
Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

author:Eat grapes and love skins

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In 1971, the streets of Xi'an were so wide that there were already old trams on the roads. People live at a slower pace and are hopeful for the future.

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

In 1972, in a commune middle school in Beijing, there were portraits of leaders hanging in front of the classrooms, and the students were dressed very dirty, but people's thirst for knowledge was very strong.

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

In 1978, there were already high-rise buildings in Shanghai, and there was a propaganda wall that read "Our friends are all over the world", and there were young friends from five continents. People are smiling, arms up, and confident about tomorrow.

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

However, if only one child is born, it may not be a son, so a large number of "superborn guerrillas" appeared in the mainland rural areas in the eighties and nineties. In order to give birth to a son, they fled to distant relatives to have a baby.

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

In 1947, at Taer Monastery in Qinghai, monks were playing Buddhist music

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

In the late Qing Dynasty, a Chinese patrolling in the British Concession stood on the side of the street to maintain law and order.

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

The Daxiong Treasure Hall of Nengren Temple in Baiyun Mountain. The Daxiong Treasure Hall is the main hall of a Buddhist temple dedicated to Lord Nyolai. The Daxiong Treasure Hall here is a bit typical of Lingnan architectural style, which is more delicate and exquisite.

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

In Dazhai in the 70s of the last century, agricultural mechanization has begun to emerge, which is a bulldozer in a joint operation.

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

Old photo of Yuelu Academy, which is one of the famous "Four Great Academies" in ancient China, is now located on the campus of Hunan University.

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

In 1989, in Sanjiang Dong Autonomous County, Liuzhou, Guangxi, a little sister was planting seedlings. However, it feels a little weird, Xiaobian is from Jiangxi, planting seedlings when he was a child, and there must be an empty field behind his feet, but this picture is full of seedlings.

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

At that time, instant noodles could not be said to be a luxury food, but they didn't seem to be eaten just as much as you wanted. Now instant noodles have become our most common and simplest food, but youth is the most luxurious thing that will never return!

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

It is hard to forget the excitement and apprehension of walking into the classroom for the first time, the joy of learning a new word, the pothole desk and wooden piers, the paper airplanes flying all over the sky, the syringe and the small hair spraying each other, the four corners between classes, the sweetness of the well water on campus, the excitement of reading the scores during the winter vacation, the pens and work notebooks issued by the award certificate on stage, and the beautiful memories.

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

vanishing cream

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

Satin quilt satin cotton quilt, see these full of memories, parents are such a festive quilt when they get married, at that time the quilt face, the quality of the mattress is particularly good, the touch feels good, the cover is also comfortable, the quality is also very good, it is not an exaggeration to say that it can be covered for a lifetime.

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

It feels very intimate, the era I have experienced, at that time people were really very simple. At that time, although the standard of living was not high, the pressure of life was relatively small.

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

When I was a child, my mother took me to a relative's house to play, and my aunt gave me three bubble gums, which were wrapped in paper on the picture and paid by Shanghai Tianshan Muslim Candy Factory, for three cents each. At that time, I was happy like I had won the jackpot today, and I always felt that my aunt was too good on the way home. I remember that this bubble gum is quite long, and we ate it in several parts at that time, and we were reluctant to eat it all. At that time, bubble gum smelled very good, a piece could be blown for a week, and if it was not blown and pasted on the paper on the wall, I wanted to blow it and continue to blow it, but I was reluctant to throw it away. Now bubblegum doesn't have the taste of childhood. It's as if there's still a lingering aroma in the mouth. I miss it so much!

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

When I was a kid, my favorite thing was the nature class! The mysteries of endlessness! This is a textbook I studied when I was a child, and the illustrations in it are so familiar. Full of memories, my favorite ones used to be "Nature" and "History". This is the textbook I used when I was in elementary school, and this textbook was one of the first I used, a childhood memory. I really want to go back and read the book again, this time I must take it seriously and understand what I don't understand. I've used this textbook, and you remind me of my elementary school days, it's been 41 years.

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

The ball is a very memorable toy, and I was accompanied by such a balloon in my childhood, which was really happy at the time, because it is not easy for children in the countryside to play with the ball.

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

In most old Qing Dynasty photographs, it was difficult to capture a smiling photograph due to the extremely slow exposure of cameras at the time, but this one seems to be an exception, with the family on board smiling naturally.

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

kerosene stove,

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

The streets of Hangzhou in 1945 are not only not as good as the current county seat, but even the current villages are more developed than in the photos.

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

Twenty-eight bar bicycle 83 years admitted to high school, the father rewarded a parrot bicycle, green, 168 yuan Saturday compulsory class to wash the bicycle!

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

150 years ago, an old man rode in a sedan chair carried by four people

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

The use of fire blankets is relatively more suitable for family use than fire extinguishers, and will not affect the family environment, especially dry powder fire extinguishers pollute the environment. The fire blanket is different, open the fire blanket and you will open two very eye-catching black straps, pull the straps with both hands to pull out, and then directly cover the fire blanket on the location of the fire. Therefore, from the perspective of operation, it is relatively convenient and fast.

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

In July 1982, Shanghai's first overpass was opened on the Bund on Yan'an East Road, with a traffic volume of up to 40,000 people in one hour.

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

The meat has a meaty taste. At that time, oil should be put when frying back to the pot meat, and you can smell the fragrance of frying a piece of back pot meat for hundreds of meters. Now stir-frying the meat back in the pan will fry a lot of oil. Sometimes the oil can submerge the meat slices, but the flavor is lacking.

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable


Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

This is the famous writer Zhao Shuli, whose masterpiece is "Little Erhei Marriage".

Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

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Old photos from the 70s: everyone is full of passion, and the years are unbearable

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