang's coping strategy reflects his wit and tactfulness as the son of an official eunuch. He knows that in a complex social environment, it is often difficult to solve problems by force alone, and wisdom and strategy are the keys to victory. Therefore, when facing challenges, Song Jiang is always able to calmly analyze the situation and use his wisdom and resources to find the best solution.

Wu Song and Song Jiang's different coping strategies reflect their respective backgrounds and personality traits. Wu Song's directness and decisiveness reflect the survival wisdom and courage of the people at the bottom; Song Jiang's tactfulness and wisdom reflect the wit and strategy of the children of the eunuchs. These two different coping strategies are the best choices they make in the face of injustice and challenges, according to their own conditions and circumstances.

The story of Wu Song and Song Jiang allows us to see the different choices and coping methods of people with different origins and personalities when facing problems. Their experiences have taught us that whether through strength and courage, or through wisdom and strategy, the key is to find what works for you, to solve problems effectively, and to protect your own rights and the interests of others. At the same time, their stories also make us think about how we can play to our strengths and deal with life's challenges and injustices in different environments and conditions.

After reading the Water Margin again, I suddenly realized: it turned out that in Yang Zhi's knife selling, there was still an unspeakable truth of life

Wu Song, as a representative of the grassroots at the bottom, has a rich and colorful life experience, from fighting tigers to being forced to flee, and finally joining Liangshan, his life is full of twists and turns and challenges. In the face of Niu Er's playful behavior, Wu Song has his own unique understanding and coping strategies. He will not be led by Yang Zhi like him, but will be able to find a solution to the problem with his wisdom and courage.

Wu Song's background and experience gave him a deep understanding of the laws of survival in the lower society. He knows that in this world, the law of the jungle is the unchanging truth. Niu Er, such a pimp, took advantage of this to maintain his survival by bullying the weak and blackmailing. Wu Song has a clear understanding of this, and he knows that if he wants to survive in this world, he must show enough strength and determination.

In the face of Niu Er's provocation, Wu Song would not choose to endure or retreat. He knows that once he shows weakness, he will give the other party an opportunity. Therefore, he will act decisively and show his strength and courage. Wu Song's martial arts are strong, and he is confident enough to subdue Niu Er in a head-on conflict. At the same time, Wu Song also knows how to use psychological tactics to deter the other party and make the other party retreat through a tough attitude and decisive actions.

Wu Song's response strategy is not limited to the display of force. He is also intelligent and resourceful, and is able to flexibly adjust his response to different situations. When necessary, Wu Song will also choose to outwit and win, using his observation and judgment to find the opponent's weaknesses, and then hit with one blow. This kind of wisdom and wit allows Wu Song to be more calm and confident when facing a splash like Niu Er.

Wu Song's coping strategy is closely related to his background and experience. As a grassroots worker, he grew up in a difficult environment and learned how to survive and thrive in the face of adversity. This experience has given him the will to persevere and the courage to face challenges. At the same time, Wu Song also knows that if you want to gain a foothold in the bottom society, you must have a certain amount of wisdom and strategy. Therefore, when faced with problems, he is always able to make quick judgments and take effective countermeasures.

Wu Song's story allows us to see the tenacity and wisdom of a grassroots in the face of injustice and challenges. His coping strategy is not only an effective counterattack to Niu Er's playful behavior, but also a firm defense of his right to live. Wu Song's experience tells us that no matter what difficulties and challenges we face, we should not give up our dignity and rights. Through wisdom and courage, we can always find a way to solve problems and defend our own interests.

Wu Song's coping strategies also make us think about how to give full play to our strengths and deal with challenges and injustices in life under different environments and conditions. Everyone's background and experience are different, but we can all be like Wu Song, through continuous learning and practice, improve our ability and wisdom, and find our own coping strategies. Only in this way can we maintain our position and realize our own value in a complex and ever-changing world.

Song Jiang, as an important figure in "Water Margin", is known for his outstanding wisdom and profound human sophistication. He was born in a family of eunuchs, received a good education since childhood, and has unique insights into the rules of society and the grasp of people's hearts. In the face of problems and challenges, Song Jiang is more inclined to use his social status and wisdom to solve problems through words and strategies, rather than taking extreme or direct actions.

After reading the Water Margin again, I suddenly realized: it turned out that in Yang Zhi's knife selling, there was still an unspeakable truth of life

Song Jiang's social status provided him with favorable conditions to solve problems. As a member of the government, he is familiar with the operation and rules of officialdom, and knows how to use his influence and connections to achieve his goals. In the face of a scoundrel like Niu Er, Song Jiang would not choose to sell knives like Yang Zhi, nor would he directly solve the problem by force like Wu Song. He is more likely to find the right way and method to solve problems in a more tactful and strategic way through his social connections.

Song Jiang's wisdom is reflected in the way he handles problems. He is good at observation and analysis, able to gain insight into people's hearts and grasp the crux of the problem. In the confrontation with Niu Er, Song Jiang may use his words and eloquence to persuade people, or guide the other party through clever words to make them abandon their original intentions on their own. Song Jiang knows that words are sometimes more powerful than force, and can hit people's hearts and change the thoughts and behaviors of others.

In addition, Song Jiang's strategic thinking is also an important weapon for him to solve problems. He does not reveal his intentions lightly, but will develop detailed plans and strategies depending on the situation. When confronted with Niu Er's problem, Song Jiang may first gather information, understand the other party's background and weaknesses, and then design a plan that can not only solve the problem, but also protect his reputation. His tactics may include exploiting the greed or fear of the other party, or intervening through a third party to achieve his own ends.

Song Jiang's way of dealing with problems not only reflects his wisdom and strategy, but also reflects his personality charm. He has always been able to navigate complex interpersonal relationships and solve problems with minimal cost and risk. This ability made him unique among the heroes of Liangshan and won the respect and trust of everyone.

Song Jiang's story shows us the important role of social status and wisdom in solving problems. His experience tells us that in the face of problems and challenges, we must not only have courage and strength, but also wisdom and strategy. By making reasonable use of our resources and advantages, we can solve problems more effectively and protect our own interests.

Song Jiang's coping strategy also makes us think about how to maintain our own positions and principles in a complex social environment. In the face of injustice and challenges, we should not be blindly impulsive, but should calmly analyze and use wisdom and strategy to deal with them. Only in this way can we find the best solutions in complex interpersonal and social environments to achieve our goals and values.

Song Jiang, as a wise man and leader among the heroes of Liangshan, is famous in the rivers and lakes for his deep resourcefulness and sleek hand. Not only does he know how to understand people's hearts, but he also knows how to use his wisdom and strategy to achieve his goals. In the face of a scoundrel like Niu Er, Song Jiang will not choose simple and crude violent methods, but will use his own strategies and means to subdue or use Niu Er to serve his own purposes.

Song Jiang's wisdom is reflected in his deep understanding and application of human nature. He knows that everyone has their own weaknesses and desires, and as long as they find the right entry point, they can influence and even control a person's behavior. When encountering Niu Er, Song Jiang may first find out Niu Er's weaknesses and desires through observation and understanding. Then, he will skillfully use this information, either to lure with benefits or to intimidate with threats, so that Niu Er willingly becomes his pawn.

After reading the Water Margin again, I suddenly realized: it turned out that in Yang Zhi's knife selling, there was still an unspeakable truth of life

Song Jiang's strategy is also reflected in his interpersonal and communication skills. He is good at words and is able to say appropriate and persuasive words according to different people and occasions. In the exchange with Niu Er, Song Jiang may show his affinity and charm, building trust and closeness through words, making Niu Er feel respected and valued. At the same time, Song Jiang will also skillfully guide the topic, so that Niu Er unconsciously accepts his influence and control.

In stark contrast to Song Jiang's wisdom and strategy is Gao Yu's sense of threat. Gao Yu, as the image of a traitor in "Water Margin", his sense of threat to Song Jiang stems from the essential similarity of the two - unscrupulous means to achieve the goal. Gao Yu was well aware of Song Jiang's wisdom and ability, and also realized that Song Jiang's methods and strategies might pose a threat to his position and interests. This sense of threat is not only a fear of Song Jiang personally, but also a fear of the wisdom and strategy that Song Jiang represents.

In "Water Margin", the unscrupulous means to achieve the end are a recurring theme. Whether it is Song Jiang's resourcefulness or Gao Yu's treachery, they are all using various means for their own goals and interests. This theme reflects the complexity and contradictions of human nature, but also reveals the cruelty and injustice of social reality. Under this theme, the images of Song Jiang and Gao Yu form a stark contrast, and also provoke readers to think deeply about morality, justice and human nature.

Song Jiang's strategy and Gao Yu's sense of threat are not only confrontations and contests between individuals, but also the collision of two different values and outlooks on life. Although Song Jiang will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, his original intention is for justice and brotherhood, and there is a deep emotional and moral support behind his actions. Gao Yu, on the other hand, is for personal power and status, and behind his actions is driven by selfishness and greed. This contrast allows us to see the differences and conflicts between different ends and means, and also makes us think about how to stick to our principles and beliefs under the pressure of reality.

Song Jiang's story shows us the important role of wisdom and strategy in solving problems. His experience has taught us that in the face of complex interpersonal relationships and social realities, we need to have deep insight and excellent communication skills in order to navigate various challenges. At the same time, Song Jiang's story also makes us think about how to stick to our moral bottom line in the process of achieving our goals, and how to maintain our personality and dignity under the pressure of reality. Through Song Jiang's wisdom and strategies, we can learn how to find balance in the real world and achieve our goals and values.

Song Jiang, known as "timely rain" by the people of the rivers and lakes, is known for his deep wisdom and skill in making good connections. If he encounters a scoundrel like Niu Er, he will never resort to force like an ordinary martial artist, but will use his wisdom and strategy to skillfully subdue or use Niu Er.

First of all, Song Jiang will grasp Niu Er's personality characteristics and behavioral habits through observation and understanding. He knows that everyone's actions have their motives and desires, and as long as you find these key points, you can find the key to solving the problem. Although Niu Er is skinny, he is also a human being, and he also has his own weaknesses and needs. Song Jiang will use this information to develop a corresponding strategy.

Secondly, Song Jiang will use his words and communication skills to establish a superficial friendship with Niu Er. He will treat each other with courtesy, even at the expense of small favors, so that Niu Er feels respected and valued. In the process, Song Jiang will gradually win Niu Er's trust, making him let down his vigilance, making it easier to accept Song Jiang's influence and control.

After reading the Water Margin again, I suddenly realized: it turned out that in Yang Zhi's knife selling, there was still an unspeakable truth of life

Then, Song Jiang will formulate a specific utilization plan according to the characteristics and needs of Niu Er. If Niu Er is greedy for money, Song Jiang may provide some benefits and let Niu Er do things for himself; If Niu Er is lustful, Song Jiang may use beauty to tempt Niu Er and make him submit. In this process, Song Jiang is always able to flexibly adjust his strategy according to different situations to achieve the best results.

In addition, Song Jiang will also use his social status and network resources to provide some practical help or protection for Niu Er. He knew that mere lure or threats of intimidation could make it difficult to control a person for a long time. Therefore, he will make Niu Er feel his value and importance through practical actions, so that he can serve himself even more desperately.

Song Jiang's strategy reflects his wisdom and tactfulness. He is always able to work out the most appropriate response plan according to different people and situations. He will not blindly use tough methods, but will use soft strategies to overcome rigidity with softness and achieve twice the result with half the effort.

At the same time, Song Jiang's strategy also reflects his personality charm and leadership. He is able to convince people with virtue and outwit him, so that the people around him will willingly follow him. This kind of leadership not only made Song Jiang unique among the heroes of Liangshan, but also allowed him to win widespread respect and trust in the rivers and lakes.

If Song Jiang meets Niu Er, his coping strategy is not only to subdue or use Niu Er, but also to show his wisdom and strategy. In this way, he proved his ability and worth to the world, and also showed the world a different way of solving problems than traditional force.

Song Jiang's story shows us the important role of wisdom and strategy in solving problems. His experience has taught us that in the face of complex interpersonal relationships and social realities, we need to have deep insight and excellent communication skills in order to navigate various challenges. At the same time, Song Jiang's story also makes us think about how to stick to our principles and beliefs under the pressure of reality, and how to maintain our personality and dignity in the process of achieving our goals. Through Song Jiang's wisdom and strategies, we can learn how to find balance in the real world and achieve our goals and values.

In "Water Margin", an epic depicting reckless heroes, the antagonistic relationship between Gao Yu and Song Jiang is not only a simple contradiction between an official and a thief, but also a deeper reflection of the similarity of the two characters in personality and behavior - unscrupulous means to achieve the goal. This similarity constitutes Gao Yu's deep sense of threat to Song Jiang, and it is also a recurring theme throughout the work.

In the process of leading Liangshan, Song Jiang used strategies and stratagems many times to unite the originally scattered reckless heroes around him, forming a powerful force. His methods include, but are not limited to, exploiting human weaknesses, using psychological tactics, and even sacrificing the interests of individual brothers in order to maximize the whole. This style of acting has a striking resemblance to Gao Yu's behavior in the court.

Gao Yu's sense of threat to Song Jiang stems from the fact that he knows Song Jiang's wisdom and methods. He knew that Song Jiang had the ability to subvert the existing order and challenge his power. What made Gao Yu even more uneasy was that Song Jiang had a very high reputation among the people, and his benevolence and righteousness won the love of many people. This kind of prestige and influence is something that Gao Yu does not have, and it is also what he fears the most.

At the same time, Gao Yu also realized that Song Jiang's unscrupulous means were not without principles. Although Song Jiang's behavior was sometimes unexpected, he always adhered to his loyalty to his brother and the pursuit of justice. This principled nature makes Song Jiang's behavior sometimes seem cruel, but in the hearts of the heroes and people of Liangshan, he is still a trustworthy leader.

Gao Yu's sense of threat to Song Jiang also reflects an important theme in "Water Margin": the corrosion of power and the complexity of human nature. In a game of power, whether it is a high-ranking official of the imperial court or a reckless hero, he may do whatever it takes to achieve an end. This similarity reveals the dark side of human nature, and also makes people think more deeply about morality and justice.

In the narrative of "Water Margin", the confrontation between Gao Yu and Song Jiang is not only a struggle between individuals, but also a collision of two values and two ways of life. Gao Yu represents the corruption of the imperial court and the arrogance of power, while Song Jiang represents the rebellion of the people and the pursuit of justice. The antagonism between the two was actually a reflection and criticism of the social contradictions at that time.

Gao Yu's sense of threat to Song Jiang, as well as the essential similarity between the two, constitute a fascinating narrative thread in "Water Margin". It not only adds tension and depth to the story, but also gives people a richer and more three-dimensional understanding of power, morality and human nature. Through the stories of Gao Yu and Song Jiang, we can see that in the complex social relations and the struggle of human nature, everyone has the potential to become the kind of person they once opposed, and how to stick to their inner principles and how to maintain their true nature under the pressure of reality are problems that everyone needs to face and think about.