
Chang'e-6 took 1935.3 grams of lunar soil and distributed it to 18 countries! The United States and South Korea: Where to put this face?

author:A Jiu Ke Review

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Chang'e-6 took 1935.3 grams of lunar soil and distributed it to 18 countries! The United States and South Korea: Where to put this face?

The commercial passenger capacity of the C919 large aircraft is only the tip of the iceberg of China's technological rise. When the 'important weapon of the country' comes out one after another, do you realize that a new era of scientific and technological power has arrived?

Chang'e-6 took 1935.3 grams of lunar soil and distributed it to 18 countries! The United States and South Korea: Where to put this face?

The advent of these heavy weapons was not achieved overnight, and behind them was the condensation of countless efforts and hardships of Chinese scientific research workers. Take C919 as an example, this is a large aircraft that the Chinese people have been looking forward to for decades!

A thunderclap directly frightened Boeing and Airbus, and China finally bid farewell to the dilemma of "no large aircraft" and became the third country after the United States and Europe to master the core technology of large aircraft.

Chang'e-6 took 1935.3 grams of lunar soil and distributed it to 18 countries! The United States and South Korea: Where to put this face?

More powerful is still to come, the C929 wide-body large aircraft is in full swing development, with a length of more than 60 meters, which can compete with Boeing 787 and Airbus A330. Now Lao Mei should really panic, I am afraid that the cake of the aviation market will be taken by us for an extra piece of the pie.

Look at the shield machine, in the past subway construction, we have no choice but to use imported goods, one will be hundreds of millions, and it will be troublesome at every turn! Nowadays, the self-developed shield machine has become an "Internet celebrity", not to mention that the cool technology catches up with foreign countries, the key is that the cost is greatly reduced, which can be described as a "killer feature" to defeat foreign goods!

Chang'e-6 took 1935.3 grams of lunar soil and distributed it to 18 countries! The United States and South Korea: Where to put this face?

What's more gratifying is that Made in China occupies 60% of the global market, and it seems that it is about to sit firmly on the throne of "Super Digging King".

The key is that these breakthroughs are not short-lived, but comprehensive progress in comprehensive strength under the innovation-driven strategy. "Pearl-level" equipment like heavy-duty gas turbines was originally a "foreigner's patent", but now China is a blockbuster, GT series has achieved a number of world-class breakthroughs, and its performance has beaten foreign countries, and even Russia has placed an order for 20 units! Is the feeling of this "explosion of the audience" refreshing?

Chang'e-6 took 1935.3 grams of lunar soil and distributed it to 18 countries! The United States and South Korea: Where to put this face?

There is also the more strategically important aero engine, known as the "heart" of the aircraft. From CJ1000 to the upcoming CJ2000, AECC's footsteps are sonorous and powerful, from "imitation" to "independent innovation", and finally get the autonomy of the "heart" of large aircraft! What's even better is that you don't have to look at other people's faces anymore, from now on, you can fly when you want to fly, stop when you want, cool!

Is there also a "Beidou map" installed on your mobile phones? That's right, this is the Chinese version of "GPS", and the positioning accuracy and reliability far exceed that of American products.

Chang'e-6 took 1935.3 grams of lunar soil and distributed it to 18 countries! The United States and South Korea: Where to put this face?

With the Beidou satellite navigation system, say goodbye to the tragic experience of "passive slaughter". Now the number of Beidou users has exceeded 100 million, and the average daily traffic has exceeded 1 billion, how magnificent this is! The "C position" of the global navigation market will be Beidou's sooner or later!

Back then, the "no man's land" of deep-sea oil extraction was unimaginable. After ten years of grinding and "drilling", now relying on independent innovation, China has not only mastered a complete set of core technologies, but also ranked first in the world in terms of the scale of offshore oil and gas projects! Since then, "Deep Blue" is no longer a mysterious forbidden place, but an important barrier for energy security. China, a well-deserved "deep-sea oil production power"!

Chang'e-6 took 1935.3 grams of lunar soil and distributed it to 18 countries! The United States and South Korea: Where to put this face?

So in the end, the editor would like to ask: when the figure of "Made in China" is all over the blue sky, the sea, and the underground, and when one after another "important weapons of the country" shine on the world stage, should foreigners reflect on how long can the so-called myth of scientific and technological hegemony be maintained? Having said that, isn't it because of the spirit of self-reliance and hard work that we have today? In the next ten years, we will continue to work hard to achieve breakthroughs from "0 to 1" in more fields! What do you think?

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